
Anthem Dev Tracker

26 Jan


Originally posted by C_Rufio

Xbox: Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A
PS4: Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right O X
PC: Unsure as of right now.

If anyone can verify PS4 and figure out PC, I’ll edit this post!

EDIT: From u/Isbilen10 “Just did it on PC. It's arrow keys and B, A. People aren't getting it to work because they're doing it before they are supposed to. You need to get past the "Connecting..." and on to the "[Enter] to play".”

EDIT 2: Full 8-bit track posted by u/pastuleo23

That was fast!

Jeremie and his team are the best


Originally posted by dork555

Hard to explain but the music that sounds like it’s playing on a radio on the walk through the bazaar towards your javelin is super jarring as is... hopefully I’m not the only one that dislikes this

That's music coming from the market, not the score :)


Originally posted by Trench781

Please tell me that there is a fix for the Error retrieving Anthem Live service Data Loop on PS4

No fix identified yet that I know of Trench. But looking into it.


Originally posted by rcris18

How about the one on Xbox where loading icon and connecting text disappears and you’re left with just the Anthem home screen? It’s been like this all day for most Xbox players

Yes, I believe that’s the biggest one for Xbox


Originally posted by Pwnaholic

You said you loved me the other day. Still love you Camden. <3 Give the team my best!

Always and forever Pwnaholic.


Originally posted by mmusser

Is it a known issue that some VIP users are getting a "you don't have access to the demo" error when the game tries to connect upon launch? The following conditions are true for me:

  • I'm an Origins Access Premier member
  • The VIP demo page says I have access
  • My EA account says it's linked to my PSN account

Yes we are tracking that for PS4 accounts now.


Originally posted by Axel799

I have only played Freeplay thusfar, but it did not apply my experience gains after my expedition

Was it just the one time? It’s supposed to reward you previous mission XP and loot on the completion of your next one if you have problems. Let me know if this happens multiple times in a row.


Originally posted by cart3r_hall

Why is the A.I. so static and boring?

Can you give me some more specifics? Everything I’ve seen today on streams has looked ok. Any specific creatures? What were they doing?


Originally posted by dnb321

Yeah I've had the same account for a long time...

I finally got in touch with chat after waiting for 90+ minutes and then....

Guess I'll just give up for today, hopefully it will be fixed tomorrow been wanting to play for a long time :)

Ugh I’m sorry dnb not sure what happened there. We’re still working through these. I hope we’ll have ironed these out by tomorrow too.


Originally posted by hyperion_x91

Thanks for the reply, this is a complete guess on my part as I am by no means a game dev or anything of the sort, but I imagine it is loading the games assets in and toward the end of that load it looks at your graphics settings to tailor the last piece toward your settings. I would guess that at this last bit it pulls the graphics settings and at the same time pulls the audio settings. Probably wrong, but that's how I imagine it working lol

I think it's actually storing that stuff in origin, and then pulls all the settings (probably after the boot level) so I think that's probably spot on!


Originally posted by vanilla_disco

This is the problem I have had for 9 hours. At first, I got the typical choose your gender looping bug, now I have this. It's server side, /u/BioCamden. I can log into my friend's account on my PC and play, no problem. When he tries my account from his PC, he gets the same looping issue. Something in my cloud save data is corrupted.

Thank you for the additional info here vanilla, I’m sorry this is happening in yours. We are looking into it now.


Originally posted by caffn8d

That sucks. A lot of times folks forget there are people on the other end of their complaints. All the work is appreciated.

Thanks! There are a ton of us who would help but have no idea how, so best we can do is hope the people who know their stuff have the time to right the situation :)

They are all good people, working their butts off right meow.


Originally posted by asdfholioo

It's been 9 hours and PC players cannot start a mission in-game. We load 95% and just stay there.

Yes the infinite loading is a known issue. I’m sorry this is occurring so frequently asdfholioo. We’re working on it now.


Originally posted by gogogadgetcontroller

I'm on ps4, I noticed quite a few times with talking to some characters like zoe it sounds like they are talking through a can, same thing for the main character when talking to said person. Almost echoes a bit. Is really annoying.

Logged it. Will be fixed!


Originally posted by Liberi_Fatales

I can log in but i almost want to throw up when I play. The motion blur is so bad i cant even call it motion blur. Its like im seeing stuff in slow motion (like the old windows cursor that replicates itself on movement).

I gonna try to press forward and not look at the screen because its instant vomit material.

May want to adjust several of the graphics settings options as some of them seemed to indirectly improve this for me.


Originally posted by C_Rufio

I was upset I couldn’t get into the game so I joked with my friend and said “maybe the Konami Code will work” and it actually did something lol



Originally posted by xblobbyblobbyblobbyx

So, SO cool.

After everything that I've seen and heard of this game - and it is an utterly gorgeous game - the sound artists have done an unbelievable job; you da true MVPs.

Thank you!


Originally posted by lvnna

yeah I've been trying to do this since it released earlier today. Restarted PC, tried different video drivers, repaired game, restarted router, still happening 100% of the time. Cycle goes as:

  • Bioware logo
  • Connecting to online services
  • Loading to 95%
  • Connection Problem: Unknown Error
  • Loading screen again
  • Error retrieving Anthem live service data
  • Loading to 95%

sometimes it crashes on the loading too, without showing the message. If it doesn't crash, it gets to a point where it just stops on "Connecting to Online Services"

System is a GTX1050, 8gb DDR4 and Nvidia drivers are 471.71. Played the closed alpha, it ran perfectly fine.

Thank you for the detailed info Ivnna, looks like the team just updated on this specific error internally. So yes they are aware. Seriously thanks again.


Originally posted by Ctrlaltdelx

Infinite load screen (the one that gets stuck at 90%) is different from loading screen loop. People with the loading screen loop are unable to even enter the game. The game connects, goes into loading screen, loads 5% then instantly jumps to 100, and flashes a Connection Problem notice (error retrieving anthem online service data) and then restarts, over and over again. So far all of the people having this problem haven't even been able to get past that screen. Multiple videos and gifs of the issue were posted but not a single post/tweet acknowledging it.

Ok I just saw an update in the channel for this one and yes they’re seeing this widespread and looking into it now. Specifically the “Error retrieving Anthem live service data”. Thank you for your persistence on this one and addition info.


Originally posted by Axel799

Hey u/biocamden would you mind getting back to me whenever y'all have information about the bug with leveling up? I'm having an issue with experience not leveling my character when I get back to fort Tarsis. As such I can't unlock another javelin

Is this happening after multiple missions or expeditions?