Hey folks, this is obviously not the appropriate Avenue of resolution for a Support issue like this. Please reopen your ticket with a response and it will be reviewed.
For now I'm afraid I need to close this.
Sorry my wording wasn't meant to say DPS was added, but that the consistency was. The overall damage was not changed just how it's distributed among the squadron and as expected yes the plane losses are higher but perhaps higher than necessary.
There will always be a skill gap between the high performers, regular folks, and us potatoes but that skill should be rewarded with higher efficiency and reward. In terms of AA, we are continuing to make adjustments to that (there are more in testing) and the sector AA redesign should provide something better what's currently in the game. This is definitely a concern of ours and this weeks update was just one step to addressing it.
Des Moines got the call for Ranked Battles Season 12.
I worked my way up to Rank 8 and stopped there. It was one higher than Season 11 (Rank 9) and I only played Des Moines because I wanted to see how well I could do with my strongest ship class, cruisers.
In the end, I too accomplished my goal of obtaining enough steel to obtain Stalingrad but she wasn't put through sea-trials long enough before the season ended.
Job well done for all that participated and worked their way up the ladder!
"In order to complete your objective, you've always got to keep moving forward." - Kurt Chew-Een Lee, U.S. Marine Corps
You're not alone, the cases are being investigated as we speak.
Disk permissions come to mind but you already have the client install on the D partition.
Can you submit a ticket to the Support team for assistance?
Hey guys, we've of course seen a lot of feedback recently about subs in large part due to our Naval Legend series on the Cod. The submarines in last years Halloween mode were largely reported by you guys as a fun addition to the game. While we do consider this a successful test, there is still quite a bit of focus on existing balance (like AA) and ensuring we get that where it needs to be.
That being said, based on last year was there a major concern you had about them?
*pictured - the crew of HMS Porpoise (N-14) returning to HMNB Portsmouth from a successful patrol in the Mediterranean Sea on January 20, 1943*
What was your final tally for Ranked Battles Season 12 and which warships sailed to battle for your Fleet?
As the sunset on Update 0.8.4, captains made one last heroic push into Ranked Battles to get as high as they could on the way to Rank 1.
All classes of warships were on ready 5 as long as they were Tier X and battle ready to go to sea.
For Ranked Battles Season 12, what was your final sit-rep and which vessels sailed proudly into battle under your command?
"Luck can be attributed to a well-conceived plan carried out by a well-trained and indoctrinated task group." - Chester Nimitz, U.S. Navy
With respect, applying damage to planes randomly is not consistent and created situations where squadrons could attack and walk away with minimal damage based on good RNG. We recognize this was a major change but does now provide that level of consistency and improves AA interaction. This along with further changes to sector AA will improve the systems usability and provide the counterplay many players have been asking for.
There was testing done on PTS for weeks before it went live and the change does in fact work. The adjustments which may be required to planes are relatively minor (but still important) in comparison and can be done fairly quickly.
As mentioned above the recent change to AA in 0.8.5 while accomplishing it's goal (consistent DPS) may be more efficient than preferred. We've certainly seen feedback about the Repair consumable as well and as data is reviewed next week adjustments could be made based on that data.
It was a major change and we know possibly jarring (especially if you are newer to CVs) so please bear with us as we make any necessary adjustments.
I think this mixed with the time investment makes this mode really appeal to a lot of folks (myself included). It does take some getting used to if you don't frequent DDs (it's really fast) but definitely breaks up the day to day battles in Random.
We'll announce information on the start of that pretty soon. There was a technical issue that delayed the launch, but rest assured it's coming.
The goal of the change was to add consistent DPS based on the communities feedback and this was a huge change. While the overall damage did not change, the distribution of it did and yes if we see plane losses are becoming excessive we can make more minor changes to adjust it.
The data from this weekend and early next week should provide the information needed to make adjustments. Until then we appreciate everyone's patience!
Olá Capitães,
Como a Atualização 0.8.5 pede uma consistência do DPS da Artilharia Antiaérea – o número de perda de aviões aumentou significativamente – o que reduziu a utilidade tática dos porta-aviões.
Gostamos do espírito da mudança, mas temos que manter a eficiência do porta-aviões em um nível razoável. No fim de semana e no início da próxima semana, pretendemos focar nessa situação de perto, determinar a quantidade de mudanças necessárias e implementar um hotfix.
Mas somente conseguiremos esses dados do servidor do jogo. Temos que melhorar essa alteração, preservando seu conceito principal - uma defesa antiaérea mais eficiente.
Fique ligado para mais novidades e pedimos desculpas por qualquer inconveniente.
Saludos, Capitanes.
Los cambios de la actualización 0.8.5 introdujeron cambios solicitados y necesarios para la consistencia del DPS del fuego antiaéreo, pero parece que en muchos casos las pérdidas de aviones se han vuelto algo excesivas, y además se redujo demasiado la eficacia de los portaaviones.
Aunque nos gustan los cambios, necesitamos mantener la eficacia de los portaaviones en un nivel razonable. Observaremos cuidadosamente la situación durante el fin de semana y el principio de la semana próxima, determinaremos la cantidad de cambios necesarios para los PV de los aviones, e implementaremos un arreglo.
Desafortunadamente, solo la información del servidor nos ayudará a pulir los cambios y preservar el concepto central: defensa antiaérea más gratificante y significativa.
Mantente alerta para enterarte de todas las novedades. Lamentamos mucho los inconvenientes.