I was watching DansGaming's stream earlier, and virtually every time he went into an opening with multiple enemies, all they did was stand in the same position (minus some occasional shuffling around within a small radius) the entire time and shoot.
Even if there's a group of 5-6 enemies, they, as a group, stay rooted in place.
At one point he landed on a ledge than had an enemy. The enemy was on the very edge of the ledge, and was knocked down violently, but stayed on the ledge, partially floating over the edge while it was down. Then it stood up and just resumed the idle animation, completely unaware he was there. He hit it again, still idling, then he hit it again and it died.
EDIT: I just watched another streamer attack the same enemy in the same location, it's a quarter circle stone formation by some water with boulders in it in the area with the Scars and the waterfalls. Once again, even though he made multiple separate attacks up close against the en...