League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

04 Feb


Originally posted by pdameasap

I am a programmer. How about a kind of recommender system policed by the players themselves? Wouldn't that be more effective and easier to build?

Players get nominated for mod status at random initially then two mods review each case presented. When both agree the issue were founded, then reporter gains credibility and reportee loses status.

These are separate measures. Higher credibility flags players for increased responsibility in the system, such as reviewing a set of two mods' decisions for possible collusion, or reviewing a mod being upgraded to a higher tier or downgraded to a lower tier. Status works as the player from the CN server stated with the important part being that those below a certain status can not queue or are restricted on voice, all, or team chat. Then, status is gained passively over time while credibility only goes up by making founded reports, and reviewing the system and its participants.

Anything that requires a decision to be mad...

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We used to have a similar system in League called the Tribunal where players could look at reported cases and render a judgement. The key challenge was that the time lag between offense and penalty was very long because of the time needed to get player reviews. When a penalty is issued days after the offense the reform rate was not great. Another problem was scale, there was a mismatch between the amount of cases players were willing to review and the cases that were available, too many cases and not enough reviewers.

So in general our approach has been to use heuristics and machine learning to do much faster detection. WR is lagging behind in this area and is my primary focus on the team right now. We had several internal attempts to bring back the Tribunal on League PC in different ways, but were not able to overcome the problems with the original system at the time.


Originally posted by radioactive_amoeba

Thanks mate. I hope it gets resolved soon.

I don't work on skins, but I've passed it on to their QA folks and they were able to reproduce it. Thanks for bringing visibility to this!


Originally posted by Baroo69

If you drop below a certain honor level you should not be able to participate in ranked mode until it goes back up… this would be very impactful on stopping the behavior of trolls and afk players.

Yeah ranked restrictions are something we are looking at, and it doesn't require the full honor system!


Originally posted by The_souLance

Are there any meaningful report categories that you'd like to see in NA?

Of the ones we currently had did anything it would be a huge step. As it stands currently someone could clearly run it down mid all game while spamming stuff in chat but if they don't cuss or say a slur nothing happens after a report.

The problem is the current report system is a placebo.

The only feed back we get is if someone was afk punished or chat banned we get a hyper vauge reply that tells us nothing about what happened or who it happened to. If you have 3 games back to back with some level of toxic player and you get only one report message back then we have no idea which match it's referring to.

If the current report system only punishes afk and chat missuse then this is why an honor system that can restrict ranked que access is a great addition so that trolls and toxic players can be better policed.

Honestly, Many of us are beyond...

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Yeah, these are the things we're focusing on behind the scenes. You're probably not going to see us talk too much about what we're deploying though. There are a few reasons for this, but the main one is that in our past experience across all our games it hasn't really made people feel better when we tell them about the incremental changes to behavior systems we're making. Ultimately it has to manifest in more appropriate penalties and visible feedback to players who report as you point out.

Also, players seem to think that the more complex systems in CN means that it is way better than here. Unfortunately this is not the case and disruptive behavior from players is still a big pain point that we're working to address in CN and other regions. We've taken different approaches because the audiences are different, but it is still a tough problem in all regions (and really a tough problem in competitive team based games in general).


You know when you are really determined, but it feels like you are bashing your head against a wall?

Aery is the most determined one of us all.


Originally posted by TheFlyiingBanana

So you’re asking questions on what you guys should improve on FOR THE CN server, but NOT FOR any other servers like NA in desperate need of, for example, an honour system?

Also, I should clarify that the CN system is more like a social credit score which we felt less appropriate for other regions because we have different cultural norms.


Originally posted by 0Astray0

Quite a lot. Honor system , full fledged reporting system (you can report for many reasons besides AFK / inting) , different events with many free skins (all lunar revel skins free , dragon lee sin free)

I also think the matchmaking is quite balanced on this server as im almost always matched with players in my rank and skill level

Are there any meaningful report categories that you'd like to see in NA? We tried to match our existing PC categories a bit more closely in the rest of the world and keep them broader. However, behind the scenes we detect for multiple different behaviors. Like in AFK we have different methods for people who are disconnected/not inputing and for people who are idling and trying to evade detection.


