Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

15 Feb


Originally posted by TheGoalkeeper

I really hope the older/remastered versions work on the steam deck. That would be just perfect for some after-work hours

@ u/Com_Raven do you have a SteamDeck DevKit and did you test any Anno game on it?

I have yet so see a Steam Deck in person, and we do not have any plans to optimize the games for it at this time.

14 Feb


Hello Romenzero,

thank you very much for your detailed feedback and the bug reports!

Several of the issues you have reported are indeed already known issues that the team is currently investigating. Meaning that problems like, for example, the top island in the statistics menu, the Tourists moving out upon loading and the missing animations for the residents are planned for upcoming Game Updates.

I'll take a note regarding the remaining points so we might be able to address them later.

Thanks again,


Hey there, thank you for your feedback on the profanity filter.

However, as per general Ubisoft policy, this filter will stay in place.

Thank you for understanding,

11 Feb


Originally posted by bigbadVuk

Why can't they seem to be able to fix the Docklands bug? I know it's somewhat easy to work around it, but it seems quite a small issue to fix and it IS annoying.

There was a connection to a different issue requiring more testing. Therefore it unfortunately did not make it into the upcoming patch.

Will be addressed in the next Game Update.


Nice progress!


I do, what's my prize? As the others said, we will reveal more information, including the release date of DLC 1, in late March.

10 Feb

08 Feb


Originally posted by AllyLeeliah

They all look so nice I'm going to use all of them all year round. Can I ask where I could find the art images related to previous CDLC?

Which images do you mean?

07 Feb


The next smaller Game Update is coming on February 15th alongside the release of the next Cosmetic DLC, while the next major update is planned for the start of Season 4 this Spring.

However, while we certainly do our best to fix issues as they pop up, it is sadly quite unlikely that a game of the complexity and size of Anno 1800 will ever be completely bug free.

04 Feb


Originally posted by DaLexy

And what amount are we talking about ? 5, 10, 30 ? The last major dlcs where quite lackluster when it comes to variations, just look at the orchard or the multi factories, malls and so on. If it goes the same route I rather keep my money.

Scope-wise it'll be similar to previous Cosmetic DLC, so between 20-30 ornaments total for the pack.


Originally posted by jje10001

At the very minimum, could these seasonal ornaments be visual skins so that all of them could be changed at once with the skin painter?

No, not in the way the system is set up at the moment. The ornaments come in different sizes and look completely different, so it wouldn't be possible to just rotate through the 4 seasons anyway.

That aside, the release is, as announced, in less than two weeks and the content is finished, it's not possible to touch any of the ornaments anymore until release.


Originally posted by Posting_Just_To_Say

Releasing the same Christmas Pack a second time is an interesting move 🤔

I think you may be missing some things in the blog and image :)


Originally posted by jje10001

At the very minimum, could these seasonal ornaments be visual skins so that all of them could be changed at once with the skin painter?

That is not possible, no. The different ornaments are separate, unique models, and not seasonal reskins of each other.

03 Feb


Originally posted by fluffytom82

No circus... 😭🥺😢

Sorry, no third chances!


Originally posted by rainbow6play

How does this seasonal pack differ from the Christmas one? Will it be similar to the market in 1404 which changed based on the season/holiday?

It will offer several new decorative ornaments for each of the 4 seasons.


Originally posted by jje10001

I hope this seasons pack includes a new seasons visual mechanic + automatically-changing decorations. IMO DLC like the Christmas pack ended up too fussy to use on a regular basis, and I'd think the same would ring true for other seasonal decorations.

I don't think this is out of the scope of possibility as it could utilize a similar day night-cycle system but use effects like snow (already in-game) instead + changing foliage colors.

Likewise, the automatically-changing building mechanic was already present in a few buildings like the marketplace, since these buildings would get a holiday skin on Christmas.

This is, unfortunately definitely out of scope for a Cosmetic DLC.

The "Seasonal Decorations Pack" will offer, true to its name, decorative ornaments for each season.