
Anthem Dev Tracker

27 Jan


Originally posted by CaptainCummings

Can I add that we're seeing this happen more and more frequently?

Some consistent themes I've seen while looking for potential solutions and seeing so many reports of this bug:

  • frequently seems after hitting level 12, and getting one of the load screens that hangs at ~95% completion, that this occurs (happened like this for me)

  • some people mentioned success joining a freeplay expedition and leaving it, this did not work for me personally

  • one or two mentions of completing the three story quests allowing the second javelin to be unlocked, this did not work for me personally (nor completing the stronghold once)

Rangers are cool and all, but my interest in the demo is pretty directly proportionate to my ability to play something else lol. I doubt I'm alone in this. Thanks a ton for taking so much time on this guys, really appreciate the effort and it definitely shows something special in that we are getting so ...

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Hey Captain thanks for the additional details, it always helps. The javelin unlock should all be resolved now. Hope you got a chance to play another one today.


Originally posted by aj53108

Encountered one other problem. I'm level 13. And I can't unlock my second javelin. Go to the Forge, and the click on Javelins and there's no option to unlock a second.

Good luck and I hope you guys get everything fixed! Seems to be a great game once servers are figured out and bugs are squashed.

Sorry for the super late reply AJ but this should be resolved now. Hope you were able to get in a play.


Originally posted by Avera9eJoe

Hm, one bit of feedback I might recommend for ads is using cover when they are low, or if they are making it more obvious? It seems like most of the time enemies will stand out in the open regardless of their HP. Would make them feel more alive. His comment wasn't that helpful so, I hope this helps too :P

This does help, thank you. Yeah I'll pass this on to the creatures team, though they should generally have some evade behaviors.


Originally posted by hugh_jas

I absolutely will and i greatly appreciate you getting back to me.

Last thing ill mention just to be a bit more specific. In all the testing ive done, the game runs between 20 and 25 frames on the xbox one x. Cannot speak for the og xbox one. Bigger fights cause it to drop more. However it almost never reaches its target 30 fps.

As far as pop-in, it doesn't seem to get any better or worse depending on the situation. It just acts as i described before 100 percent of the time.

Once again thank you so much for listening. Have a wonderful weekend. I'll report more as i notice it.

Thanks again for the follow-up and details Hugh, I'll pass this on. I know we're continuing to look at Xbox and PS4 performance.


Originally posted by diacromaticjustice

Just want to say thanks for being very communicative. Tough day at work.

I hope you get a kudos from your boss because you definitely deserve it.

Thanks justice, I appreciate that a lot.


Originally posted by PhoenixVanguard

Has there been any work around or fix for getting locked on loading screens? Haven't been able to play an actual mission since the first one.

Phoenix! Sorry for the late reply, took a break for a bit today. We've got a community post that covers a bit of the issues we're seeing but I believe loading issues are still active.


Originally posted by KahlRasierT

I have the infinite loading screen only when i try to play with friends. Its veryy disappointing, because they dont have the loading screen and Im always the one who cant play.

Hey Kahl sorry for the late reply. Here's a handy forum post for the latest updates on the known demo issues and our progress.


Originally posted by DecadeH

I am still receiving this error even though my EA account says I have access and give me three codes for friends.

Hey Decade just wanted to update with some of the latest.


Originally posted by Cloudless_Sky

Thanks man. I tend to heavily value how cool things look, so some of the feedback might be sort of "selfish" in that way, lol.

I’m the same way so I totally understand.


Originally posted by Berkzerker314

I'm sure you guys are busy but I found a workaround for me at least.

My regular gamertag had lots of issues getting in, infinite loading screens regularly and rubberbanding. It has EA access and the LoD preorder on it. My wife's account, rarely used for gaming, has none of that. Same console,etc. On her gamertag on xbox after restarting the game I have had zero issues for almost an hour.

Good luck and the game looks and plays awesome so far!

Awesome info thank you Berkzerker. Hope you’re having fun.


Originally posted by brandons5645

My sound didn't cut out ,but more like it all went through a Pringles can got shaken up then played through my headset

Both of these are known issues, and fixed in launch. Sorry for the hassle people!


Originally posted by CaptainCosmodrome

Thank you for confirming this. It was one of my big worries.

If you leave something on the ground, is it supposed to get auto-picked up when you leave or do you miss out on that loot?

Masterwork and higher rarity loot is picked up automatically for you 😊.


