Hello, Captains!
A new DevBlog has been posted here: https://blog.worldofwarships.com/blog/442
Please leave any feedback you have here.
Thank you!
The link on the page updated with delay. Thank you for information.
World of Warships ModStation
ModStation application updated to version
Change link to the configuration
Rename installation folder
Rename setup file
The new version is available at the link on the first page and in this post.
Please perform a complete reinstallation of the program for further use. You need to uninstall the previous version, then download and install the new version To download the new version, follow the link in this message or on the first page of the topic.
Congrats on a big game! <3
The conditional advantage of Hydro is that something be close enough to interact with the Hydro. In the absense of that, there was no advantage, though it is nice to know that it's there should it be needed.
I will say it's strange to read something saying that current non-buffed levels of AA are doing fine. Still, a player doesn't choose what level of CV player they are matched against, so if you prefer to be more independant in your positioning than DFAA can be well-suited for providing you comfort in doing that. If it's not needed, that's great. Hydro can similarly be not needed, which is also great (as it means your team is controlling the situation enough to free you of concern).