
Anthem Dev Tracker

26 Jan


Originally posted by Giesler14


Loving the game so far and here are my thoughts on your points.

Javelins -

Animations - since the javelins are so bulky it’s sometimes hard to see what the animation is doing. Obviously you can see it but it’s not very pronounced.

I love the feel, each javelin definitely has a specific vibe to them and the fact that you can keep up while traveling is a huge plus.

On that note, running doesn’t really slow you down when you overheat so I like that aspect. I would say it’s a little difficult to stop mid-air flying especially when your trying to get an objective that’s in a hard to reach spot.

I’ve only played ranger and colossus. I think the ranger is great but I have some issues with colossus. First - he’s suppose to be the tank but his health with his mobility he can’t last in situations. I’m constantly running away to try and preserve health, I know he has a shield so that helps a bunch, but personally I just feel like he’s...

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This is really great feedback Giesler, thanks for sending it over. We've been taking a lot of passes at the Colossus and his shield vs the other Javelins and their regenerating shield. We'll continue to balance this for sure. Flight is also something we're keeping a close eye on, especially for PC.

The stats on the weapon thing for crafting is super interesting, in most cases it will just be an upgrade of the item base stats but that is on a separate screen. I'll pass on that feedback too. Thank you.


Originally posted by TalkingPixels

Could I DM you his PSN and EA info (besides password) or are ya guys to busy? I figure you guys are getting slammed right now but wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't ask lol.

Regardless I hope you guys aren't overworking. If ya guys want pizzas sent your way just send me the address or the nearby pizza place and I'll get a few for you all. I know how it goes 😁

Appreciate the offer Pixels! We do like Pizza... but I think we're covered. I'll send along the kindness all the same.

As far as your issue since it's more widespread we should be able to look into it that way. Some users reported to me that they had luck by deleting the locally saved storage files for Anthem Demo.


Originally posted by CaptainYumYum12

Also I’m not having problems with the log in you guys have done great on that. Still get the infinite load but there’s a new problem where the server lag becomes unplayable because of extreme lag. This is happening to all my friends on ps4. Keep up the good work guys

Ok well good news on the login problems and thanks for the lag report. Where are you playing from?


Originally posted by Zjzaine

I don't know what u guys did but I finally got in

Awesome, go go go!


Originally posted by samurai_rob

I've been trying to log in on ps4 for 2 hours now and can't get past the title screen. I keep getting "Connection Problem". It says servers are unavailable. I'm so disappointed, I can't even express it in words...

Sorry Samurai, we're working out what we can but thank you for taking the time to comment and make the report.


Originally posted by k0hum

I got the message at the end of the 3rd mission that i had unlocked the second javelin. Come back to fort tarsis and I'm under level 12 again and I can't get the second javelin. Is this a known issue?

I actually experienced this myself. So you're not alone!


Originally posted by dnb321

Just tried again after seeing the latest tweets, still having the same problem :(

Anyway take it easy hope tomorrow :D

Damn ok, yeah hopefully we'll have more of these issues cleared up. Thanks Dnb.


Originally posted by CloudbearTV

Jesus. thank god you were listening man. Finally able to play like a LOT of other players <3 MVP mate

That's awesome Cloud, hope you enjoyed it and sorry for the wait.


Originally posted by Construct_Zero

Here ya go! Today was busy for both you and I. It was my first stream! Your first public launch!

I’ve completed Hard Mode Strong hold and I’m now at 122 gear score on my Colossus!

You can follow my channel anytime here. I’ll stream after work tomorrow about 7pm central us. I think Grandmaster 3 will be fine. Hard to judge at the moment with all the issues going on. I even did the tank mission without a head and tons of UI glitches! 😂

Dude hell yes congrats, nice progress. I checked out the VoDs for a bit. Keep it up :)


Originally posted by dork555

And this sort of simple interaction is why I shelled out for the legion of dawn. Keep doing great things!

Thanks! We are fully committed to being open and working our butts off to make this the best game it can be.


Originally posted by dusty-2011

Thank you very much Community Manager for finally posting this info from the official forums here on reddit.

Will you update this post at the same time as the info on the official forums is updated? If there is going to be a delay, I would actually have preferred to have this in the [link] format, instead of a written text post.

My apologies, I originally posted this at the same time as the official forums, but forgot the "No Spoiler" tag, so it didn't actually post right away...


