Get some sleep you guys did so well today you deserve it
Get some sleep you guys did so well today you deserve it
The audio panning of dialogue in Fort Tarsis seems a bit wonky, at least through headphones: an NPC can be just slightly off center in your view, but it will sound like they are all the way off to one side of you.
Not much we can do here, panning is kinda determined my frostbite. We will take a look at the headphone mix tho.
Read moreI’m running an RTX 2070 Overclocked and an i5 4690K overclocked @4.2 GHZ on an SSD all on a 1440P display.
And Im averaging
30-45 FPS in the fort
30-45 in free play, with huge dips when stuff starts happening
40-60 during missions.
When I turn on VSYNC i drop about 15 frames, averaging 30 FPS flat.
This is all on top of the fact that my PC turns into a f**king jet engine and my GPU actually reaches 80* C
In Battlefield V, a game running the exact same engine, I get 100+ FPS all settings maxed out @ 1440p. Either there’s something wrong with my hardware, or this game isn’t optimized. If it were a beta I would be slightly hopeful that the actual game would see a huge performance increase but this is a demo, at max we’ll be seeing a 10-15 FPS increase if we’re lucky. Is there something wrong with my hardware or is this game just terribly unoptimized for PC?
I’m not hating on the game, I think the game itself is really fun...
I can't speak for the whole ptlroject team, but I know my audio team was working on a MASSIVE amount of optimization in the final weeks before certification. I do believe we have improved a ton since this build, so hopefully it is better when you get the final build.
Linear PCM. And exactly, which is why this is so confusing. I played Anthem again this morning without a headset and the only audio error I received after 40 minutes of playing was the audio got mostly cut off (but the playstation menu sound was fine!) for a few minutes and then it ficednitself.
Again, after testing the sound in other games and YouTube, I was never able to replicate it outside of the Anthem Demo.
Can you try switching to DTS to see if it repros?
I'm having this same issue. Hoping someone has a fix for it. I already tried restarting comp and uninstall/reinstall game.
Can you post your technical specs including sound card settings?
Here's a small thing... but there's no audio cue when dismantling weapons or unlocking cosmetic armor pieces.
Just might feel a little more satisfying to get some sort of feedback to let you know the gun was broken down, or piece was unlocked.
Edit: Actually there's a few things in the UI like this, for example: Unlocking your next Jav at lvl 12... you'd think after holding "A" to unlock it there would be a satisfying "plink"/ "woosh"/ "clank"/ etc. But there's just silence, and it makes it feel a little less... epic.
Yep. This came in the hottest. There are sounds now :)
The lightning abilities on the Storm sound good, but they don't sound very impactful. I think adding some sort of bass to it, such as something like the sound of a thunderstrike as an undertone with some leftover rumbles of thunder would make it pop more.
Agree :)
Once I start an expedition, I can play fine with nice sound for about 5-10 minutes and then audio screeches, then cuts off for the whole game. I continue playing just to finish what I’m doing and the audio is screeching ever so slightly but not coming back. Once I exit the game fully the audio begins to work again on my PS4 menu.
Ugh. This is the worst.
Sorry. We keep trying to solve for this. We have optimized the heck out of the ship build, but sometimes these rando audio breaks can still happen. Keep us posted on the main game and apologies for the hassle!
Read moreMy audio thoughts
Fort Tarsis: The crowd noise if there is quiet. The radio music by the forge is very loud. Missing some ambient sounds like hammering or welding sounds. It’s just not there. Overall sound wise Tarsis feels empty. Feels empty sound wise.
Guns I am fairly happy with the guns for the most part. Maybe some more low end? I can’t be too picky not listening on sound monitors. So far I am liking the sound. The charge up on the explosive sniper needs more better audio cue. I can’t really tell if it is ready to fire audio wise.
Abilities For Storm it’s like a mixed bag. Some of the abilities sound great and some don’t. Like the fire orb thing that causes like an incendiary burst lacking some power behind the sound. I think mostly the abilities feel like they just happen. If that makes any sense.
For Ranger clearly his sound is the most polished. Everything sounds great. The melee has that nic...
Everything i you mentioned is dead on, and is fixed in the ship build. :)
Hey check out
Found it literally 6 minutes after “launch”
Damn. Bless the internet.
