7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

23 Dec

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No, this is the intended behavior. The point of interest needs to be reset for the quest to work. If it wasn't, you could e.g. demolish a building before triggering the quest, and the courier satchel would be floating in air, or other weird/broken/imbalanced things would happen.

You should take advantage of the bedroll and/or land claim block. These blocks prevent you from starting quests in POIs where you've placed them, among other important benefits.

I'm sorry to read that you lost your stuff.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's a fair question, and one a min-max type player would consider. It certainly seems possible that you could stand on one side of a door or wall with your nailgun out, and continually repair it, keeping pace with the damage the zombies are doing. You could funnel the zombies into a narrow corridor or more complex path in front of this intentional weak point, so as to minimize the effect of bunching up for extra damage.

It may not only be viable - it may be the case that this is cheaper than using (ranged) weapons to fight them. Ammunition is one of the more expensive items to amass in the game, whereas with this approach the only consumable items you need to acquire are stacks of repair materials.

So I haven't run the numbers, but yes, it seems like it could be worth it, in the sense of being an equally if not more efficient use of your time and resources. And after all, efficient use of time and resources is how you survive. Whether it's worth it in term... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The pitfall some players seem to get into is to view the game as having two buckets: a bucket of things that work against the zombies, and a bucket of things that don't. E.g. an underground base used to be in the 'works' bucket and now it's in the 'doesn't work' bucket.

But this oversimplifies things to the point of being downright wrong. Proper game balance lies in the in-between places. A landmine works once, and then zombies after that move past it. A steel vault door works for a while, and then it's breached. A raised platform keeps you safe for a while, until the zombies break too many of the pillars holding it up. An underground bunker can be dug into eventually, but the depth of stone blocks you put between yourself and the surface isn't nothing.

None of these defenses are worthless, and none of them provide infinite safety, either. You can't fully put them in the 'works' bucket nor the 'doesn't work' bucket.

Whether something is exploitat... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Every zombie killled is a chunk of exp in your wallet. Also, just ignoring zombies could be pretty bad for your walls, as when numerous zombies clump up in one spot on your wall, they start doing magnified damage and can pretty quickly shred even steel bases.

And as 9029 says...If you're not killin zombies on the single most impactful night of the week....what are saving ammo for?

Also it is possible to exhause the zombie respawns- It gets increasingly harder the further into the game you are, but, you Can kill enough zombies that the horde night ends early.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's not about 'the right way to defend'. It's about fixing clear and obvious broken parts of the AI pathing.

For example, It used to be that zombies simply could not dig down. At all. Ever. So all you needed to do for 100% absolute safety from which you would NEVER be attacked by zombies, is find relatively flat land, or a dip in the terrain, and dig three blocks down and place a block over your head. That's it. This simple act made you completely untouchable by the zombies, for no cost, no effort, no defending required.

So The Fun Pimps made it so zombies can dig down. Simple change to correct a glaring flaw.

Similarly, a recent fix to zombie pathing was that it used to be zombies simply could not walk up steep inclines like wedges+wedge tips placed so it was facing the sky. So, if you just built a 4 tall wall out of these wedges and wedge tips, zombies would again never be able to get to you, with the sole exception of vultures and sometimes spider ... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by vgifford:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: It's called Nitrogen, and support for it ended before a19.0 went stable. It's currently in a state of "use at your own risk" as it is three or four major builds behind the games current RWG mixer, and is not fully compatible. The last update was July 5th, and the mod author is said to have moved onto other projects, so it is not likely to receive any further updates.
Kinda of a shame, the ability to customize maps how you want...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Xv15: There are dedicated programs that can generate a world in minutes. Fully custom. Don't remember the name but it is an option.
It's called Nitrogen, and support for it ended before a19.0 went stable. It's currently in a state of "use at your own risk" as it is three or four major builds behind the games current RWG mixer, and is not fully compatible. The last update was July 5th, and the mod author is said to have moved onto other projects, so it is not likely to receive any further updates.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is calculated by scanning through neighboring blocks. That algorithm is old and actually something I'd like to look at and see if it can be improved, since the results don't seem that great.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks and Merry Christmas!

