League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

10 Feb


Hmmm, do something with Blitzcrank???!!!!

To the Riot cave!!!


Originally posted by metroslasher

What about on gaining vp points in ranked game? I think its not normal to gain 10 pts per win and lose 15 pts when losing on a 57% winrate

Sorry I'm not familiar enough with those systems. I'm on the in-game team, basically stuff that happens once you load into the Rift. So I don't know what is being worked on or what challenges those teams are tackling.


Originally posted by MonoAsMe

Do we need them? Maybe, but this has been talked about before as in the stats of those boots are already added to the base stats of the champs.

Why did they do it this way? So that you actually have a choice to buy different boots.

Correct, the AS was put directly into champions, and the mpen allowed for the creation of Infinity Orb. This opens the door for champions who would previously build AS/Mpen boots more choice in what they can build. Now if they need vamp or tenacity they aren't losing out on dps.


Originally posted by draggles

Ya this isn't true at all. We have new items coming in 3.1, and we added new items in patch 2.6, patch 2.4, and runes in patch 2.3. Runes are a larger topic that I feel like Endstep covered at length on his stream -- something I didn't even know was that runes contribute less to the overall power budget of an individual game (vs something like items and champ levels)! But the team has def been talking about the overall rune set and whether it's hitting the right gaps in gameplay overall. /u/r0guefool and /u/endstep probably have much smarter thoughts than me here.

Yep yep yep, we haven't said that new items are not coming and not being worked on. Items are something the team always very excited about. If you read my last item blog post, about patch 2.6, you might even be able to peer through the veil and take a guess.

To Draggles' point we would like to add more Keystones but like it has been said before it takes a bit of extra work, this doesn't mean we won't/couldn't do it, just that it'll take a bit longer than we would like.

We also have a major bug fix coming for Megadrive in 3.1. Basically late into it's development (like after it was announced late) a bug popped up that made it so if you CC multiple people you would only get one instance of the CC. This has been fixed and now CCing multiple people will grant multiple instances of the refund.


Originally posted by Swimming-Actuary2247

When is patch 3.1?

Currently slated for March 23/24.


Originally posted by T4lk_S1ck

Dont bother considering the devs said multiple times that adding new runes and items are not their priority at the moment. Have fun with the new skins tho.

Ya this isn't true at all. We have new items coming in 3.1, and we added new items in patch 2.6, patch 2.4, and runes in patch 2.3. Runes are a larger topic that I feel like Endstep covered at length on his stream -- something I didn't even know was that runes contribute less to the overall power budget of an individual game (vs something l...

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07 Feb


Originally posted by Geonaryentarg

Thank you for response. My concerns about match making are not as "strong" as most in this post.

My hypothesis is that you have a system that is designed to keep players at some minimum mmr range once they finish placements. You can climb if you put in the work but system is going to protect you from completely falling down because it runs a risk of bad user experience.

In this screenshot you have a player in plat who played 200games in this season and by no means is fit to be there. Your stats page clearly shows that they have not performed. I cherry picked this 2 examples because it proves my hypothesis because it does not allow for other fsctors such as trolling or bad behaviour. This 2 players are extreme case.

They are maintaining their win rate and not falling down to their respective ranks because system is in place that gives them a much higher mmr player to win the game for them in order to keep them at 50.

Is it normal that players who...

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We do have that, it's called Iron (Iron is the lowest right?), and Challenger at the top. Noone can fall below Iron regardless of how many games they lose, or go above Challenger.

But really though a minimum MMR range has the same kinds of issues I was talking about before. It also means that a player can't drop in skill, and we have seen plenty of players on this same subreddit talk about how they have dropped in rank.

It would also put a lot of extra stress/pressure on those first placement games (that already have a bit of pressure), and that seems a bit off for us to do when we removed promos between tiers because of the added stress/pressure they created.

I don't know the details of the system (not the area of the game I work on), but I do know that the goal of the matchmaking system is to create fair matches where in a single game each team has a 50% chance of winning. However this system only lasts until all 10 players have hit accept, and a lot ca...

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There is a setting that makes it so you can't lock onto minions/monsters but that would effect your ability to lock on at all, not just with these skills. To check it go to controls and look for target lock system.


Originally posted by Geonaryentarg

If its not a thing then how are this players floating above 50% win rate ? https://imgur.com/gallery/pQCEJx4

Sorry I can't, I'm not really sure how to evaluate 2 cherry picked screen shots. I can tell you that every player climbing the ladder or person above or below a 50% winrate kinda proves it doesn't exist.

One thing that I constantly see when it comes to this idea of winners/losers que is how egocentric it seems to be. Many people seem to forget that 9 other people have an impact on the game you are playing, and for us to say "hey X player is doing to good, let's ruin the game for 9 others" seems like a a bad business model.

I'm not even sure how we would do that. The idea basically says that only 1 players ranking matters then says that they are doing to good, and above a 50% winrate, so that they would get matched with bad players, and below a 50% winrate. And somehow keep them all at 50%.

In science you want to do experiments to disprove your hypothesis, this is how you strengthen it. If it can't be disproven then you might be onto something. The issue h...

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Originally posted by StarfishWizard

No ya I turned off chat day one and I never type a word. No point. Not a very angry player tbh, but definitely frustrated. Tonight’s 2 losses were thanks to ole split pushing Thresh and 0/7 three minutes into the game fortune. Like… idk man. It’s just disheartening

Ya that's disheartening for sure. If you are looking to focus on climbing than I suggest learning the jungle role. It has the highest impact on the game (as a non-jungler I think this is too high) and gives you alot of control over the pacing and where you wanta put your teams focus.


Originally posted by Bablyth

Do you foresee any more changes to matchmaking or is the dev team satisfied as is?