Not sure if this thread is still being monitored, but the bazaar music that you hear non stop while at the forge playing non stop over and over got me to a point where I shut the music off ingame entirely. I mean the little jingle it plays is fine... I just can't listen to it over and over every time I hit the fort.
I like most of the other music in general, but I hope the bazaar music can be deep sixed.
Yeah we fixed it. Was way too loud and not randomizing correctly. All sorted now in main game.
Reporting a bug! After about 2 hours of play, I heard an explosion, the ringing sound of shellshock, and my audio never came back. Silence and crackling, even when I left the game.
The PS4 menu was also reduced to crackling until I rebooted.
For other feedback:
bullet ricochets cut off and sound broken. Like half the sound effect plays then abruptly ends. It could use a trail off or reverb to smooth it out maybe?
Music seems too quiet. I rarely notice it in game
I feel like the audio for Auto Cannons could use a low end boost to differentiate their sound from assault rifles. I would like for it to sound like youd feel that in your chest
I'm no pro, that's just my bit of feedback. Great work on the title!!
Yeah. Unfortunately that is a super hard to reproduce error with NaNs getting into the audio signal in frostbite. We have been able to minimize it, but it still happens sometime. We are continually trying to trap it.
Richos are fixed in main game. It's a limiting issue. We turnt the music up. A lot. Also did anotjer balance pass on the guns. Hopefully that's addressed.
Thanks for the feedback!
On Xbox, my game just goes to a black screen after the initial splash, no title menu or anything. Have tried uninstalling, moving back and forth from my HDD to SSD, deleting save files. Any word?
Not sure how to fix that. Seems like a video setting maybe. Try the Anthem help site, maybe they have seen it already. Sorry.
I love the sound design for this game, and all of Bioware's feedback and actually responding to fans. Keep up the good work!
Read moreAudio feedback here:
Honestly, the audio is one of the biggest flaws right now, IMO. The game has a lot going for it, but the soundscape is not one of them. I am hopeful this is related to the demo being slimmed down for us, but audio is not a big size sink, and the demo is pretty big... Needless to say I am concerned.
Here is the feedback in no particular order:
- The biggest issue is something I will call "reliability" there are times that the sounds are just not reliable. I will shoot off a rocket and it connects somewhere in the middle distance and.... nothing, not even a whompf. Other times in very similar conditions I hear a sound.
- Radio chatter filters need to be looked at, I FEEL like they got better from the alpha and from the footage I have seen, but the "Hey, this is a radio transmission, nerd!" effect is a bit much.
- Related, but THANK you for making the voice switch from radio effect to local when you get near the speaker.
Got it. We are actively working on every point. Hope you enjoy the main game more!
It just unlocked for me Cam! I don't know how/why unless y'all did something on your end.
Awesome! Have fun Axel!
u/biocamden If you get kicked out during the Stronghold (CE error, etc) near the final room, the door is closed off when you rejoin. It happened to me and I couldn't rejoin the team and somehow took damage and died. I did get credit for finishing and all the XP, but had to stare at the death screen until the other three finished. I'm on PS4. Thanks.
Thanks for the report Hearty I appreciate that. I’ll pass this along.
Yo, the guns are so much better than they were previously in terms of sound. They used to sound repetitive and annoying but now it feels like there is more variation.
Not sure if you're the same team that worked on inquisition but I have to say, the audio work done on the abilities in that game and this is incredible. Every one of my abilities feels hefty and recognisable with a unique audio cue. Thanks for all the hard work, hope you're all proud!
Thanks! Yep same team pretty much, couple new faces.
But it does. I got disconnected from free play with a friend and it didn't let me rejoin after I started. When I tried to join him it said the group was full....
Hmm, that may be another bug - the server should reserve your spot for a few minutes after you disconnect. Let me know if you tried to reconnect right away and it didn't work - I'll kick it over to QA and we'll get it filed.
Sorry you're running into problems! 🙁
Why are you guys using such an old build for the demo? Or is it not an old build and this game just has so many playability issues this close to launch?
I really hope you guys improve this for the public beta next week.
Basically if you want to put something out there on multiple platforms it has to go through certification. That generally takes a fair amount of time, about a month for the whole process in this case.
It's unfortunately a lot more complicated than pulling a build off the line and throwing it up on a server... 😊