Thanks for the feedback, I'll see that it gets to the right teams.
@mathematics654 Can you try running a Repair on the game via Origin and ...
Read more@braxtonhand16 If you are needing assistance with account changes you will need to reach out to an EA Advisor for further assistance as we are unable to make changes for you on the fourms.
Hey all,
The forums undergo a yearly "spring cleaning" and boards that have sub-forums that are rarely used get merged together.
As Anthem had about 12 sub forums that were rarely used they've been merged here instead.
If you try Twitter or Facebook, give them 24 hours to respond. If they don't, feel free to try again. They get a high volume of messages and don't see them all.
Open a case or send a message through Twitter or Facebook. All of those instructions are in my original post.
What I'm saying is you need to contact an advisor so they can look at your account and give you an update.
This isn't something we can help with over Answers HQ. You'll need to contact an advisor to get an update. I'm not seeing any attempts to reach support for a week. Please follow the suggestions for contacting support in my last post to get in touch with someone.
Hi there, @tvonengel.
This is something an advisor should be able to look into for you. Please try messaging @EAHelp through Twitter or open a case with a live support advisor here: You can also go to to get in touch with support. Thanks!
Apologies for the misinformation. Your account doesn't have any action taken on it by Terms of Service. You just need to contact an advisor to have them find out what's going on. I see it's been a couple of days so I'd advise you to open another case and request a callback. That or contact an advisor through Twitter (@EAHehlp) or through Facebook (
If you're in the US, there is no phone number you can call, but you can open a case and request a call back to speak with an advisor. This isn't an issue they can help with though as it's completely up to Terms of Service.
Please try contacting @EAHelp through Twitter or open a case with a live support advisor here: You can also go to to get in touch with support. They'll look into this for you. Thanks!
Hi there, @iPhoenixV1.
Are you sure you're resetting the password for the right account? If it's the one you're posting here with, that appears to be the wrong one as it has never played any of our games.
Account security is important to us.
When helping with certain issues, like account changes, it’s important that we can verify that you own this account. We want to make sure we’re not compromising your account, so we can’t help out with your issue currently.
If you’re able to regain access to your email account later, you can resume this case on EA Help at or click Contact Us on any ...
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