
Anthem Dev Tracker

20 Feb


Originally posted by BronzeKnight

I also feel the music is a bit fleeting. Namely in fort tarsis when I log in it’s so quiet i wonder if my sound is on. Any way to keep the title screen music going in FT?

Hahaha, the irony! We had the most annoying bug where it wouldn't STOP.

Not the title screen - but there will be a lot more score - and it will change/ramp up with different phases and activity levels in the Fort. Also Day/Night affects this behaviour :)


Originally posted by Xithryl

No worries, I appreciate it. I'm hoping the big day 1 patch kicks it back into the right spot, lol

Me too :)


Originally posted by culture_crab

Sure! I can set both speakers and headphones jack. What am I trying to find out exactly? Is the bluetooth headset supposed to be on anyway?

Oh one more - in Windows you can set what you want Windows to do when a communications device is active (like VoIP or Skype) - it can duck other audio. Make sure that is set to 'do nothing'.

Check this out - it may help:


Originally posted by culture_crab

Sure! I can set both speakers and headphones jack. What am I trying to find out exactly? Is the bluetooth headset supposed to be on anyway?

So essentially - Frostbite has a REALLY hard time with multiple outputs that are set to different settings. USB and Bluetooth devices can actually CHANGE windows settings (they do all the time on our work rigs and it drives us NUTS). So, the 'fix' right now (until we can look at the underlying core Frostbite issue) is to set all your devices and outputs to 16/48 and ensure the don't change (especially at runtime). This has fixed the issue for MOST people, but please let me know if you can reproduce it with regardless of doing this. And thanks for your patience!


Originally posted by Xithryl

Only some times, today I loaded multiple times back and forth from the bay to the fort until I was finally not able to exit to the fort either, had to exit the game, reload in, then finally after a few attempts I was able to load a mission :/

Ugh. Sorry for the hassle - hopefully this is resolved soon.


Originally posted by SioVern

There's an awesome soundtrack that I only heard once. It sounded pretty epic, but it triggered when I was doing nothing, like at the start of a freeplay session. It sounded great, and I'd like to hear it more, but it does feel like the dynamic system is not giving us a lot of music variety - for the most part I hear only 3-4 soundtracks, and quite sparsely.

Yeah, in Freeplay it's pretty much randomly selecting from a pool of around 10 - on some areas we pick it specifically. In other areas it's all custom (mostly missions).

We will continue adding more throughout live service :)


Originally posted by BigBad01

Why is Fort Tarsis so silent? Imagine if the Citadel didn't have the awesome background music?!?

We have amped up the music and frequency of the score and the diegetic (in world) music for day 1 :)


Originally posted by Kyoj1n

It might be that it should play more stuff while we're actually doing "nothing", that's when people will notice the silence more.

Noted - good feedback!


Originally posted by culture_crab

I think all the bluetooth devices have fixed mode, I can't change anything. When I use my headset and speakers and switch between them, I still have occasional audio cut off, but it happens like once in 6 hours and might be because I use 24/96? Going back to Bluetooth, is there maybe any way to make the game ignore VoIP devices?

Can you set your speakers to 16/48?


Originally posted by PcGamer85

Apologies for hijacking this, but I would also have something that's out of your wheelhouse and yet is affecting dozens (to say the least) of players who are using a Dolby Vision display with their PC and getting a black screen.

There are some workarounds to get the game to work on HDR only but they require to use Borderless instead of Fullscreen, which in itself lowers performance a bit. Would it be possible to get some developer working on a fix, perhaps alongside NVIDIA? Thank you in advance!

Yeah it looks like it's filed through the proper channels - I can't offer any more info as it's so far outside my area of expertise. I do know that everything being submitted on the answers site is being tracked.


Originally posted by terrify_

Thanks for reply, someone commented and said it was just for masterwork and legendary. Could you pass along the feedback to include at least epics into that?

Edit: also, where do they go if I miss picking one up?

I think your end of expedition screen. That would be most logical.


Originally posted by Xithryl

Could you maybe see if we can get some official word on this? I see a lot of people commenting about it, but nothing has been said about it at all... Video here if you can pass it along to the right people. Some sort of comment from Bioware would make people feel a lot better.

Can you launch through the launch bay?


Originally posted by Pakkrat

It is not related to firefights because i just had the sound bug occur during a loading screen. This not only cuts out in game sound, but all audio output from my computer including discord/youtube/netflix.

This isn't just during combat, it's anytime. It's just that 90% of the time you're in combat.

That is true - Anything can technically cause that bug to happen (it could be playing under the load screen but inaudible) - thanks for the info though!


Originally posted by Tyrosus

I don't know how, but I went back to the tomb to try and see if anything changed and viola! I can now progress on the challenges. I'm a teensy bit overleveled and overgeared for it by now (closing in on 20s and ~200ish power) but hell, I don't mind re-grinding the quest I've basically completed 6x by now xD Thank you so much for your live support and effort! One question before I let you go, though --

I've been asking basically every rep for Anthem since it was announced - can I upgrade from base game to LoD edition after launch? I got the base game when I upgraded my GPU and I didn't want to have to pay for the full game over again (picking it up for PS4 to play with coworkers)

And uh.. Do we have a solid 'maybe' for cross-saves?

I don't know of an upgrade path in your case - sorry. I am however very glad to hear that you got sorted out - I hope they were able to fix your account on the server side! And no idea for saves either - sorry!


Originally posted by terrify_

If I accidentally miss picking up loot in a mission or whatever, where does it go? Do I just lose it or what?


I think certain rarities remain picked up - I would have to double check with the design team to be sure what the process is there.


Originally posted by SodaPopp

Btw, weapon is Avenging Herald *2

Loadout largely consists of +Crit Damage, +Heavy Pistol Damage, along with masterwork bonuses from Thousand Suns & gunslingers mark

edit: Highjacking my own post to ask /u/biowarejer if avenging herald was intended to be stacked against itself. +400% weapon damage doesn't seem right and my abilities aren't even worth using anymore besides aoe primers for my squadmates

Whoa - sounds pretty crazy. I'll let design know, as I have no idea!


Originally posted by Xathras1

Tagging /u/BioWareJer in something actually related to Audio for once!

The thread hasn't gotten too much traction, but I feel this is important feedback I'd like you reach you. Personally I think having the soundtrack playing more often would increase the gameplay experience a lot!

So we have a pretty dynamic contextual music system. It responds to a multitude of parameters (it's actually sets of huge 12 channel music files with overlays being triggered based on gameplay).

Enemy type Enemy proximity How many enemies Whether or not you are being targeted How much badass stuff you are doing (headshots, abilities, melee)

The system aggregates all of those and controls what is playing based on them.

Then on specific missions where we know exactly what is happening we script specific music sometimes. So it's something we can tune in live service, and even based on power level/difficulty setting etc. I will pass this feedback on to our music team and see what we can do!


Originally posted by MutedSpeakerbox

Some weapons and gears still had the base description.. it literally said "Hitting enemies increases weapon damage by _% for _ seconds. Stacks to _."

I assume this means they fill out correctly

This is correct.