League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

13 Dec


What kind of connection are you playing on? Have you tried turning on dual channel in the settings and seeing if that helps? What kind of phone do you have?


Originally posted by Saijaxcaiilrynx

In case of an AFK that never connected from the very beginning, I feel like it's better to just implement remakes. No reason to not have remakes, the champ select and loading screen are pretty fast in this game. You barely waste 4 minutes on champ select and loading so it's not a big waste and you can go into another game immediately.

Yes, this is why we are working on remakes. You also correctly identified one of the big challenges with AFK compensation. It's hard to do without being abusable. In fact to prevent abuse we would likely have to do something like penalize the AFK player 4x for the loss otherwise it would be a net positive for the team. If players think they can get an advantage getting loss compensation by having an AFK they will be incentivized to try to force someone to leave if there's even the smell of a losing game. This is why remake on League PC is so tightly constrained.


Originally posted by John__Gotti

not necessary now. with the upgrade 2q + 3q can play against 5q.

No, this doesn't happen.


Originally posted by kokosdera

Wait, solo can vs 3q or 5q squad? No wonder! That explain one of my lost game. I was support, in 2q squad. others seems don't know each other from our team chat. Since early opponent always gank 4v2 my ADC (Varus, has no escape skill). I was wondering how enemy could have excellent coordination since early.

5q can only play vs. 5q. I'm not seeing any games in the data that show otherwise. If you have one, please DM it to me.

Soloq can only play against 3q/2q if they have a 3q or 2q on their team as well. It has to be the same party matched up.

11 Dec


Originally posted by PublicRotation

u/R0guefool (sorry for the mention) I know the balance team does take into consideration what the community think of certain champions sometimes, I've read your thoughts about A-Sol before and I'd like to know what's your thoughts about Jhin state in nowadays meta... because this is like the 3rd "Buff Jhin" post I've seen this week and I'd like to know what you think

Sorry for the very late response, these last 2 weeks have been very busy and I missed a few things.

We have seen the pain points brought up by players, like in this thread. We do take community perception into account, but to be clear it isn't the only metric we use. Everyone has different experiences with each champion, different things stick into memory, different sample sizes, and different elo ranks all come into play. I know you know this, I just want to make sure that is clear for anyone who might not be as familiar.

Currently, he is showing very strong in the early-mid game but drops off much sharper than other marksmen in the late game. I could see us shifting some of his power around so that he isn't as extreme in relation to game time.
That said I do think there are a few things worth calling out here. Jhin is a utility marksman he doesn't have the same DPS as other marksmen, nor should he. That doesn't mean that he should be balanced around bursti...

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Sorry for the very late response, these last 2 weeks have been very busy and I missed a few things.

I think in general the mid-lane is in a good spot. There are some call-outs like you mentioned that I would love for us to get into a better place.

Ziggs has always been a pain in high-level/competitive play while being rather middle of the pack for the rest of us.

Akali is statistically weak but is very frustrating to play against, especially in a skilled Akali player's hands. Ideally, we bring her frustration down, without destroying the fantasy/identity of the character. A big difference between her and Fizz is Akali's ability to kill multiple people in a fight whereas Fizz is more about picking of a single target or starting a fight with his Shark. Fizz is also hard countered by Zonya's enchanter. Though I agree both can be slippery and frustrating at times. That is very common with assassins.

As for TF, these nerfs landed a bit harder than we e...

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Originally posted by Naffy3

I haven't been able to play my champ irelia is banned every game lol 😂

Ya it's not a perfect everyone gets to play their favorite champion, but we felt that 3 bans gave players enough control here.

10 Dec


Originally posted by mightnotdo1t


best i can do right now

Oh yeah, this is very helpful! It still selects the target nearest your aim cursor, it just doesn't lock it. This is a great bug. I will follow up. It's probably not serious enough to hotfix, but I'll see how we can address this.


Originally posted by IJcast

I was kinda disappointed that the amount of stars that asol can get in urf doesn't change

We are sad about this too. It was actually one of the first things we tried to do when we got started on URF.

The reason it didn't make it in was that it was actually much more work than you would expect. So much so that we wouldn't have time to optimize several other champions for performance, and thus would have required us to disable multiple other champions in the mode.


