League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

29 Dec


Thanks for all the great videos!


The default settings will always cause it to target yourself when tap casting. However you can aim at an ally to target them instead.

It's possible that your button deadzones are tuned to small so that when attempting to tap cast it is aiming at an ally. If this is the case adjusting this button deadzones should help out.

27 Dec


Use your first ability to jump around a camp and keep the stacks up between camps. If you do this she is a great jungler.

18 Dec


Originally posted by Exc0undr3l

+1 to all your points

I will say that tier lists sometimes help players who aren't really sure what to play in ranked and can be a good general snapshot of what high elo players are playing a lot of (and by proxy what the top level players feel are the "strongest" champions)

That's a really good point. Obviously I spend alot of time thinking about the game so I was coming from the perspective of someone deeply engrossed in the game.

But for newer/returning players that is a really good point. When a player might not even know what champions are played in what role tier lists are a big help. Or even who is in the meta even if the details are something I might disagree with.


Originally posted by PublicRotation

Do you ever look at these tier lists and be like "This is sooo wrong" when they put a champion (who's statistically performing well) at a really low tier? I've always wondered what's the general reaction of the balance team when looking at these lists :P

Wrong is a bit harsh here because it really comes down to what is being measured. But I do tend to see certain champions being undervalued the biggest case being jungle tanks (Amumu and Rammus). Players tend to undervalue these champions.

Though there are understandable reasons for this. I've talked a lot about this in the past. Basically, they aren't as flashy, or memorable as high kill champions. But if you expect to team fight having a tank is great and jungle tanks will always be at a team fight.

For something more focused on tier lists are that ranking a position is REALLY hard when you just stack rank all champions in a single position. Because their value is affected by other champions on your team, matchups, playstyle, goals (split pushing vs team fighting), familiarity with the champion.

The nature of a tier list is also a bit misleading because it makes it look like each tier is X distance from its neighboring tier. Though I would argue that the ...

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+1 they are fun for sure, but they can't take into account game states, and match ups. Really a players own experience on a champion matters the most.

17 Dec


Originally posted by JinkoNorray

I play Jinx only and rely on my AA 99% of the time, and I did notice that the issue was finally fixed a few days ago. Thanks for the fix, but hoping for more communication (on big social media, from official accounts) next time, because this was game-breaking.

We were going to, but some wires got crossed with our communications team and we didn't send a message out when patching NA and then other regions the next day. We agree this was game-breaking and it was a very high priority fix for us. We made a special hotfix that came out early for this, normally we have a pre-scheduled hotfix date where we fix any post-patch bugs.

16 Dec


Originally posted by all_t_all_shade

I'm consistently chasing out-of-range enemies despite having 'force attack follow' turned off, and experiencing problems attacking honeyfruits when enemies are nearby. I'm a little concerned that the devs may think this issue has been resolved when some problems still remain.

If you can capture some videos of what you're seeing I will pass it on to the team. The hotfix we shipped is not a full fix, we couldn't fully revert the changes within the scope of a hotfix (it's not a full patch of the game) so some problems could still exist. It's also possible that because you're paying more attention to targeting that you've noticed some existing (intended) behaviors that don't feel good which we could also consider changing.

15 Dec


The balance and skin teams are 100% separate. Skins are being made months in advance, while the balance team tends to plan changes shortly before they release, looking at the most recent patch(s) data. In fact, the balance team isn't even aware of what skins are coming up and find out about them at the same time as the rest of the player base.

As for the balance changes themself, these do not take into account a champion's performance in URF or ARAM. Though it will also change in those modes.


Originally posted by Mr_Opel

yeah he’s strong; having package at first dra is often game-changing. but he hasn’t been broken since he got nerfed at the same time his item got nerfed - back then he was stupid broken (top 2 in both mid and adc at the same time)

To clarify a few things assassins are high frustration champions at any elo. And typically perform better at higher elos where players know how to push their advantage and have a better understanding of what their champion's limits are.

Kat, Eve, and Akali are all perfect examples where their winrate is, and has always been, much higher at high elos.

While a good assassin can take advantage of lower-skilled opponents they also need skilled players playing them for that to matter.

Along those same lines the myth that we heavily balance the game for low elo is exactly that a myth. While we do, on occasion, make low elo balance changes we recognize that the majority of imbalance at low elo comes from players understanding the game differently and not the champion's power themselves.

When we look at balancing the game we ALWAYS start by looking at high-elite level play. This is because we assume these players have a decent understanding of the game so...

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Originally posted by xznow

What’s about the target priority bug? It’s not getting fixed ???

We pushed a hot fix for that bug a few days ago.

14 Dec


Originally posted by kokosdera

Hi, what info do you need?

I am not sure myself.

