World of Warships

World of Warships Dev Tracker

03 Dec

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Was yesterday the first time you had played Clan Battles since the beginning of the season?

Can you give more information? When did this happen?


Yep! You can buy levels for 625 doubloons a pop. There should be a button labeled "Accelerate Progress" when you're viewing the Battle Pass.

02 Dec

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

This game is less about landing perfect headshots a la Counter-Strike or Overwatch and moreso about putting yourself in advantageous positions. When you are in a superior position, your interactions will tend to favor you long term.

Our game is very, very different from the other games you mentioned because of its pacing. We have situations where a single ship takes many, many hits to bring down and the things that ship experiences along the way will determine how much impact it contributes to the game on whole. While it can be frustrating to miss a Dev Strike on a great salvo, each game has many, many interactions which add up over time and will routinely favor the better decision-making in the end.


Hi there! As someone pointed out above, the prizes shown by @Reymu above are for a Forum Contest, not for a bounty or any event in the game client itself. It's just a fun screenshot contest for the forum that will give players a chance to receive the Collingwood or Hampshire for free if they would like to participate. Also, anyone who participates will also receive 3 Winter Strands camos.

Thanks for the feedback! Compared to where we started, prizes have definitely increased in value (we went from 1 container and a handful of commanders in our first event to being able to give away actual ships and 10s of containers per event, as an example), but what I can say is that if you would like to see the prizing for forum events continue to increase, participation in the events would also need to increase. So tell your friends!

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Correct. Our game is best thought of as a Table-Top game with a 2D perspective. This is why planes can be at the top of Two Brothers, many kilometers high up in the air, but still be damaged by a surface ship AA. The distance is measured from the point of origin in terms of two-dimensional distance and is irrespective of "height".

HE shells do have an effect Cube that represents an explosion radius, so there is some height/depth in that sense. If a module is within the area of the cube, it can receive module damage which makes accuracy important when shooting other ships.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

In the Port's Chat interface, you can select "Channels" and use the "Search for a Clan or Division" channel while Clan Battles are going on.

There are timeframes that clan battles occur on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. Please read our article to learn more:


Saludos Capitanes,

Estamos teniendo un evento en el foro. Para participar sigue las reglas de abajo y publica tus resultados en el tema principal. Desafío:
Respondan al hilo principal proporcionando una captura de pantalla posterior al juego en donde hayan obtenido entre 2 y 5 cintas "Detectado". Esto puede ser completado en cualquier tipo de juego (excluyendo las Salas de Entrenamiento). La partida debe haber ocurrido entre el 2 de diciembre a las 15:00 UTC (9 a. m. CT) y el 15 de diciembre a las 18:00 UTC (12 p. m. CT). Ejemplo: Reglas:
1. Asegúrese de que la captura de pantalla es claramente legible
2. El partido debe haber ocurrido entre el marco de tiempo proporcionado arriba.
3. No se permite el plagio de ningún tipo.
4. Debe seguir los parámetros indicados en la sección de desafíos.
5. Responde solo a la conversación principal con publicaciones para participar en el concurso. Cualquier otro tipo de mensaje será el...

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Saudações Capitães,

Estamos tendo um evento no fórum. Para participar, siga as regras abaixo e poste seus resultados no tópico principal.

Responda ao tópico principal fornecendo uma captura de tela pós-jogo em que você tenha ganhado entre 2 e 5 barretas "Detectou". Isso pode ser feito em qualquer tipo de jogo (exceto Salas de Treinamento). A partida deve ter ocorrido entre 2 de dezembro às 15h UTC (9h CT) e 15 de dezembro às 18h UTC (12h CT). Exemplo: Regras:
1. Verifique que a captura de tela seja claramente legível
2. A partida deve ter ocorrido entre o prazo indicado acima.
3. Plágio de qualquer tipo não é permitido.
4. Ele deve seguir os parâmetros listados na seção Desafio.
5. Por favor, responda apenas ao tópico principal com as postagens de participação no concurso. Todos os outros posts serão excluídos.

3 vencedores aleatórios receberão:
- 1 pacot...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Clan Battles tend to be a more formal experience. All the players are usually on voice comms and doing their best to work together.

There is a channel in game where people advertise that they're available for Clan Battles if anyone would like to invite them, but it's not a guaranteed thing. The best choice is to join a clan or group which does Clan Battles directly so you can experience the organized play consistently.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

"Merc" is just when a Clan invites someone to their Clan Battle Division that isn't in their clan. They can have up to 3 Mercs in a Clan Battle Division (so they need at least 4 players from their clan).

    on News - Thread - Direct
A Captain’s guide to playing the Dutch Tier X destroyer. Read more

Una guía del Capitán para jugar con el destructor holandés de Nivel X. Leer en el portal


Um guia do Capitão para jogar com o contratorpedeiro holandês de Nível X. Leia no portal


A Captain’s guide to playing the Dutch Tier X destroyer. Read it on the portal

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Interesting. There wasn't anything changed from our end that I'm aware of, so that sounds like an interesting issue.

Did any other clans experience the same problem?

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

You have up to 3 Mercs per Clan Battle division. If you have multiple divisions running, you should be able to have additional Mercs in those Divs so the restriction is not "clan-wide". Further, your clan members can Merc for other clans with no issue to your divisions.

You will need to bring the other 4 members from your Clan to fill each Division if you'd like to queue for Clan Battles.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

You played a German Battleship in a Brawl. German Battleships are well armored brawling ships, so it's not surprising that you won. They are made for that fight/format.

We have two tech-tree lines of German Battleships which you could use and expect to do well in.

01 Dec

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

We've already raised the matter internally and will be looking over it.

In the meantime, players that experience penalties that feel incorrect should continue to let us know. Also, please provide Replays so we can analyze what happened to incur the penalty in the first place.