Originally posted by Ultramarine6

Sounds great! I also love the communication from your teams (thanks for responding!), and the amazing art (both visual and audible) that have been put into the game.

I'll watch for those changes when it officially releases. :)

Thanks! We just appreciate the support.


Originally posted by dr_boneus

Same thing happened to me. Finished the next mission and hit level 13, but still no unlock. Whoopsie!

Edit: A friend told me that some people have had luck after deleting their local save game and reloading. Going to try that.

Edit 2: That worked! Unlocked my second javelin after deleting my save game data and finishing a freeplay session.

Awesome thanks for the follow-up Dr, sorry I didn't get to you sooner. Hope you're able to play now and having fun.


Originally posted by Insolent-Icarus

Same here. Any xp i gain in freeplay shows up during the end of freeplay but doesn't register-- I can't see my javelin and up at the top where my level should show I get a red 0. I can't even progress in the game (i've already done the mission) -- This is on PS4

Any lost XP or loot at the end of Freeplay or any expedition should be awarded at the end of your next mission. However there were some issues with folks getting "rolled" back in progress. This was being looked into at the time. Thanks for the report Icarus


Originally posted by Cloudless_Sky

Been playing Interceptor (my intended main) and have a few thoughts around abilities and general Interceptor play.

  • It's kind of a shame that Detonating Strike and Tempest Strike have the same animation. It's a great animation (and I love that it's different when airborne), it's just that variety is always nice. And I just like melee!

  • I noticed with abilities like Spark Dash and Venom Spray that they target in the direction your Javelin is facing as opposed to where the reticle's facing. This kinda slows the flow of the Javelin down a bit. You wanna melee some guy to death, then dash to the dude you're targeting over to the right, but if you dash before you let your Javelin turn to face him, you'll dash to nothing in the original direction. Wraith Strike actually works how I'm describing.

  • In a similar vein, I sort of wish the regular dashes were context-sensitive in the sense that they depended on the reticle. It'd b...

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Cloud this is really great feedback, thanks for the detail as well as the context of the situations where you saw this. I've kicked this over to myself to look into with the team soon.


Originally posted by Ninjaruski

I've been running the Interceptor as a main since I unlocked it, and I have a couple of concerns.

First of all, the Interceptor is the Javelin that best fits my play style. In the Mass Effect series, I've always run Vanguard, mostly because I enjoy careening across the field like a giant blue biotic comet and getting in close. My thinking is that the Vanguard and the Spark Dash will fill the same function. For the most part, it does. However, there's some things that I'm not quite sure about.

  • The spark dash launches in the direction of the javelin, not the camera or the crosshair, which means that I'm occasionally thinking that I'm targeting an enemy to be spark dashed, but end up going in a different (or opposite) direction. I've taken to pressing forwards before I spark dash which corrects the position, but I'd like to see the dash go in the direction of the cross hair.

  • The Spark Dash also doesn't seem to engage enemies in the air. I ...

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Hey Ninjaruski, thank you for taking the time to give in-depth feedback on the Interceptor. I've kicked these notes over to myself to discuss with the team next week.


Originally posted by Autarch_Kade

Here is a video of the chirping/beeping

You might have to turn your sound up to hear it. It happens just before a jump or just before landing, and with every sprinting step.

What in the actual eff. That makes no sense and is NOT in the sound design. Can you try changing your output format? I want to try to fix this for ya.


Originally posted by TreFlipTyler

Intel core i5-6400 2.7GHz, 8 gigs ram, Radeon RX 480 8 gigs, and I believe sound card is just an integrated one. Realtek High definition audio. I have the exact same system as her, and I have no audio issues whatsoever. When I say exact, I mean we literally bought them together from Lenovos website. I have no issues, so it can not be a system problem from my understanding. Any help would be massively appreciated.

Yeah that is tough. Without actively debugging it's hard to say. System problem is actually more likely, as they can be configured differently, have different drivers etc. The build is the same on both machines, so I would double check all her settings match yours verbatim. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.


Originally posted by suedeyoung

Yeah I was thinking that it should happen to other things so I launched up other games like Overwatch and Destiny 2 while chatting with my Streaming group on discord but never happened again until I did the recording on Anthem again.

I'm currently going through a Roland VT-3 for my headset and microphone but I can try to use the motherboard output directly. Though I'm curious, if it would only be on the sound card to the headset I don't think that OBS would have been able to pick it up from the system audio right? (might be wrong there, correct me if I am lol)

That's astute. Checking captures is one way to isolate hardware vs. software. We will continue testing.