League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

22 Jan


Originally posted by Broly_27

I’m at a 55.5% win rate in D3 and am struggling to climb with a +10/-15 lp per game. I feel like one of the biggest flaws with the gains is that it doesn’t take into account how well you play.

So for example if the game thinks I belong in Emerald and therefore matches me against Emeralds and expects me to win which is fair, however I will also have Emeralds on my own team and then each game just becomes a dice toss of which team gets the better Emerald players since if I go 16/2 or 2/16 I will still get -15 lp if I can’t carry. I’m usually the only Diamond player on my own team. My tag is Dork#3094 if you want to see yourself

Are there any plans to at least make MMR visible so we can see gains after a win/loss? The worst feeling is being in a win streak, being 10/2 up and still losing a winnable game and getting -15lp for it

We are definitely talking about ways to consider match fairness and contribution in the VP gain outcome. The goal would be to make the update at the end of the match feel more fair, while at the same time making sure the ranks were still accurate.

I can tell you that, looking at your own match history over the last 120 ranked games, the balance of rank and MMR between you and your opponents has been really even, so you've had a pretty fair schedule as it were.

If you are getting -15/+10 then that does mean your Rank is above your MMR right now. Looking at your history, your MMR is on a bit of low swing (which is normal, everyone's oscillates up and down a bit), but it tends to sit around the Diamond IV area on average.


Originally posted by firetothegreenrain

Actually, quick question, what points should you gain or lose if your MMR is in the D4 range?

I’ve seen users reporting +11/-14 +10/-15 and I’ve experienced +15/-10 but nothing else.

What should you gain / lose if you’re actually in the D4 by MMR. At least then we can tell we are there.

The range of possibilities for all Diamond is everything from -15 to +15.

The way to tell where your rank is relative to your MMR anywhere Diamond+ is:

  • If gains and losses are similar, your Rank is at or very near your MMR.
  • If you gain more than you lose, your Rank is below your MMR.
  • If you lose more than you gain, your Rank is above your MMR

So if your MMR is in the D4 range, and you are also D4, then you would see your gains be similar to your losses. Around +/- 12 or 13.

Keep in mind it's not just your tier, but your exact VP. So your MMR could map to Diamond II 50. So when you are below 50 you will net positive, and when you pass 50 it will swap the other way. Like, +13/-12, then to +12/-13. So change can happen within a rank.

21 Jan


Originally posted by John__Gotti

but why most of the games are dominated by one of the teams and when you look at the players' accounts after the defeat ... it's a miracle, the winning team in 99% of cases had better ranks and statistics, but the mmr matchmaker did not notice and compared it.

And once again, ranked mode is not about fair matches, it's about the path from rank A to rank Z and the difficulty should depend on how far the player has gone and the rank of the real strength of the players. Thats how players feel it, no matter what you try to explain, this is classic, this is a natural process.

Popular games? HoK is the best and most successful mobile moba, they have rank-based mm and almost no complaints, although the player base is dozens of times higher (maybe hundreds).

A player who left is a lack of information, all you see is survivorship bias. You will not know by looking at the monitor why the player does not return to the game

People play actively, but ang...

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To your first point, that is not what we see in the data. That happens sometimes, but it is by far not the rule. If two teams have the same MMR, it doesn't matter what their ranks are consistently in millions of millions of data points. So what you are seeing is likely confirmation bias.

To your second point, we are going to have to disagree. Data shows clearly that heavily unfair matches definitely lead to players leaving the game, and this is very consistent across millions and millions of matches and players. So, again, this is likely your own personal bias, and is not established in the data. You may not be a player that will quit because of this, but others will.


Originally posted by John__Gotti

you know, if a person has won enough to get some rank , then this means that he deserved this rank. It seems to me that you have no right to judge that his level is lower(randomly luck (c)). You're just devaluing a person's victories.

The whole problem comes from the fact that you are stuck in fair matches, and after all, the ranked mode is not about fair matches, but about overcoming ranks with increasing difficulty. You never get the understanding of the players, you went against nature, you point out to the players that they are weak and their victories meant nothing, you give them trials in which they do not understand what to do if they want to fix everything. You create conditions in which accounts are doomed (after all, fixing the LP is difficult, you need sooooo many matches or seasons, right?).

Think about the experience of the players. Stop playing judge. The top list will not suffer if you care so much about it. Everything works very badly, oh,...

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Because of how the ranking system works in lower ranks, it is possible for players of almost any skill to eventually work their way into lower Diamond. It becomes harder and harder, but is still possible, and definitely does happen due to random luck and/or being carried.

