
Anthem Dev Tracker

27 Jan


Originally posted by FlameInTheVoid

Just to add to this note on raid/dungeon/stronghold design:

Most games don’t have a lot of good opportunities to really just explore and appreciate endgame spaces that are usually a step above the regular play spaces aesthetically. Youguys put a lot of effort into those zones, but we only get in when we’re too busy to stop and smell the roses.

It would be nice if:

1) Not only could we not get immediately booted to a mission complete, but if there was literally no timer at all, and we could just explore once everything is dead.

2) The whole space became available on completion. My original thought was until the instance is abandoned. But I’d actually prefer if completion unlocking a separate exploration mode option. Then we could investigate a completed stronghold any time, on our own, without wasting valuable group time on sightseeing and secret hunting.

This would be a great place to stash lore items and secret stuff as well.


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That's a really interesting idea... I'll kick it over to the Stronghold guys. Thanks! 😊


Originally posted by Im_Working_Right_Now

You’re not in a group automatically. There’s just other players in your instance is all. The demo doesn’t have the full map open so you’ll hit a boundary.

Yep, basically this - you're not actually forced to group... there just happen to be other Freelancers out in the world with you 😊.

26 Jan


Originally posted by Atrulyoriginalname

I don't think there was any tether, unless it was linked to the public event style random missions. Any time the tethering came into effect, it was when I was trying to run or fly into an area that was blacked out on the map.

Hmm... there should be no party-tethering in Freeplay. The only time you'll get teleported is if you're hitting the demo zone boundaries.

The intent is that it's for exploration... if you want to just chill and look around, Freeplay is your thing. 😊


Originally posted by beef_swellington

If you get the loading screen of death/crash going into the mission completion screen after finishing a mission, I can personally confirm that you lose all of your rewards (but not your xp). Also your javelin unlock, if that happened to be your 11-12 level mission :(

I believe the unlock issue was fixed - and it should have addressed anyone who missed getting it as well. If you didn't get it before, you should have it now!

That said, we're currently working on the "lost progress" issue as well 🙁.


Originally posted by Khamael_X

Yep. finished it for the first time right now and I was like "what? NOTHING?"

I see that you get the rewards in the end-screen, but not knowing what it was made it incredibly underwhelming as the end to an otherwise really cool Dungeon

Yep, this is on our list - I think we can do a bunch of stuff to make this a lot more celebratory. Thanks for the feedback! 😊


Originally posted by shamus727

I think NOT having a vote kick option is ripe for abuse. What happens when someone wants to troll and just run around in circles not helping? Or worse than that your giving us no way to deal with someone who decides to spam the mic with loud noises or hate speech.

We have a 'mute' feature which silences that person and a 'block' feature which would avoid all future matchmaking with that person.


Originally posted by NVZ-

Just give us an option to play strongholds in private mode maybe?

Private mode means solo play with no matchmaking. Strongholds are 4 player content and are balanced as such.

You do have the option to form a premade (squad) while you are in Fort Tarsis. Inviting the other players from Start of Expedition forms a 'private' squad, bypasses matchmaking, and gets you in the stronghold as a team.


Originally posted by Officer_Don_Uts

You don't lose it. But, very in very irritating fashion, you can't see it until you complete another mission/freeplay activity.

That's currently a bug, what should be happening is that it all resolves if you crash out. You'll get a mail on the newsfeed screen telling you about it. 🙁


... and now someone is sick all over the inside of their helmet. 😊


For number 2, have you tried using the Vault? The Forge is contextual to the Javelin you have equipped.


Originally posted by twi5t3d

I was doing the stronghold mission with two friends and a random joined our group (public). He proceeded to AFK and there was no way to trigger the boss fight. I saw no way to report or kick him in the menus. We messaged him, waited for 20m, and gave up. Anyone have a similar experience?

We definitely have support for afk/activity detection and auto-kick. It may not have made it into the demo, but I will investigate. We did not add in vote kick as it is ripe for abuse.


Originally posted by Autarch_Kade

Once you notice how all your movement is accompanied by beeps, every footstep while sprinting is a beep, you can't unhear it. We get that it's a sci-fi game without a cacaphony of bleep-bloops.

Thanks in advance for disabling this.

Send us a video! We will look at it.


Originally posted by MushuMash

We should be receiving additional info from BioWare today

BenIrvo's reply here:

Thanks to /u/AtmoSZN for tweeting it to them


As the title says, the PC version of Anthem feels and plays like something they just remembered to add in at the last minute.

Here is a list of things I have personally encountered in a few hours of gameplay (luckily I was amongst those who managed to login multiple times without any problems) that are honestly jarring:



The menu is very counter-intuitive, while...

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First off thank you for a very detailed and thorough post. There is a lot of great information here and I appreciate people continuing to provide constructive criticism when there is also a lot of passion pouring out from people who are excited to play the game.

Here are my thoughts on the issues outlined below

One note: the team worked incredibly hard on the below. Without the full context of how many resources and how much time was available for each of the items, its hard to fully grasp the incredible effort that went in, or the reasons why there is still room for improvement. That doesn't mean its good enough, i just wanted to call it out the crazy amount of effort that has gone into Anthem before addressing the feedback :)

Keyboard and Mouse

The build is a little old now and unfortunately some changes were made that arent available in the Demo

  • Mouse acceleration ...
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Originally posted by [deleted]


This is a bug for the demo and has been fixed for launch. Thanks!


Grabbits are life. Please don't harm them <3.


Very good demonstration, i'll forward this thread on through to the team. Thanks.


FYI: SLI is not supported with Anthem at launch, or in the VIP demo.


We are continuing to track current issues for the Anthem VIP Demo and the team is working very diligently to quickly resolve them.

Here's the current list of the most reported and known issues affecting some players:

  1. Rubber-banding during free roam and/or missions.
  2. Second javelin not unlocking when reaching level 12.
  3. An infinite loading screen when launching the game or entering an expedition.
  4. Inability to get past the Anthem title screen.
  5. Inability to access their Anthem VIP demo friends codes.

Resolved or Improved:

  1. Some Xbox One players are unable to access the Anthem VIP demo.

We will continue to update this thread with new information as it becomes available. Thank you for your patience.

External link →

Originally posted by DerpyMoa

Hey u/BenIrvo u/BioCamden
Should we expect improved performance in the full version or is this final?

There have been some optimizations since, I don’t have a good way to quantify that for you unfortunately...


Originally posted by Eternio

Dude , I just gotta say kudos for staying positive and giving feedback and such where you can. Despite the split between the community on their emotional states towards this demo, deep down everyone is still excited for this game (otherwise they wouldn't be here). So, thanks for doing what you can.

Thank you Eternio.