
Wayfinder Dev Tracker

31 Aug


This is gonna be fixed in our next season.

29 Aug


Originally posted by justdafty

o7 did you EVEr used to fly dangerously?

Glory to Gallente.

28 Aug


Melee checking in o7 lol


The entire point of the chests and the bar at the top is to fill it to get 3 bonus rewards. It’s meant to slow down players as it can be some good stuff.

27 Aug


Anything purchased from the shop on one platform will carry over to the other. Your wallet balance will not though.


Originally posted by RykerSixx

No problem, even upgraded to exalted to show support. That said I can’t figure out where the tower compass would be located. Feel like it should be in key items tab but I got no clue if I have it or not right now.

The tower compass is not in the game right now due to a last minute issue. We’ll be adding it in with the upcoming patch AND you’ll automatically get your 5% Reward Tower XP retroactively so play away!


Originally posted by RykerSixx

I’m one of the people who actually change my review when stuff changes. If everyone who couldn’t get in went back and changed their review it would look much better. Really sucks the early access launch was so rough server wise.

Appreciate it.


We will be adjusting this fight in our first patch.


It’s not a developer run sub. Source: I am the marketing + engagement Director and I have no mod powers.

26 Aug

    Markus on Steam - Thread - Direct
We are incredibly relieved to announce that our various server related issues have been addressed allowing players to play almost instantly with essentially no queue!

The team has been working non-stop this past week to address the #1 player concern - Server stability and queue wait times.

While we continue to make various network optimizations behind the scenes, we are excited to start turning our focus to the main goal of our Early Access period, making improvement to the game, its systems, player balance and bug squashing.

If you tried to play Wayfinder earlier this week and were discouraged by lengthy queues and connectivity issues, we humbly invite you back.

The player compensation packages will be announced next week. This will be granted to all players who had previously played the game whether you had no issue getting in... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    [AS] SOLIDAge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We are regularly updating our community on server issues, patches and more on our discord. Join today!

Currently the Steam Discussion boards are not monitored by the Airship or Digital Extreme’s staff. While this could change in the future all discussion and update notices from the devs will be on Discord


25 Aug


Originally posted by awayfromcanuck

Jesus Christ. You white knighters need to realize you're as bad for the growing community as you are as the ridiculous haters that only comment hate on the game. Frankly the game should never have gone to a paid EA without an open beta. Open betas are used all the time to test their servers and networks, what was the reason for not running a single open beta?

A paid early access is NOT an excuse for a barely playable game. People wanting refunds for it due to how the game launched and has been up until last night are completely valid in their requests. Just because you are okay with it doesn't mean others should be okay with it. As long as they aren't spreading hate about it, it's fine.

While the queue issues have been addressed and fixed, there are still a huge pile of issues that need to be addressed for the game to be playable CONSISTENTLY. There are now stability issues and disconnect issues plaguing the game.

I also take issue with developers communicat...

Read more

Discord has the highest number of members, just under 80k compared to other social channels like twitter with 22k, it’s why we post our server updates there.

We hope you try the game again as we have eliminated the queue and have drastically i increased our capacity.


Not only have we been in Discord and telling people their options for refunds, we also posted it as a thread in the guides section that I personally pinned that shows how to contact them even if you have over 2 hours in the game and are not satisfied with our progress.


23 Aug


Originally posted by BillClington

I hope they address how those with "httpFailure" error can only login via VPN. This is not okay.

This seems to be an issue with your ISP / internet provider is blocking access to certain protocols that the game is trying to reach. What region are you in?


Originally posted by NeoZerxes

Ps5 does not have an update and I cant log in even after doing the queue 3 times now, first time I cant log in and keep getting an error that says "Matchmaking ticket time out" something along those lines. Is this a Ps5 thing? Is anyone on the Ps5 logged in rn?

There is no update at this time, the post has since been edited. You should be able to log in like normal.


Originally posted by Redthrist

Honestly, if they implement that grace period after disconnects, the game will be fine. It's annoying to be disconnected, but mostly because you have to sit through queue again.

This grace period will be in tomorrow.

22 Aug


Originally posted by LlamaManLuke

I find it less than impressive that the last update post from AS was 3 days ago. Should be one of these DAILY

We try to post hourly in our discord server’s server status channel. Check out updates there.

21 Aug


Originally posted by AffectionateYam2926

Any more updates of actual fixes not just saying sorry as your pockets still lined and players have nothing wasted hours of REAL LIFE time and cost workers holidays but sure a sorry and no more updateing player base is great start for company lol

We’ve been posting constant updates about every hour in Discord and a few times a day on Twitter when we have news to share.


Originally posted by LlamaManLuke

Can you explain to us the FUNCTIONAL difference between the game being capped at 10k users, and the game being instable and unplayable when it gets over 10k players? Because either way it sounds a lot like there's a hard limit to how many players you can handle at the same time

Sure. We have a ton of data at our disposal and we are constantly looking at it. it’s a balancing act of loading in more players and keeping those servers stable. When we operated above 10K on one day (i don’t even remember at this point) we were seeing way disconnects, more disruptions, more crashed servers and more player issues than a previous baseline of 10k that showed minimal disruptions. yes players still had issues thats’ the nature of the beast but it was far lower at this capacity due to how the database was talking to the game server which was talking to login servers which was talking to authentication etc etc.

In order to make the game more stable to the vast majority of players we adjusted them down to 10k.