It's also very easy in the data to identify which players are which. All we have to do is see which value better predicts whether or not they will win their next match. If MMR predicts whether you win accurately, then it is an accurate judge of your skill. If Rank is NOT predicting whether you win accurately, then Rank is NOT a good judge of your skill. So all we have to do is check which of those two more accurately predicts whether or not you will win, and we know whether or not you belong at your rank.

In addition, like I already said, the data also show that if we give players matches that are too difficult given their MMR, regardless of what their rank says, they are consistently more likely t...

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Originally posted by NoSleep5441

So what happens to these players who play in 5qs and got inflated? Do they not gain MMR for their wins?

Cause it seems like the inflation of premade parties have a negative impact even on soloQ since they obviously won't perform as expected when they decide to Solo Q cause they are what we call "boosted" also now the average mmr of players in higher ranks is way higher than normal so its very hard almost impossible for soloQ players to keep up therfore their LP gains and rank will be alot lower than normal

Unfortunately soloQ right now feels like a waste of time compared to premade parties which is totally different from the pc league system since soloQ is the main indicator of an individual's skill and premade is just for fun or casual plays known as flex which seems more reasonable

So was that change intentional and you guys are planning to focus more on premades rather than solo/duo or is this a temporary thing and we gonna see a soloQ ladder in the futu...

Fortunately, players in a 5q will not get inflated MMR, that's one of the improvements to the system. So when they go back to solo queue, they will be matched near their MMR still.

We are actively working out improvements to the current premade situation, though I don't have anything to announce at this time.

But, yes, we are very aware of how it currently is working.


Originally posted by SuperIoBros

Yes, this game was ranked and I was in a party with 2 diamond 1s

OK, I'd need more info to pull the exact match, but a Master partied with Diamonds will be considered a Diamond party.

Emerald players can match +1 (Diamond) and -1 (Plat). So if you match with an Emerald, you can also see Plats.

In addition, if you are in a duo, you can see Golds if this happens:

  • high Gold duo with a high Plat will be considered a Plat team
  • Emerald soloQ player can match Plat (-1) and Diamond (+1)

So you have a Gold on your team, but they are partied with a high Plat, and that party is, on average Plat.


Are you in a party? And this is Ranked?


Originally posted by griddle1234

This certainly makes a lot of sense and obviously MMR is doing what you guys want it to do.

I think the problem for the player base is understanding what MMR is this : I understand if you gave exact metrics people would try to optimise rather than try to win but surely there is some information to help those with "bad MMR".

Is the intention for these players to stop playing the game or is it to improve their performance so they can climb higher? If that is the case then you need give them at least some information even if not all exact metrics.

Things that would be helpful is to see the physical MMR score and understanding how recent in time MMR looks back. How do I know if its improving or declining for example.

I see a risk that the majority of the players will eventually end up hitting diamond 4/EM1 and be stuck there due to the 60% WR bar.

I think this will eventually encourage most SoloQ players to find duos / trios or to start ne...

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Yeah, this is where things get tricky again. The Ranks in Diamond+ are skill-based, and in any skill-based system, players will eventually ramp up into a wall once their Rank starts to approach their actual skill. The trade-off happens in balancing the steepness of that ramp against the integrity of the Ranks themselves.

In an ideal system, players realize they are ramping into that wall and know the only way up is to play better than they have been. If they actually do play better, the system should raise their MMR, with the Rank following. So players feel the system is good because it recognizes them actually improving in skill. They then go repeat the process as far as they can. Eventually though, most players will come to a plateau that they won't pass without getting to an incorrect Rank, and ruining the integrity of the system. Once players hit that plateau, they have to decide to keep playing or not. Hopefully they just play because the game is still fun and they enj...

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20 Jan


Originally posted by John__Gotti

the -15/+10 scheme shouldn't exist at all. LP should be liquid match-to-match and depend on the quality of the win and not be an additional penalty when losing. The game should encourage us to play better, not make us afraid to lose and see that the system considers us bad players.

My suggestion is either matchmaking by rank, or LP to make +10/-10 and additional LP for the quality of the game in each match, and not static.

u/NextdoorMMR u/RiotVerdian

Yes, this is a good point and one we are actively discussing. FYI, the following info is how VP gains have always worked, long before I joined the team.

Currently VP gains are based on the distance between your current Rank (tier, subtier, and VP) and the average MMR of players that also have your same rank. This is because MMR predicts who will win far better than rank does (10-15% more absolute accuracy, which is pretty significant).

So if your MMR is the same as everyone else around your Rank, then you will earn around +/-15.

If your MMR is lower than others around your rank, that can drop to +10/-15 if other players have an MMR much higher. In Masters/GM/Challenger, this can drop to +10/-20.

If your MMR is much higher than most around your rank, you can go up to +15/-10 in Diamond, and +20/-10 in the higher Ranks.