And do you think there will be any adjustments to Lp gains? Currently It feels pretty strict in its gain and loss system.

For example, on my first account I played many games and I got to diamond 3 but my Lp gains were +10 -15. I could not progress any further so I decided to see how fast I could get to that rank on a new account and surprisingly I was able to reach it pretty quickly and actually surpass it to diamond 1 because with my new account my LP gains were +14 - 11.

Sorry I'm on in-game (champions, controls, maps and modes) so I don't have a great answer for you here and don't know how the team feels or what their plans are.

I know we still have devs employed working on this so I'm sure work is being done to improve it, but I don't know what shape that'll take.


Originally posted by PapaKooT

I love this game too much, I'm the biggest French Wild Rift streamer on Twitch and I'm working on Youtube videos to explain those concepts to french newcomers.

Send me a link to your channel. I don't speak any French, but one of our producers on the in game team is from France I'm sure he would be excited to see some of these when they come up.


Originally posted by Ruined_Poro

Yes, but you can delay it for AR boots or some health items as zeke doesn't provide HP. Early game HP is more effective than resistance.

This article explained how you should balance your defences. Having a lot of resistances might not be worth it if you don't have enough HP to back it up.

Items like Zeke, Mercury Tread, GA can be take just for the passive (GA is debatable :3)

Great answer, it can still be worth getting an MR item for their passive, especially if the other team has just a small amount of magic damage.

MR items tend to have powerful passive effects, and if the situation is right or you have a strong synergy (Mundo+Spirit Visage, Zeke's+wanting to enhance your ADC) then it can still be worth it.

Of the two (armor /MR) armor tends to be more valuable, as it'll help against towers, monsters/minions, and AD focused champions are more common, but getting just a single MR item is often good.


Originally posted by PapaKooT

Armor and RM bonuses are degressive. The more you have, the less effective each subsequent buy becomes.

Without entering into so much math detail, 100 armor reduces damage by 1/2, 200 by 2/3, 300 by 3/4 and so on (same formula for RM)

So +100 armor isn't always the same thing :

  • From 0 to 100 armor, you go from 0 to 1/2(50%) damage reduction, hence increasing your damage reduction by 50% !

  • From 300 to 400 armor, you go from 3/4(75%) to 4/5(80%), hence increasing your damage reduction by 5% !

  • So "+100" armor is TEN TIMES less effective when you already have 300 compared to when you had none.

On a side note, this explain why a single armor item, even not completed, on a carry, can make a huge difference.

The difference in tankiness between 4 and 5 armor items is negligeable.

So yes, you can squeeze in a RM item just because you want the passive, but not as 1st or 2nd item.

The d...

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Really good explanation of defensive stats right here.


If you are against a full physical damage team than you shouldnt need any MR. When you die check your death recap and it'll help you see what kind of damage you are taking.

While some champions do a mix of damage types, each champion like this tends to favor magic or physical rather heavily.

Armor and MR are both multipliers off your HP, armor increases your effective health vs physical damage and MR vs magic damage. And if someone is building alot of armor to deal with your physical damage than it's likely time to get a last whisper item.


While it might not be tilt, it could be a lack synergy or miss plays. A good, balanced, team comp greatly improves your changes if winning. Item builds also have an impact, and when you are new it can be tricky to learn what and when you should be building something.

You also gotta remember that there are 9 other people in the game and any one of them might be tilted or going off. That can have a large impact on your game. This is why I HIGHLY discourage any raging/trash talking, and suggest playing with all chat off (not saying you are doing this, it's just general advice). Encouraging your team when they do well (thumbs up) is more likely to help you climb than any reminders that someone made a mistake.


Originally posted by edwardo-1992

I don't think it's real, I had an 18 game win streak, then back to the couple of wins, couple of losses. I think statistically you will eventually get to around 50% win rate, sometimes we go on tilt, sometimes we have hot streaks where we are just mentally in the right headspace.

I'm worried what we are seeing is a bit of self sabotage, we expect after a couple of wins to get a "lose que" so we start to anticipate it, some of us probably start to alter play styles, some of get sweaty or try harder and because of this we push ourselves to lose.

It's just my theory but I think if you ignore the idea of win/lose que and focus on just having fun when you play this "cycle" everyone is in might just start to disappear.

Just my opinion and maybe it's just because I have been luckier than most, I also totally understand why some people think it's real, I just don't see it that way.

I'm actually interested in that idea too. Losers/winners isn't a thing, but I do wonder how much it changes the outcome when a player expecting to win/lose. It's obviously not 0%, any intro psych class or coach will tell you that, but how much effect it has is interesting to think about.

05 Feb


Originally posted by Jackhughesdesigns

Also bare in mind a lot of champs were changed when brought over, eve, diana, katerina, some of their kit was changed to fit the game.

Vayne (2), Vi (P/2), Varus (2), Asol (3), Ashe (4), Annie (2), Fizz (2), Lulu (2), Nunu (3), TF (2) are a few more that had some sort of mechanics kit change some obviously being more impactful than others.


Currently we have no plans to convert ARpen to Lethality.

Lethality was design to help with some of the abuse case of early game ARpen stacking and is weaker than the same amount of ARpen. We aren't seeing issues with this in Wild Rift and Lethality tends to over complicated things for not alot of gains here.

It's always possible that this changes in the future, but currently that is unlikely to happen.


Power wise the rune seems to be doing fine. Where it is lacking is in feedback/flair. One thing we constantly see is that if something is flashy players will call it powerful. This is understandable, but can lead to some tricky situations where stats are undervalued.

Boneplating and Hunter-Titan are visually the most noticable green runes, and while they are fine power wise they are not better than other runes as many players say they are.

We see the same thing happen with Sweet Tooth, where it is actually slightly weak, but it is a very common pick up because if is the most noticable in it's slot.