Originally posted by TwinShad0w

I think they assumed because it's mobile the player base would be casual about it hense they went with og urf. They underestimated the sweatyness of lol wr players.

But I agree after this month of urf I'd prefer ARURF to avoid the super sweats

We wanted URFs first time out to be the OG version that allowed everyone to pick their champions. Everyone is excited to try out specific ones and we wanted to allow for that here.


Originally posted by mightnotdo1t

I can still select minions and structures sir, SEA sever. Used to be creeps and towers where unselectable , now if I missglide my attack cursor i soft lock on creeps and need to reglide to hard lock heroes. Thank you for asking.

If you can send me a video showing the setting and then still being able to manually target creeps and towers I can follow up. I'm not sure what is happening, but I can't see the same thing happen in NA.


Originally posted by Chronos1121

We got a mini patch on EU this morning. Tested it out in practice mode and aiming problem seems to be resolved. Current behavior: ally champion is attacking enemy champion while in range; once enemy is out of range, attacks start prioritizing minions. If no minions left, then next attack will cause an auto-follow movement towards the enemy champion (not sure if it was doing it before). Strangely, when pressing the “attack turret” button the champion is not moving towards the turret (if it’s slightly out of range), but I remember it was doing it before (pls correct me if I’m wrong).

Thank you for communication and keeping us informed.

The attack turret button will move you towards a turret if you have no move stick input and it is close enough to be acquired as an orange target. Seems to be working fine for me in practice mode. Also the force attack follow function looks like it's working ok for turrets too. If you have a video I could diagnose better.

09 Dec


Originally posted by mightnotdo1t

the lock target system: no minions and structures is still broken sir

It seems to be working fine for me in NA, what feels broken about it to you?


Originally posted by slygio

What about the varus q bug in which you cant release the first ability after being charged. Its a bug that many people talk about but we hear no progress about fixing it. Thank you in advance.

I'm not familiar with that Varus Q bug, I can follow up with the champion team if you can provide a video or a detailed description (what buttons were being pressed, what did you see, what did you expect to happen).


Originally posted by MerueMjr

Do you know about the pvp matchmaking with unranked people? just how long are you gonna take to fix these sinple problems

I don't work on matchmaking, unfortunately. Can you describe what it is you're seeing? This patch did have changes to matchmaking in ranked and normals, but I don't know the exact details or if we're looking into any problems. I can pass on more specific information though.


Originally posted by vanitas14

Can we get an ETA when the patch will drop for other regions?

ASAP after we fully verify, but it will be at least 24 hours from the NA test release, possibly longer. We're working on verifying as fast as we responsibly can.


Originally posted by lanmoiling

It’s now 2h old - is it out yet? How do we get the update? App Store update needed?

It is out, but only in North America. You don't need an app store update, just load the game (if you are on the NA server) and it will micro patch before login. We are still verifying this fix on live and will deploy in other regions once we're sure this is a good fix.


Originally posted by Chronos1121

Mini patch from yesterday didn’t fix anything. Problem still exists.

There's a more recent mini patch that just went out tonight in NA only which should resolve the issue. We are still verifying that this fixes things in NA and will deploy to other regions if it does.


First, if I have Font of Life, and I hit 5 enemies simultaneously (eg Nasus Spirit Fire) , do all of them get fonted or just one, and if one, who exactly?

It won't be everyone, I believe we set it up to apply to your closest target.

Second, if I heal or shield everyone simultaneously (eg locket), do I get 4 shield triggers or one? I’m also curious how this interacts with Athene’s consuming blood.

You will get multiple triggers, but I am unsure how it interacts with Athenes. I would guess either gives the bonus healing to the lowest health target, or the closest.

Third, with the now 4 items I’m aware of that trigger off heal/shield, do you get multiple of their effects if you heal/shield multiple times, eg getting 40+ extra ability haste from staff of flowing waters.

Buffs with the same name do not stack. You will apply the buff to multiple allies though, but...

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Originally posted by ApprehensiveWin1230

Is the bug that you randomly just stop attacking completely, or that you randomly auto target something out of range/also stop attacking completely? Because i have noticed that a lot

It's the second one. The targeting of something out of range stops you from attacking. So, if I understood the bug root cause correctly, if all targets are in range everything should still work. Also minion/tower button still works, I believe