Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

29 Aug

26 Aug

23 Aug

22 Aug


Hey shaner9596,

thank you for your question.
Both the silver production chain as well as the islands are exclusive to the "Seasons of Silver" scenario, there are no plans to add them to the regular sandbox game.

18 Aug


Originally posted by videki_man

Can we expect any more silly steampunk elements in the game?



Thanks for this additional feedback @G3MonkeyHead , we appreciate it and it's been passed on!

17 Aug


Just for some context: We are currently working on an update that would mean all features and services of Anno 2070 will continue to be accessible, avoiding the decommissioning.

Things are looking good, so, the chances are high that the game won't lose any of its functionality.


Originally posted by fhackner3

My fear is that it's just the 3 mail types for arctic and enbesa.

I got good news: Both Enbesa and the Artic will get their own Lifestyle needs for their population tiers :)


That was a design decision right from the start: We wanted to clearly split the new airships in a sort of smaller "hunter" class, that would be armed to take on the larger and slower trading vessels - and these larger unarmed cargo ships.

We did not want to go for some kind of "flying fortress".

16 Aug


Originally posted by vyainamoinen

"For this purpose, we introduced new Bauxite mine slots in the New World."

Will this be save compatible?


15 Aug


Originally posted by ch4ppi

Someone pointed out that the last airship that forms 9 could also move up to to form an 8, so maybe they are baiting us?.

20.09. would be really late, if they are still releasing the big dlc this year.

Considering August 20th is a Saturday, I would consider a release on that date rather unlikely ;)

14 Aug


With gamescom coming up, I'd say it's a good guess that there'll be a sale around that time.

13 Aug


Originally posted by Balrok99



12 Aug

11 Aug


Island sieges in general are restricted to the harbour area in Anno 1800. With DLC 11 you will now be able to support these attacks from the air.


Originally posted by lions2lambs

The only thing I did not like is that they locked commuter workforce in the new world behind airships and DLC11 instead of as a part of the GU and actually added piers.

It doesn’t make sense logically and seems like a marketing/product decision to generate revenue rather than a technical one.

Short-sighted in my opinion since the DLC as a whole seems stunning. Really should have just added piers.

Not having Commuter Piers prior to this was a conscious decision: It's part of the challenge the game presents you with while building your empire.

With us now expanding the New World, both in term so space (with DLC 12) as well as in terms of production and buildings, it made sense to introduce this mechanic to this region as well. Having plans for an airship DLC, tying the worker commute to this feature was a logical step. (same like the mail, for example, because sure: You could also do that via regular ships, in theory).

No, of course this isn't historically accurate, but has never been our intention to be historically accurate with any of our games.


Originally posted by pachakamak

No it didnt, you just missunderstood it. At no point in the stream do they say new session, they say exactly what fhackner has posted here before "no bigger island, but new islands" meaning expandes NW. There is 100% no new session comming, thats a fact the devs confirmed.

Indeed, confirmed