22 Dec

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Bob:
Originally posted by Ming: No they still have features that were promised in kickstarter to add. So you are wrong these plans have been in place for a very long time. Yes its taken them longer to get there then initiailly imagined, but baring any major issues we have about 2 alphas left before moving onto beta per the recent a20 streams.
Yea, but alphas have recently been taking 10! months each, so the development time is rather insane.

With that said, at l...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Bob: I mean, the recommended requirements are way out of date at this stage. I am still running an fx 8350, which is far better than what they 'recommend', but it still takes me 25 min to create a new seed, 8k size.

The "bottom" end of the scale would likely be where OP is at, and it is possible he looked at the old and outdated requirements page back when the game was still blocky and no one had any idea that the game would be upgraded visually.
Ok, but what is your GPU?
As I stated earlier, the RWG generation relies on the GPU. It only cares about your CPU if your GPU doesn't have the hardware to support the requirements of the tool.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Bob: I mean, the recommended requirements are way out of date at this stage. I am still running an fx 8350, which is far better than what they 'recommend', but it still takes me 25 min to create a new seed, 8k size.

The "bottom" end of the scale would likely be where OP is at, and it is possible he looked at the old and outdated requirements page back when the game was still blocky and no one had any idea that the game would be upgraded visually.
Ehm..Iirc the most recent update to the requirements was not that long ago, It was either when A19 went stable, or when A18 went stable- Both of which were after the latest major graphical overhaul. So they shouldn't be terribly out of date at this stage-... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Story is for Beta development, core game components and mechanics are for Alpha development.

Guess where the game is currently?

On point though, they've been working on the story and quests for a couple of years now. It's just a little dumb to add them into the game when you don't have the components they rely on implemented yet.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
1. Disable every option with the word "Reflection" in it.
2. Don't play at a resolution higher than 1080p. This is a Voxel game, not CSGO.
3. Ensure that your client is fully excluded from antivirus software.
4. Use DirectX. GLCore is for systems with non-supported drivers, and Vulkan is still a work in progress.
5. Double-check that your system RAM is clocked properly. Many systems over the past two years have been shipped/built with the RAM set on the lowest default for the sticks. Ensure that it is configured to use the XMP(Intel)/DOCP(AMD) profile.
6. Post exact full hardware specs so we can more specifically assist you.
Here is an example.
CPU i7-3930k overclocked at 4.6GHz
Memory 32B DDR3 RAM at 1866Mhz
GPU GTX1060 6GB SSC OC'ed a pinch over the factory OC.
DrivesOS and game saves on separate SSD's. Game client is on NVMe
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
On a system that meets the recommended hardware spec, it's currently about 15-20 minutes for an 8k map. Maybe 25 minutes at the bottom end of the scale.

If it's taking you that long, then the client is unable to use your GPU for map generation because it does not meet the recommended spec. As a result, it must rely on your CPU. Since your GPU isn't up to spec for the job, it's typically not very likely that your CPU is either, and then there's the fact that you also don't likely have enough RAM, so it has to additionally switch to using your pagefile on your archaic platter drive instead.

Basically, if you aren't on the recommended hardware, your PC keeps kicking itself in the ass until everything can only take forever.
    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'd like to once we get bandits in, so that somewhere along the way they try to intercept the package.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Just to clarify something here, GENERATING a brand new world takes quite a while. LOADING a previously generated world is considerably faster. As suggested, If you're impatient you might try one of the three pregen worlds, or the handcrafted Navezgane map.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Major update (A18.x->A19.x) will always require a restart
Minor update (A19.2->A19.3) typically doesn't require a restart- And if a restart is necessitated, it will be indicated in thepatch notes.
    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Console sold great with ugly UMA presets and zero customization. If we have a similar amount of heads it should be just fine. The CPU savings deleting all those bones/morphs/bloat data wouldn't hurt either. Anyhow this is months out as we've pushed new characters to A21 so even I don't have an answer as to what we're actually doing.

I haven't heard anything but the rwg new rivers look promising. I wouldn't expect much from water only that it won't be buggy af anymore and will be optimized. There won't be awesome waterfalls or anything too fancy.

No because it's fine how it is and t