Originally posted by TheFlyiingBanana

So you’re asking questions on what you guys should improve on FOR THE CN server, but NOT FOR any other servers like NA in desperate need of, for example, an honour system?

We get a lot of insight into that from everyone else on this subreddit and through other channels. This is a unique opportunity to get insight from an English speaking player in CN which is much harder to get when you don't speak and read Chinese :D

I work directly on the player behavior systems outside of China (inside CN we use some tencent services that are not available outside the region). What problem do you think a honour system would solve for you? I was the UX designer on the League Honor 2.0 rework and I don't think honour is the most impactful thing we can be doing in NA right now. My focus is on improving detection of AFK, and intentional losing. Mitigating that behavior is going to have a much bigger impact for players in my opinion. Honour is not a good mechanism for addressing our current problems, it's more of a force multiplier to nudge people in a positive direction once you have a solid foundation of negative behavior detection. Happy to be convinced othe...

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What does the community in CN think of the game? What's most important for us to improve? What do you consider better than competing games in CN?


I haven't seen this on portrait lock, but I have seen similar random instances of offscreen indicators being in the wrong place in some of our internal playtests. Had not noticed it on live before, and this repro video is very helpful. I'll follow up with our QA and see if we can reliably reproduce it, which is usually the first step to being able to fix it.

02 Feb


Originally posted by ICE_2

On the flipside I play Mundo and I find he’s outperformed by other tanks once the enemy starts stacking grievous wounds. I’ve dropped him now over other tanks.

Can you elaborate a bit? Outperformed in what way? He isn't intended to be a traditional tank like Malphite, Leona, or Rammus. But he should be a durable juggernaut more similar to Darius, Garen, or Sett.

Not as good at starting fights, but about being hard to kill with good damage if he can get to his target.


Originally posted by n0thing12345

I know right, god forbid you actually build items that is not on your preset build.

At great risk of bodily harm. This was actually one of the reasons we wanted to add Grudge, because before it was all but a certainty that AD champions would get counter healing, now it requires the player to evaluate the situation.

Though I agree with you few things tilt me more than when playing against 3 heal heavy champions and we only have 1 Grievous Wounds on our team.


Originally posted by JinkoNorray

u/R0gueFool in case you have not seen this

Yep yep, thanks for the tag here so I didn't lose it!

27 Jan


We've got a new AFK detection method running behind the scenes that will detect players like this. We've completed our manual review to make sure we're not catching a lot of innocent folks. We're just waiting to do some final tuning before turning it on. Unfortunately it won't still won't allow AI takeover, because the player is actively inputting.

25 Jan


Originally posted by wraithkenny

It’s not true. If you MMR is high for your rank, matchmaker will increase the difficulty of your matches until you lose, by giving you the strongest available opponents and the weakest available teammates.

Edit: I don’t know what you people don’t get about this. Riot is explicit. Matchmaking is designed this way on purpose. The better you do, the higher your MMR goes, the more difficult the matches. It explicitly strives to give you a 50% chance at winning, every game. If you “git gud” then matchmaker will increase the difficulty until you lose, even if you haven’t reach your actual appropriate rank.

(Challenger players can climb because there are no players in the available pool that can beat them; smurfs can win in low ranks because matchmaker is limited to players within the rank range; for everyone else, it’s 50% coin flip by design. You climb only when you are better than the entire available pool of players, when we ...

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Actually, if you have a high MMR for your Rank (e.g., you're in Gold but have a high MMR and are getting hard matches), the game will give you more Ranked Fortitude and therefore shields, and it will also give you more Rank Skips, so you can still move up even though your matches are in the 50/50 range.

The same thing goes for Diamond. If you are in Diamond IV but have the MMR of a Master, yes, you may only win 50% of your matches, but you will get +15 for a win and only lose -10 on loss.