Originally posted by Xobhcnul0

So I can get in the game just fine, managed to beat the three missions available, and upon reaching level 12 I got the popup thing saying I had unlocked a new javelin but it didn't show up in the forge and since then I get a constant error pop up every 2 seconds.

Thanks for the report. The team is aware of this issue and are working on a fix.


Originally posted by Thalarian17

Not sure what exactly is causing this, but as a Playstation user, I noticed the audio blacked out after about 4 hours of playing the game. It causes the PSN chat to muffle those I'm talking to and cuts all audio from the game to my playstation menu. After restarting the console the audio is completely fine. I was able to get this to happen again twice within only an hour from each other after. Nothing else has ever caused this kind of audio issue. I played about 8 hours ago and stopped due to the issue seeming to come from my console or TV itself, but I have played other games and watched YouTube with no audio errors at all. I did notice the Anthem audio prickles or slightly crackles at the higher pitch sounds.

Not sure if this is an error on my end or from the game. Another player I talked to had the same audio issue occur, but was not able to re create it unlike myself.

That's really messed. The Ps4 controls all the audio output, and ANY game should not be able to affect it. What output format are you using? Encoded or linear PCM?


Originally posted by EndeavorJLT

I definitely love the kaboom audio aspect on sniper rifles and on the Colossus ultimate. One thing I find strange was that sometimes the audio on the gun disappears randomly, especially on high stress fights or when my health is low. Is it intended to be like that?

Low health has a mixer that turns down some stuff, but no cutouts should happen. I suspect this is the in game limiting system that we didn't have time to tune (prioritize player sounds etc). This has been fixed in main game.


Originally posted by dork555

Oh no, the score is glorious, no problem there! Just walking past those booths just kinda is an unpleasant experience in my headphones. And there’s no option to kindly ask the owner of the unruly boombox to turn it down. If I have to get the sentinels involved for the noise complaint I will...

It’s not the style of the music itself, more so just the current volume of it

Ah cool, cuz we fixed that in the mix :)


Originally posted by suedeyoung

I'm not sure if this is something that others have reported but I didn't see it in the thread.

I noticed when launching the game that my Audio would be randomly staticy for a second or two at a time but all other programs like discord and Spotify the audio was coming through without any issues. I also tried launching the game without any other Audio outputs or programs running but ran into the same thing.

So far, I've only done a quick login to make sure that game started before work but the issues were happening on the loading page after you enter the game while it's loading me to the first spawn point in the game. Has anyone had any issues like this? If so were you able to fix it?

I was able to get a quick recording to confirm that I could capture it in OBS. I did a verify through the installer before the recording to see if that would fix it but no luck. Heres a quick little clip of the audio glitching out that I mentioned:


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Weird. Sounds like machine noise interference on the sound card. But it shouldn't be just Anthem doing it. Do have any other audio outputs? Maybe usb headphones or something to test with? Curious if it happens across other outputs.


Originally posted by hugh_jas

Hey! Two very quick questions.

  1. How much Extra time will we get to play? Most of us haven't even been able to log in yet all day. Its almost Saturday and we've missed an entire day.

  2. While the game appears to be fun. On console there is some very obvious frame rate issues. please please tell me this has been addressed for launch.

Thank you very much!!

Not sure what the plan is Hugh, but we know the challenges everyone has had today. For the frame rate issues, were there specific areas or encounters that were worse than others?


Originally posted by sirferrell

Hello. I was given a vip code from the redbull team. I activated it but it won't let me link my PSN account.

Hey Sirferrel, not sure if those specific redbull codes are in the mix of known issues for accessing the demo but stay tuned to updates as they come in. May be worth reaching out to the Customer Experience team too to see if they can assist. Sorry for the troubles.


Originally posted by ITReverie

Apparently, looking around makes everyone else's head follow yours as well. If I look left, all my teammates do to on my side. Not a big issue, but thought I'd pop it in.

Thank you ITReverie that's a good catch.


Originally posted by rpck

One issue that came up in the hour or so I played before infinite load screen was the cosmetic unlocks were not available until you returned from your next expedition. Not sure if it was intended to be that way or not but was unintuitive.

Also the mission end timer needs to be extended especially if it concludes on a boss kill because 2 seconds is not enough time to gather your loot

And I can’t seem to unlock a second javelin. Hit lvl 13 and go to javelins in the forge and nothing shows up besides ranger


For the end of expedition loot it should be automatically granted to you, for loot that may/may not drop off the boss that may be something we have already changed or should look into. Thank you rpck. Also I had the same Javelin problem.