First-hand intel about upcoming new game features! Read it on the portal
First-hand intel about upcoming new game features! Read it on the portal
Greetings Captains,
Welcome to the final edition of the New Player Captain's Log! For those of you who aren't sure what this is or what it might do, feel free to check out the introductory post here.
With each topic I discuss, I also added a question at the end to see how y’all feel about things in comparison to how I feel. I just thought it would be an interesting way to get some discussion going!
Without further ado, let’s proceed with this week’s Log!
Focus Points of the Week
Here’s a list of the focus points for this week:
1. Experiment with slightly higher tier ships to test my own growth
2. Give the New Player Captain’s Log a proper send-off
As anyone who watched the NA Community Stream from last week knows, I was able to finally get my hands on a Musashi, and I tried her out for the first time live on stream. Going into this week, I knew I needed to give myself...
Continue lendo para saber tudo sobre nossos novos navios e descobrir como obtê-los! Leia no portal
¡Sigan leyendo para obtener toda la información sobre los nuevos barcos y cómo obtener acceso a ellos! Leer en el portal
Read on to get the full intel on our new ships and find out how to gain access to them! Read it on the portal
thanks for your suggestion for improvement, we will pass the information to the developers.
The developers are aware of this issue and will fix it in the future.
The only time "Maximum Damage" occurs is during a Citadel hit. "Pen" damage commonly comes out as 33% of rated value, and 16.5% when striking a Saturated Section (the HP of the section is depleted, but you are still dealing damage to the "Base Hull")
So, your Sherman with 2,800 Shells is dealing 33% on a Pen
2,800 x .33 = 924 damage per Pen
After the HP of the middle section of the Kleber is depleted (French DDs do allow for mid-section saturation), the damage would be cut in half.
2,800 x 16.5% = 462 damage per Pen
Assuming all 25 shells were Pens, you would have a damage of 23,100 HP.
924 x 25 = 23,100 HP
If half (we'll say 13) were full pens, and half (12) were saturated pens, you'd have
(13 x 924) + (12 x 462) = 12,012 + 5,544 = 17,556 HP
Further, you could deplete the middle section AND the "Base Hull", which would make Ful...
Read moreHer most recent review was on the San Diego and she mentioned she is working on others. She is still around.
The San Diego review is here:
Please contact Customer Support about this.
Update modifications for client version
Updated modification of the ships tech tree "Vertical"
Updated modification of the ships tech tree "Horizontal"
Updated modification "Assistant"
Updated modification "Secondary Armament"
Updated modification "Set of Indicators"", fixed indicator display bug
Updated clan icons
Update modifications occurs when you start ModStation and does not require reinstallation of the program, just run the program and, if necessary, apply the update previously installed modifications of the game.
Lute por Créditos, Carvão, XP de Comandante de Elite, sinais e bônus econômicos consumíveis! Leia no portal
¡Enfréntense por Créditos, Carbón, XP Élite del Comandante, señales y bonificaciones económicas consumibles! Leer en el portal
Clash for Credits, Coal, Elite Commander XP, signals, and expendable economic bonuses! Read it on the portal
If you ever have questions about your account, Customer Support is the place to go. They can check what you've received to make sure it's working correctly or not.
The Campaign is still in the game, so you can still work on it if you haven't finished it.
Ideally the ships are balanced to their player slot. Hybrids have a flexibility advantage, but lose power in other areas to even it out.
Kearsarge is a damage pinata if she moves inside of 15km and her shells are North Carolina shells so the AP is rather floaty and can be tough to land at distance. She's not weak so you definitely shouldn't hike up your broadside without expecting to get smacked, but she does have limitations to her play patterns because of her hybrid versatility.
You should be able to earn those from the campaign of the same name. Have you finished the campaign and received every available container from it?
Maybe someday your dream will come true.
I don't have a cool story, but here's a gif of someone DJ'ing silently <3
The Matchmaker identifies shiptype and nation. If you had 2 US Battleships on your team they would have to be in a Div, or at least 1-3 US Battleships would have to be on the other team.
I've added "(if it's your first time!)" to the OP to better illustrate that for readers.
I've asked the question internally and gotten the response that the 250 Doubloons + Stuff is for "First-Time Downloaders" to try to encourage people who have never tried the PTS to give it a go. We'll look to address the "Additional Rewards" article to better reflect the language that is included in the normal PTS article. Changes require localization across many languages, so that's not something that can be done today.
The other additional rewards are still available above the normal rewards which are listed in the regular PTS articles.