There is also a minimum MMR bar for Diamond. Basically, we say, "We want Diamond to start at the top X% of players by MMR" Ho...

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19 Jan


Originally posted by RunBiitchRun

is it possible to mix Winrate and MMR, more MMR of course but the Winrate should play a role there as well

maybe like when a players has 48% winrate up to 51.99% he gets put on lower winrate queue

and thoose with 52% winrate and higher gets put into high winrate lobby queue and then you can stack/pair us using our MMR

So MMR is equivalent to taking a player's win rate, and then modifying it according to how difficult their matches have been. So in most cases, win% is redundant in the presence of FFA MMR and would just slow MM down. In cases where they disagree, (e.g. 48% win% but high MMR), MMR correctly predicts the winner making the low win% is misleading. Of course if both are low, then the player plays poorly as expected, but that makes it redundant again. Likewise, players with higher win% (e.g. 52%) but low MMR tend to play much worse than their win% would have suggested, which disappoints folks in general.

I think the problem you are running into right now is tightening just how low of an MMR player you can have in your match, even when they are close in Rank. That's something we are investigating.


Hey folks, as of Patch 3.0 voice chat is back in testing in the Americas and we need your thoughts in a couple of key areas to keep moving forward with enabling voice in other regions.

  1. How is the voice quality? Lag spikes, voice cutting out, unwanted sounds and so on.
  2. Are there functionality issues? We're aware of a couple of quirks but any that actively block you from using voice?
  3. Anything else regarding voice chat?
  4. ...
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14 Jan


Originally posted by NextdoorMMR

We have found that winrate is ironically not that accurate at predicting whether players will win future matches. They do have some correlation, high-MMR players do tend to have high winrates. But we also have plenty of low-skilled players who played in, e.g., 5qs and have higher win rates than you would expect for their actual skill level.

So we use MMR instead, which is actually very accurate at predicting whether a player will win a match, and play as good as their teammates. Though, keep in mind, every player tilts within about +/-1 ranks from their actual rank during any given match. But, yeah, if MMRs are close, you will probably be happy with them.

Oh, also, sorry, I realized a made an major edit after posting the longer message above, so re-reading it may make some things more clear.


Originally posted by RunBiitchRun

my problem lays in players that have around 48% winrate or lower

even if a player is 2 tiers/ranks below me but he has a 50% winrate then he plays to a level that i can carry their ass with not much difficulties

but the same can't be said for players who possess a winrate of 48% winrate or lower and got to emerald rank and higher just because they played 100000 matches to get there

and one last question

are the winrate overall percentage even relevant to the MMR number that stacks thoose players in my team?

We have found that winrate is ironically not that accurate at predicting whether players will win future matches. They do have some correlation, high-MMR players do tend to have high winrates. But we also have plenty of low-skilled players who played in, e.g., 5qs and have higher win rates than you would expect for their actual skill level.

So we use MMR instead, which is actually very accurate at predicting whether a player will win a match, and play as good as their teammates. Though, keep in mind, every player tilts within about +/-1 ranks from their actual rank during any given match. But, yeah, if MMRs are close, you will probably be happy with them.


Originally posted by RunBiitchRun

he said thoose, dont know if you picked this comment from him

The matchmaker will grab the 10 closest players by the time that you search. If you have one of the highest MMRs during the time when you search, then often you will get put on a team where you are the best player.

platinium/emeralds/diamonds are shuffled, so if you don't want platinium players in your team you need to reach master rank, if you dont want emerald players in your team you need to reach grandmaster rank,if you dont want diamond players in your team that you need to reach challenger rank

matchmaking keeps the fairness within at worst 70/30. We are evaluating whether that 70/30 should be reduced to 60/40, though that would result in longer wait times.

Yeah, I totally agree that it is better to have players as close to your skill as possible on your team.

Improving this requires tightening the allowed player to player skill gap, making it more likely that each other player on your team (and in the whole match in fact) is closer to you in skill.

This is something we are actively working on. One trick here is that wait time grows exponentially with this particular gap. So it becomes not a question of, "I'm willing to wait another 10 minutes" but instead another 60-120 minutes (as I mentioned in a previous post). Especially when you need to find 10 players at the high end all close in skill.

To deal with this, the current system detects real-time availability and tries to give you the closest 10 possible players. So sometimes, it can make very tight matches. At other times, the system gives up because it knows that even after 20 minutes, the match quality will be the same. We do have some settings within thi...

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Originally posted by AReallyBadJinx

Hey, I really appreciate you taking the time to explain this to me. I have a few concerns.

I have two accounts. One GM (chally S2, s3) and another I made to play on when I don’t have a group of players to q with hovering diamond/master.

