Capitanes, debido a algunos problemas inesperados, el inicio de la temporada de Carrera por Rangos ha sido pospuesta.
Indicaremos la fecha de inicio actualizada apenas sea posible, ¡estén atentos!
Capitanes, debido a algunos problemas inesperados, el inicio de la temporada de Carrera por Rangos ha sido pospuesta.
Indicaremos la fecha de inicio actualizada apenas sea posible, ¡estén atentos!
I'll check the loading screen the next time I queue up.
The post battle report displays the other player's info on my screen when I hover over them. Which battle mode are you reporting?
Did the image change from previous patch? Not sure what is wrong with the torpedo bomber heal consumable on the port UI.
Hey Captains,
Due to unexpected issues, the start of Ranked Sprint has been delayed. We will share the updated start time as soon as we can!
Please stay tuned for an update!
Styles and CSS
General Description
A block's layout parameters can be customized via its style. Each block has its own set of style parameters.
Customizing style for the tf block:
(fontSize = 32)
(textColor = 0xFFFFFFFF)
(text = 'Hello world!!!')
Customizing style for the block-type block:
(backgroundColor = 0xffff0000)
(width = 100px)
(height = 100px)
Customizing style for the mc block:
(mc 'Window_BG'
Styles can be described in a separate definition and transferred to the block's class property.
(def element TestView() layout = true
(class BlockStyle)
UI Widgets
Adding a MovieClip to the stage by linkage. Symbols are used inside definitions of elements, whose layout parameter is set as false. Layout system is disabled.
(backgroundImage = "'symbol:minimap_aim_position'")
'symbol:' + toLower('minimap_' + markerIcon)
Adding a Sprite instance to the stage. Sprites are used inside definitions of elements, whose layout parameter is set as false.
Adding a MovieClip instance to the stage by linkage. MovieClips are used inside definitions of elements, whose layout parameter is set as true. Layout system is enabled.
(def element TestView() layout=true
(mc 'FWCloseButtonSlimMC'
(name = 'closeBtnCrossAnim')
(bindcall gotoAndPlay "stateFrame")
Read moreI'll have to check that out for myself!
Muchas gracias!
Always good to beat me to the punch...saves this old man for scouring through my own post!
I've also heard this from other players too, will ping the QA team to see what they can find!
The Georgia is still currently available via the premium shop as mentioned above and will remain in the Armory for Coal until further notice. If for some reason it is removed from the Armory we will provide plenty of notice beforehand, but there are not plans to do so at this time.
Top-Level Trace
A top-level trace returns a message to the log and has all the capabilities of a top-level method:
Bindings to events (both events of the scope and the events whose names are passed via the *on* parameter).
Bindings to changes in parameters (if an expression is passed as a parameter).
(trace 'Some message')
(trace 'Some message' init=false (event SomeEvent))
(trace "'Some message:' + someValue" init=false watch=false on='eventName')
(trace "someValue1 + ': ' + someValue2" watch=true)
# Below is an example of a trace upon condition: for example, if you've placed it inside some general macro and want to cut off irrelevant actuations
(trace 'Some message' init=false on='eventName'
(bind enabled "name == 'anyName'")
toplevel exec
Top level function exec is used to execute any calculated expression. Optionally possible to set event that will trigger execution of target expression.
(exec "someExpression" (event "someScopeEvent"))
1. Play sound by mouse click:
(exec "playSound(R.sounds.gui.yes1)" on='click')
2. Play sound by event from scope:
(exec "playSound(R.sounds.gui.yes1)" (event "evBtnLeftClickEvent"))
toplevel def
(def) or Definition
Construction (def object Name) allows to define global object that can be invoked from any file in working directories.
Warning! Name of the object have to be unique. No matter in the same or separate files this definitions placed. Otherwise you'll get error and only first object will be created.
(def element TestView())
(def element TestView())
ERROR: Duplicate element definition: 'TestView'
A scope is a storage of data, available in the body of the element's description. It is not inherited from parent elements. The markup features strong typing — all the used variables and their types, as well as events, must be defined before they are used in the calculated expression. Otherwise, they must be passed from an external scope when calling the element.
A scope can contain:
Variables (var)
Constants (const)
Definition of an event
Call of the bind method
Dispatch of an event
The $Animation controller for animating variables in the scope
The scope can be described in different parts of the element (for example, the level variable). On the execution stage, all the parts will be integrated into one scope. Display of the scope's content:
(trace "$scope")...
Read moreMacro
A macro is a named and parametrized markup fragment, which is added to the place where it's called on the parsing stage. This allows using a markup fragment several times.
Usage example:
Once defined, the macro can be called at any place.
# A structure that calls a macro
(macro trace expr="variable")
This mechanism is used for autogeneration of the scope, which will be bound with a Python model.
Unbound has a layout system, which serves to position the blocks, located in one container, based on certain parameters. To turn on the layout system, set layout=true|false in the element's definition. The description of the element with layout=true is equivalent to def layout.
Layout's parameters are described in style.
Positioning of Blocks
The layout system positions the blocks based on the values of the position property. Position can have the following values:
flow — the layout system positions nested blocks one by one (a block's position depends on the position of the previous block); by default, position="flow"
absolute — the layout system excludes the block from the flow (positioning list)
To position blocks relative to each other with position="flow" you can use the following style properties:
We're still tallying up the totals, we should have the lists ready by Friday!
Will keep you posted when I have the information ready!
Functions for calculated expressions
The list of functions is arranged in the form of a table.
Function name in markup
Mathematical rounding to an integer
"round(0.423456)" # 0
Converts lower case symbols to upper case symbols
Converts upper case symbols to lower case symbols
(var test:number = "clamp(smth, 0, 10)")
IDS string localization
Read moreThere are other items in the Armory you can spend your excess tokens on once you've purchased the Benham but no we don't have any planned giveaways of these ships.