So you would go, e.g., +15 +15 -10 +15 -10 -10 over 6 matches (3 W 3L, 50%), but be up +15 VP after. Basically, you would net +2.5 VP per game while going 50/50.


Originally posted by osamasbigbro

Yep, this is how the Interaction works on PC LoL.

Yep, this is intended, TF can still port to any location but a Spell Shield will block it from granting vision of you.

24 Jan


Originally posted by RazorNemesis

u/riotboourns (I think that's the spelling) said that it is planned though

There's a lot of system touched at the end of a game and they all need updates for a remake to work correctly so there's a lot of coordination and work to do before we can make it.

23 Jan


Originally posted by Nykontol

Hello, I understand what MMR is and it's effect on VP gains as well as the reasoning behind it and I completely agree with the system.

However, I think that the system has a few grey areas and unknown variables that make the overall gaming experience a very frustrating one.

Which is, that MMR is hidden and the exact information extracted from each match that the system uses to determine 'performance' and hence affect the MMR is unknown to us players which causes huge frustration because we don't know if our MMR is actually increasing faster than our rank or the opposite, and if so, we don't know for how long we will be hardstuck for and how we can actually increase our MMR. Which makes each game after game progressively less motivating to play as we see no progress in our VP gains a.k.a our MMR is not increasing.

From personal experience and people around me, I find it extremely hard to believe that the metrics the system uses to evaluate a player's performa...

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The way we measure the MMR system's effectiveness is by asking it for every game, who it thinks will win, and then seeing how often it guessed right --- basically its accuracy at knowing who is good at helping their team win. We do this across all games every day and track how well it's working.

The current system is currently significantly more (15%) accurate at predicting whether you will win matches than it was before, so therefore the MMR you have is more accurate at judging players' abilities to win matches.

The MMR system also places a fairness prediction on each match, meaning the chance the better team will win (e.g. 50%, 55%, etc.) So we also measure how precise that prediction is. We do this by looking at all of the cases where the system guessed, e.g., "55%" and see how often the better team really wins. It's currently right at 55%, whenever it says 55%. It's also at 59% whenever it says 59%, etc. So we have pretty good confidence in the system's ability ...

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Originally posted by Mathemagicks

Is the data the system uses to determine 'expected MMR for a tier/subtier' being poisoned by 5stacks?

Doesn't Q'ing up a 5man party often result in a 5 player group on voice comms going against either 5 randoms, 3 randoms one duo, two duos, or a duo and a trio?

If so we have 5 player groups cruising through the system sporting ridiculously high win rates moving the needle on the 'expected MMR' gauge, no?

Also, thanks for wading through the internet to open up and share information. Everyone has lots of complaints, but not everyone expresses that we really do appreciate the community communication: even though we all do.

  • No, the MMR system is currently robust to 5 stacking. The MMR system takes into account the difficulty of a match. If 5 stacks have easier matches, the MMR doesn't move much if any and doesn't inflate. MMR currently has very little inflation at all, if any.
  • 5-player parties currently use a different matchmaker in ranked, so they can only play against other 5-player parties. They never play against randoms, trios, or duos.
  • Because of the two above points, 5-player party MMRs do not affect the MMR distribution. If they have high win rates, it's more a function of them doing well against other 5-player parties, not against smaller groups.
  • You're welcome!

22 Jan


Originally posted by Broly_27

That’s good to know that you’re trying to make LP gains more fair based on your own performance. That’s my biggest concern personally, I don’t have an issue with getting matched with Emeralds, I just hate seeing -15lp after performing well but an inting teammate ruins it.

I have another question: so I’m at 55% wr and therefore winning more than im losing, so does my MMR increase more than I lose too and can get out of this slump? Or does that follow a similar +10/-15 pattern?

No, MMR doesn't follow a 10/15 pattern. It is relatively stable and only moves significantly when there are unexpected outcomes. It usually goes up and down about the same each match.