I have seen some crazy elo combinations. Gold/plat/Diamond/Diamond/master vs almost a full GM team.

I know for a fact you can be in Master and end up with plats, it’s happens to me on an almost nightly basis. Most of the time it will be emeralds. But at that point it literally becomes which team can feed harder off of the lower ranks in the game wins?

So to break it down my two big problems with match making, and big problems that my friends have

  1. Master + players ending up with plats, emeralds, and on the far end I have even seen GOLD players. That needs to not happen. I can show you pictures of it happening and I have seen tweets, posts on YouTube, and posts on discord showcasing it happening to...

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These are valid concerns.

  1. In the data for the last month or so, I don't see Golds ever in matches with Masters. There was a window where we were testing the matchmaking parameters overall and did allow that, but we have since closed that off. Do you know when you saw that? If you have a date and screenshot so I can pull the match, I can look. So far every example I've looked up was legitimately within the rules. The only strange matches that happened involved a trio where 2 higher-ranked players brought in a lower one, stretching the gap.
  2. We are aware of how stacking is affecting both fairness and the leaderboard and are actively considering solutions. On the one hand, players in 5q are pretty happy at the moment because ("having the most fun I've ever had in WR!"), which we don't want to take away, and they only match other 5q parties. However, we also know they often have the potential to climb faster than solo queue because of higher win%. We are investiga...
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Originally posted by RunBiitchRun

flat out lie

not true

iam diamond player and i get both platiniums w 40%winrate with a badge(wing) in its name that throw the match

and also


1 grandmaster in each time and emeralds diamonds shuffled which effectively turns the match on which grandmaster is better wins the match and makes me feel useless as fuuck for the entirety of the match

just do something for players that have below 50% overall winrate no matter the rank make a separate queue and i think i will be good to climb

If the anchor is Emerald, they can match -1 (Plat) and +1 (Diamond) so you can see Plat to Diamond in the same match.

A GM anchor can match high Emerald ( I only) to Challenger so you can see Emerald I to Challenger in the same match.

Other combinations require parties since a party's rank is the average of its members.


Originally posted by AReallyBadJinx

Could you possibly limit the matchmaking to within a few ranked tiers? I didn’t mind waiting a while for match and I don’t mind filling to get a good balanced match. I do mind getting plats and emeralds every single game that I do not play trio in Master + Elo. I don’t understand how the system can be okay with such a huge gap.

No one in my elo range feels good in solo q right now and it seems to be getting worse. You have some of the best players in the game tweeting about similar issues.

What rank are you?

The current allowed range is +/- 1 from the anchor player or party's rank, but there are exceptions at the top (Diamond+) because otherwise they wouldn't find matches.

So if you are Platinum, you can match both -1 (Gold) and +1 (Emerald). So if the anchor player is Platinum, you can have both Gold and Emerald players in the match.

If you are Diamond, you can match -1 (Emerald) but you can also match up to Challenger because population thins out super fast GM+, so Challengers can't play w/o Diamonds. So if a Challenger player is the anchor --- which is common because anchors are usually whoever has waited the longest, and Challengers often wait the longest because of high rank and MMR --- then you can have Diamond all the way up to Challenger players in the match. Though you can't have Challengers with Emeralds unless you have, e.g. an Emerald/Diamond/GM trio that averages to Diamond.

If your rank is in those higher levels though, e...

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13 Jan


Originally posted by coffeebrewcrew

Then can we also get a few add ins that could help reduce some things, such as a shorter AFK duration for detection, maybe more focus on damage/time ratio or fountain camping?

We get it’s not perfect but I feel like you guys have some room to not be as conservative, given this is a consistent problem. Also, how long do manual reviews take? I don’t ever get verification they get punished even if they are trolling, staying in fountain or sometimes even feeding, so is there even a notification for these issues?

Yes, we actually have some more advanced AFK detection running silently right now and we are gathering cases to review manually before we start issuing penalties using the method. It's actually be on live for a while, but our first review last year showed too many false positive cases so we went back to tune it some more in the latest patch.


Originally posted by afaela

Could you guys also do something about players who run it down? They don’t seem to get punished even though they regularly do this. It’s a common occurrence.

I have encountered MULTIPLE players who decide that they don’t like the matchup/team comp/that their own team doesn’t deserve to win and decide that they will intentionally feed in champ select.

These players will literally admit to trolling and mock their team in the chat but u guys can’t detect that…?

I understand it’s hard to implement a system for intentional trolling so please consider giving us a way to bow out of the game early.

Yeah finding people who are running it down is something we are actively improving. We're still at the stage where we are only comfortable penalizing really, really obvious cases though. We don't want to penalize people who are trying, but just playing poorly :(