World of Warships

World of Warships Dev Tracker

15 Apr


Possibly. I will keep this in mind, but no promises.


Just getting to this forum now. I actually got to interview the producer of Pop Team Epic at Anime Expo last year which was pretty dope :)

*Crossing fingers for a season 2 of this insanity*


Please open Finder -> Documents. There you can find " Games" folder. Go there and you will find WoWs game folder.

You can make screenshots using "comand+sh*t+3" hotkey. All screenshots will be stored on the Desktop.

You shouldn't notice any difference between WGC and Launcher. BTW, WGC wrapper is much-much more table that Launcher's' one, so it is stringly recommended to use it.


Guys, thanks a lot for your feedback and some really useful information about WoWs wrapper. I will redirect all data to CW team.



Please use the laters wrapper I have attached to my "Public test install instruction". This message has been pinned to this forum thread

12 Apr


Could you please share some screenshots with me? And send me the screenshot of the window "About this Mac".

Thank you!


Could you please try to play on Public test server on your Mac?

You can find instruction how to do it on the previous page


Hi, is there any information about error in the python.log file? Can you make screenshot with error and content of


Extremely sorry, but previous dmg file is corrupted :( Please redownload the wrapper again:

@RedBarchetta3, Yes, these accounts are the same. PT will be ended Monday Apr 15th at 15:00 UTC

11 Apr


0.8.2 is not stable enough because Mac computers have not very strong integral video adapters (Intel HD in most cases). Because of this our client is relocating missing video memory to RAM and client could be crahed at any time because of Out Of Memory (OOM) issue. Right now WorldOfWarships.exe is a 32 bit application that cannot use more than 4G of RAM. Even if your system has 16G RAM it doesn't matter, because of 32bit appliation.

In 0.8.3 we have released bin64 application of World of Warships. It means that all OOM should be gone if you have enough of RAM on your Mac computer. In addition, CW team is working on big update for WoWs MacOS wrapper (the link I sent in Step.2 in the message above). It is not final yet, but we are working together to make it stable enough for every Mac player.

Bacause of these two news (0.8.3 with bin64 and wrapper update) I am asking you guys to test our game before release, on Public test server. It will not affect yo...

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Here a small instruction how to participate on Publictest:

1. You need to register PT account here:

2. Please install this WGC wrapper (replace yours' if you have one):

3. On this screen click on "World of Warships" game

If you have installed WoWs in WGC already, please click "Installed additional game instance" button:


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10 Apr



Do you have client crashes on PT client too? What graphic settings did you set?

09 Apr


Thanks everyone for your reports and your help to make our MacOS wrapper better. I am one of the WoWs developers who is working on Mac issues atm. Please PM me so I can try to help you with solving crash/freeze issues.

The second PT sessin of 0.8.3 will be started at Thurday 11th.

08 Apr

04 Apr

    Boyarsky on Forums - Thread - Direct

Always good to hear from you Zoup! Keep being youself and good luck with your life challenges!

02 Apr



Following your feedback on encountering 2 CVs per team on battle tier X (more information can be found here), we’ve worked on a possible solution.

As a result, we decided to introduce a 3 minute soft cap for 1 CV per team on battle tier X, complemented by a hard cap for 2 CV.

This means:

It will no longer be possible to encounter 3 CVs at battle tier X under any circumstances;

There will be much fewer games with 2 CVs per team on battle tier X (at the moment these battles constitute ~8% of all tier X battles worldwide);

In some cases, when a ship is queued for 3+ minutes, 2 CVs per team will be possible, but we predict it to be a very rare case - unless the number of tier X CVs in the queue spikes.

To clarify once again, this applies only to battle tier X (Tier VIII-X ships). On lower battle tiers this change is not critical, and not technically possi...

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31 Mar

    Boyarsky on Forums - Thread - Direct

@YeTi_RCN maybe your effective English can make the difference?

    Boyarsky on Forums - Thread - Direct

@YeTi_RCN not sure, which specific problems you have in mind, but it's not practical to focus all resources of the company to only work on one area.

First of all, because of division of labor. Some people work on building ship models, other people work on creating and fixing maps, other people work on balancing, and totally different people work on tech optimization.

Second, because a regular cadence of new content is as important for the long-term health of a free-2-play title, as fixing existing pain-points.

Third, while Space Mode is positioned as a fun goofy event, it's actually being used for serious experiments with new mechanics that may or may not eventually make it to the core game modes.

    Boyarsky on Forums - Thread - Direct


Great question, thanks for asking. The answer is not that simple. There are two components to it:

1. Permanent camo vs. Consumable camo. Most permanent camos have powerful economic bonuses that turn your regular tech tree ship into a farm machine, similar to premium ships. Therefore the doubloon price becomes the investment into increased profitability of your ship.

2. Painjob camo vs. New ship skin. These space camos are actually brand new 3D ships models that cost way more development resources to produce than a regular paint job. It's not 100% the same cost as a new ship built from scratch, because we still save on historical research, sourcing references, visual QA and in-game balancing, however if we lower the doubloon prices, then such content becomes unprofitable.

    Boyarsky on Forums - Thread - Direct

@CGC716 thanks for your feedback. Are you generally against any fun events in a game that slightly extend the setting or break some rules? If not, what other concept would you enjoy?