World of Warships

World of Warships Dev Tracker

01 Dec

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

That makes good sense. I hadn't considered trying for a perma-flood/slick, but that would be very useful indeed.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

One thing that looks worth pointing out. The Ping Indicator does look to skew ahead of the sub by a distance, so your first ASW Strike would have been correct if you were trying to prevent the Sub from yolo'ing directly at you. Since it pinged from range, it's safe to assume that it wanted to engage at range, so it might be better to drop "on top" of the sub as opposed to "leading it forward".

The drop was:

It might work better to do something like this to include the area behind the ping:

Secondly, you had two ASW Drops and could have used your second to further carpet the area. You could have not wanted to waste it as you were unsure of the sub's heading/movement, but outside of the sub misplaying and getting spotted you wouldn't have a reason to expect perfect drop information.


Later the drop was:

It looks fairly on target, especially with the next...

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30 Nov

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct


They're here and off NDA! Superships Admiral Ushakov and Sekiryu are about to land in the Lighthouse auction and we want to show you how they work! The massive Ushakov is the supership in the Soviet Battleship line and boats a massive 135k hitpoints on top of the Kremlin's heavy armor scheme, but takes huge hits to mobility and agility as a trade-off. Sekiryu boasts tactical Rocket and Torpedo-armed jets, but maintains the very fragile style of IJN CV planes present on it's predecessor, the Hakuryu.

Which playstyle suits you best? How do you think these two monster Superships will stack up against the more familiar supers? Join Boggzy and Ahskance and find out on the NA Community Stream!

Wednesday, November 30, 2022 5:00 PM Central Time

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Early access is part of the way a free-to-play game is monetized. It is purely optional and does not prevent anyone from acquiring the content at some point. The Lighthouse Auction for Superships is for credits anyway - which is not a real monetization method. It's just something for folks to spend their mountains of credits on.

Of all the ways to monetize, early access has to be one of the most reasonable due to it being voluntary and non-exclusive.


Yup, one thing that attracts me to them is the survivability aspect, of course. The trade-off here is that one mistake is FAR more punishing than if I was in a BB, for instance.
However, I will NEVER get tired of hearing about deck gun kills, lmao.


Thank you both very much! I'm definitely feeling more confident with my play. Am I very good? Absolutely not. Am I significantly better than the day I started? Absolutely! One thing that hasn't changed is that I still find the game very difficult. There are a lot of values to remember (armor values across a ship, armament ranges, detectability ranges), positioning and angling is not always easy, and there are so many players that have a better understanding of these things. That being said, I get immense joy out of playing the game, and when I see success, nothing feels better. I'm also just very excited to see how the game itself will continue to grow and adjust over time now that I have a fundamental understanding of how things work.


Ahh yes, I should have highlighted the concealment more in my posts about these subs. It is very true that the concealment is substantially better for the U- 69, which is nothing to gloss over. @ArIskandirbrings up a great point about the battery consumable too, which I didn't mention because I am still getting familiar with how to use these boats effectively. It is much appreciated!


To clarify, this is a legitimate email from Wargaming. Please follow the directions and change your password if you received one of these emails from [email protected].


Correct this kind of thing could be a phishing attempt, I would have to look up accounts individually and that could take a long time. Please make sure to take a look at what @DrHolmes52 posted. I would however recommend for thing like account issues not use any links given to you by an e-mail that you did not request. You should be able to navigate to the page to change password on your own using trusted sites. If you use your same password on other platforms like social media I recommend changing the password (and even if you dont use the same password, I recommend changing your password anyway to be safe) because there are compromises on these and you could be at risk of losing the account. It only takes a few minutes to make sure your account is safe by changing the password every once in a while. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions.
Link to change password: https://na...

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Una serie de fotos cortesía del Instituto Naval de los EE. UU. que ilustran una enorme batalla que tuvo lugar en el mar, en la tierra y en el aire. Leer en el portal


Uma série de fotos cedidas pelo Instituto Naval dos EUA ilustram uma enorme batalha que ocorreu no mar, na terra e no ar. Leia no portal


A series of photos courtesy of the U.S. Naval Institute illustrate a massive battle that took place at sea, on land, and in the air. Read it on the portal

    on News - Thread - Direct
A series of photos courtesy of the U.S. Naval Institute illustrate a massive battle that took place at sea, on land, and in the air. Read more

Hello, Captains!

A new DevBlog has been posted here:

Please leave any feedback you have here.

Thank you!

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

LOL. That last second ending <3



unfortunately the issue can't be resolve. The problem located between ModStation server and your PC. You should try again later.

29 Nov

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

No, you're connecting dots that don't exist. Aegis was not altered in the current Update, but the feedback I'm reading recently suggests it might be worth looking at.


Per the 0.11.10 Article: