
Anthem Dev Tracker

26 Jan


Originally posted by PheonixWF

happened to some of us on PS4 that in the middle of the game all a sudden audio will be gone, including in game audio, chat audio, outside of game console audio

i have a 20+ mins of footage of dead silence

please take note of this, it could become something devastating later

We have multiple reports of this, we haven't been able repro on the main game build. Will keep testing.


Originally posted by TreFlipTyler

No one else seems to be reporting this issue, but all of my cousins pc audio (discord, game, everything) cuts out as soon as she connects to EA servers. Reinstalled the game, changed countless settings in every related app, restarted pc. Nothing works. Very well cant play a game without hearing the game or your team.

I'm just about to go to sleep, but send me your full pc specs with soundcard, steps taken etc. and I'll have a look tomorrow!


Originally posted by Nac82

Hey tell the team I'm online with my friends and we're having a blast, when you get a chance.

Thank you for your work.

Will do Nac, glad y’all got in. Have fun!


Originally posted by Avera9eJoe

Awesome. And what a fast reply holy cow! As a funny note, has anyone in the office played Halo Online? I think the banshee controls are spot on for PC flight. I don't know if that's useful information to reference but I thought it worth a mention. Best of luck over there!

Not sure! I haven't personally but it's always good to have reference of things people like.


Originally posted by Khaprel

Not sure if this helps or is already know , but the issues with the infinite loading screen for me are only on the initial attempt to join a mission/Freeplay/stronghold. After relaunching, Everything loads fine after until I’m back at Fort Tarsis. Hope this helps narrow down the issue!

Thank you Khaprel, any info helps!


Originally posted by Avera9eJoe

Hey! Wanted to give my word about flight controls. I see most of the other PC users are also echoing my thoughts so that is a bit of a comfort.


I found that turning can be very disorienting since your camera doesn't automatically center quickly like it does in most other games, or on console with a joystick. Because the camera doesn't auto-center quickly, I have to manually drag my cursor back to center in order to slow my turn rate enough to go the direction I want. Could "flight auto-center speed" be a possible option? It might give people some more control. I hope this helps!

Yeah we've been discussing the auto-centering a lot. We'll continue to review demo feedback for PC flight controls as it comes it. Thank you for adding your thoughts Joe.


Originally posted by ITReverie

I was in fine, but it seemed like the loading bugs exponentially got worse. I could log in and play, then.. got a loading screen, fine, played for another hour, and then was hit with "Connection Problem" windows about 5 times before it forcefully disconnected me at the end of a mission. Now, trying to log in grants me a "Connection Issue: Internal Error" bug every time.

Running a GTX2080, 24GB DDR4, and a 6700K @ 4.0 ghz

... still one helluva game. Im excited, and glad we're seeing these issues now and not at launch. Your team is wonderful and I have high hopes for Anthem!

Awesome thanks for the follow-up, also great specs ;). There was a bunch of the internal errors going on about the same time you reported this. Hoping to clear this up.


Originally posted by iimorbiid

12 hours now and still can't get in..

I'm sorry for the wait iimorbiid, appreciate any patience you might have left. We're working on getting folks in ASAP.


Originally posted by C0nfu2ion-2pell

Is it known that some of us just aren't getting the option to pick another javelin?

Yes, had this one myself unfortunately.


Originally posted by Zjzaine

Just none more issue I'm starting to an internal error and two unknown error messages on the login screen now is this a known issue or something new?

Yeah was happening about the time you reported this, thank you Zjzaine.


Originally posted by HeartySalmon

u/biocamden Just finished the Stronghold and a buddy had a CE error. The three of us finished it and two made it out. I got stuck with the loading error trying to get to the XP/Loot screen and restarted. Now Anthem won't connect to EA servers. Getting multiple "Uknown Error" and "Internal Error" messages with "Connection Issue" header. Thanks.

Yeah there was a bit of that about the time you reported this. You should receive XP and loot rewards the next time you complete an expedition. Thank you for the report.


Originally posted by Yojenkz

Add absurd rubberbanding during freeplay.

Also add that when it stops happening, you get spammed with “connection issue; an unknown error occurred” until the game finally boots you back to an infinite loading screen.

Thanks for the feedback. We're also trying to track specific issues, so do you mind reporting the specifics to us at Will help us help you.


Originally posted by hugh_jas

Honestly as far as framerate goes, on Xbox it just doesn't feel like a constant 30 fps. Some areas with more enemies are worse. But it definitely isn't a solid 30 that's for sure.

This is Xbox one x by the way

Thanks for the additional info Hugh, I know we were continuing to do performance improvements and testing after the Demo. We'll continue to review this. If any specific VFX or situations seem to cause it more than others please let me know.


Originally posted by aj53108

Really appreciate you taking the time to keep us informed. Might want to pass along a new problem. I'm on PC and everything was playing fine. Then I got booted out. Now when I try to log back in I can't get past the title screen. Keep getting an error message pop up that says "Connection Problem: uknown error" Click on Ok, and it just keeps coming up.

No problem AJ, I hope the mods don't get too mad at me for commenting and replying to everybody and spamming the "Bio Comments" section haha.

I was having this problem too and we're aware of it. Working through it as we can.


Originally posted by Draven1187

Don't know if this info would help. Playing on ps4 pro, only times me and my friends could get in was playing missions, and doing it private. If matchmaking was on it locked up at the 95% and wouldn't let us rejoin. Also my friends codes still aren't there lol.

Yeah PS4 codes is being looked into. That's definitely interesting info for the matchmaking aspect of the load. Thank you.


Originally posted by atf-98

u/BioCamden, sorry if I'm a but late to the party here but there's another big bug with the beta besides the connection issues.

Me and a few friends have reached level 12 while I'm at 13 and none of us can unlock a new Javelin even though we get the notification. I've tried restarting the application and running missions and even freeplay but nothing works. All of us can only select the ranger. I have also seen other comments on this megathread about this topic as well.

I'm on PS4 if that helps.

Yeah I'm stuck there too ATF, thank you for the report. I'll send that additional context on.


Originally posted by CaptainYumYum12

Australia in Brisbane

Hrm ok, thanks for the added info Captain. I'll see if we're looking into that stuff.


Originally posted by TalkingPixels

All fixed on our end now. Thanks for the response, I was just about to update ya when you replied.

He just needed patience and lots of restarting lol

Awesome! :D


Originally posted by RewritingOurHistory

You guys take note that javelins are not unlocking now for level 12 characters? I finally get in after 9 hours and I can't even pick up a different javelin. Incredibly frustrating.

Yes this happened to me as well. Definitely noted and thanks for the report Rewriting. Hoping we can get that resovled.


Originally posted by Axel799

I've got one more puzzle for you my dude. So I reached level twelve and the mission I was in to reach said level lagged out. When I logged back in I was level 12 but no option to unlock the storm. Any advice?

Not sure if there is a workaround but it is something a lot of users are reporting. Thank you Axel.