Candles and torches make Heat/Activity constantly. Electric lights don't, though the generator powering it May(Solar+Battery for example makes no activity)- You can run a TON of electric lights off one generator. The Lantern is an item added long after the electrical system, and it has not yet been balanced into or against the preceeding systems much. As to a light stuck to your head? Sure. But, There's something a bit extra about actually having a lit room, instead of perpetually going around with a flashlight that makes a place feel like home.
And in any cast, Spotlights put any other lightsource to shame- Even if you're not into decoration, Spotlight wins the lighting game.
Crafting, Because while you're running around with Q1 and Q2 tools praying for a Q6 so you don't have to craft, I've had Q5 for the past week.
By crafting, I can guarantee my access to a Q1-Q5 weapon or tool of my choice with no need to rely on RNG which can, and very freque...
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