I have another hypothesis: one of the duo is 3q. Then the other 2 players are helping their teammate in dragon lane. They already practiced several times so the timing are perfect.

I would need your Riot ID and as much info about the match as you can give. The date and around what time it was. Send this as a personal message rather than posting here.

But right now, in ranked, if your opponent has a 3q, then so do you.


Originally posted by zurutan

Mixing solo que with duo and trios is unfair too. For both parties not the solo player only.

But i guess the playerbase is too small to implement strict solo que right?

There's no way for duos to match only duos at all, they need solos or trios to work. Same with trios. That makes the option to only ever allow 3/2 vs. 3/2, which isn't a popular enough combo unless we allow really wide skill gaps in the matches, or really long wait times, or fill up the cracks with solo players.

As far as unfairness, that depends on your definition of fairness. It's 100% possible to make a fair match that includes both solos and duos, or both solos and trios, in terms of both teams having a shot at winning.

If by fairness you mean that the solo players will have less cohesion than a duo or trio, I don't know if that's necessarily true. There has been some evidence that 2 solo players are more likely to coordinate with a trio than a duo would, because the duo is likely paying more attention to each other (being two friends in a duo) than they are to the trio. So I don't know that we can say for sure that having solos mixed in with parties is more or ...

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Originally posted by Substantial-Log9910

https://ibb.co/tKFQXPG here hope this helps to help.

That regional broadband delay is not good. I would make a player support ticket and include those details along with your internet provider. There may be something the infrastructure folks can do to change routing behind the scenes and improve this. I know we have some latency issues recently in SEA that they've been working on.


Originally posted by MP7ForEmi

Right now the situation is atrocious because of the miserable combination of no protection/compensation and no punishment at all for the offender in most cases. Most of the afks I see continue moving in base, often still flaming the team, so the system doesn't auto detect them. And reports seem futile. It's ruining the game :(

Thanks for taking time to reply, hopefully you're able to make any sort of improvements soon.

We have more advanced AFK detection running in the background, but our initial testing showed that we were getting too many false positives (detecting players who were not actually AFK). We are tuning it again and if successful we will use it to start detecting more AFK players.


Originally posted by RefanRes

Sorry, how would giving the afk person a loss and effectively not giving the the remaining players a win or loss be net positive? If you look at it only numerically maybe but that ignores the player experience.

They've had their time wasted by someone who trolls a game then goes afk. There isn't an advantage to an individual. They still lost around 20 mins of their time.

If chat logs show players tried to force someone to afk then they'll be detected. If players hard inted a game on purpose then they should also have a loss mark and no afk protection if that is detected that they did int.

The game would be better off overall with loss prevention. Worrying about people trying to force people to afk would surely be more manageable and have less cases than afks currently.

Does Riot have the adequate tools to properly detect issues in chat? Does it have the tools to detect afks? Does it have tools to detect inting? If so then a game marked with any of ...

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Unfortunately past experience has shown that if there is a way to game the system players will usually find it. I can't blame you for considering it part of the game, so we have to design with that in mind. :D With what you suggest, it is still abusable because one person gets a loss and 4 people get forgiven when they probably would have lost if they played it out. Say the unspoken agreement is that the worst player KDA goes AFK, so 20% of the time you are losing that might be you, but 80% of the time you get a loss forgiven. You benefit 4 games to 1! Other games have had similar abuse problems and mitigation is not as simple as examining chat logs. We've seen in other games that players will invent code words or other methods to try to circumvent detection.

13 Dec


Originally posted by Lucifer_lord_of_cats

The only thing I'd ask is would there be some way to appeal in the event of your internet dropping out rather than it being intentional? Previously I've had someone unplug the router right at the end of the game so there was no way for me to get back in. How would this be dealt with?

Unfortunately this is really tricky, because you can always physically disable your connection if you want to AFK intentionally and we can't tell the difference. Also, no matter the reason you are still ruining the game for 4-9 other players regardless of intent. So we do want to hold everyone accountable whether it's intentional or not. That's why we make the early AFK penalties pretty forgiving and ramp them up if you have a history of AFK.


Originally posted by Substantial-Log9910

could try. i felt that too when i cranked everything up in excitement.

just did i butchered the graphics settings and tested on custom but the freeze persists. its ok tho i can wait for the next years major patch.

In your case it sounds like you might have some upstream connection issues (sending data to the server). If you are seeing game updates continue to play while you are getting bad pings, it likely means you are still getting updates from the server, but it is not receiving any from you. Have you tried running a network diagnostic from the in-game settings menu?


Originally posted by Substantial-Log9910

currently wifi. galaxy ao3s. dont have cellular.

Have you tried lowering graphics settings? The ao3s is actually less powerful than the mi max 2 in both CPU and graphics.


Best at what?