The best game replays featuring the American Tier IX battleship. Read it on the portal
Las mejores repeticiones del juego con el acorazado estadounidense de Nivel IX. Leer en el portal
Os melhores replays com o encouraçado americano Nível IX. Leia no portal
Customer Support is the correct place to go. They've been a bit busy of late, but they'll be able to look into the situation when they can!
Unfortunately, the bonus exchange is no longer available. It was available for a few updates after the Econ/Camo Separation, but was removed as we stated it would be.
I did raise this point internally last week.
There should be a publication discussing this topic, but I believe it was delayed. There should be more information when that comes out.
Thank you for filling out the Survey. It's not about whether we'll be happy about the answers given, it's about having representation of player opinion via data gathering means. It's good that you represented your concerns.
Thank you for filling out the Survey. Highlighting areas of frustration are important, so there's no case of "asking the wrong guy".
This is a nice write-up!
I personally started DD with the German line. I saw Destroyer_Kuro using smoke/hydro in a ranked match and thought it was cool~ Having Hydro was helpful while learning cap positioning and general torpedo safety, so it's a good tool for learning.
I have to echo a few others in recommending the British DD line.
They are made to brawl, so it's ok to accidently get into a fight with another DD.
They have Heals at later tiers which helps make them more forgiving.
They have Hydro which assists in torpedo spotting while you learn what it's like to be on the frontline.
They have rapid deploy smokes, so you can typically smoke whenever you are in trouble and need safety. Other lines have longer duration smokes so you aren't quite as safe if you stay mobile.
Glad to hear you're still able to play and rearrange stuff! I always know I'm sick when I'm unable to play games, so that's a promising sign~
Update modifications for client version
Updated modification "Compact Quick Commands Panel", fixed switching to a large panel
Updated modification "Extended MiniCarousel"
Updated modification "Customizable Panels by AutoSpy"
Updated modification "AutoSpy Minimap"
Updated modification "Borderless Binoculars"
Updated modification "Remove Blur Effects", fixed bug with sunbeams under water
Updated modification "Borderless Binoculars and Remove Blur Effects"
Updated modification "Customizable Panels by BADoBEST", increased top margin
Updated modification "Customizable Panels by hakabase", increased top margin
Updated modification "Live Icons", increased indent from above
Updated modification "DeCease Dark", increased indentation at the top
Read moreFight for Credits, Coal, Elite Commander XP, combat signals, and expendable economic bonuses. Read it on the portal
Lute por Créditos, Carvão, XP de Comandante de Elite, sinais de combate e bônus econômicos descartáveis. Leia no portal
Combatan por Créditos, Carbón, XP Élite del Comandante, señales de combate y bonificaciones económicas consumibles. Leer en el portal
Easiest way to guarantee a CV is to play one! You can farm plane kills with fighters once the battleships are far enough away from the Bot CV hull that you can place a fighter between the hull and its target.
You can always division with a friend in a CV if you need the kills on a different ship type!