Read moreCan I add that we're seeing this happen more and more frequently?
Some consistent themes I've seen while looking for potential solutions and seeing so many reports of this bug:
frequently seems after hitting level 12, and getting one of the load screens that hangs at ~95% completion, that this occurs (happened like this for me)
some people mentioned success joining a freeplay expedition and leaving it, this did not work for me personally
one or two mentions of completing the three story quests allowing the second javelin to be unlocked, this did not work for me personally (nor completing the stronghold once)
Rangers are cool and all, but my interest in the demo is pretty directly proportionate to my ability to play something else lol. I doubt I'm alone in this. Thanks a ton for taking so much time on this guys, really appreciate the effort and it definitely shows something special in that we are getting so ...
Hey Captain thanks for the additional details, it always helps. The javelin unlock should all be resolved now. Hope you got a chance to play another one today.