
Anthem Dev Tracker

22 Feb


Originally posted by VoxMendax

Got another one to drop shortly after I posted this lol. Went ahead and salvaged the broken one :(

Silver-lining, I’m sorry for the first batch Vox. Thank you for the follow-up.


Originally posted by mugulu

Please fix these Titan attacks that we can't dodge. Even the waves of fire pass through thick walls or rock. That make fighting Titan not fun.

Waves going through objects is by design. It’s intended to be flight/jump avoidance. But I do appreciate the feedback. We’ll watch for additional similar feedback.


Originally posted by laserapocalypse

Not sure what, if anything, we might be able to do here.

That sounds kinda troubling.. so if something goes wrong with a patch, the gear we farmed might be rendered useless?

We’re looking into it, for this specific case and future case protection.


Originally posted by grantgrip

I feel as if the more luck I get the lower my chances of mw/legendary gets. Is there a cap or is there a point at which too much luck is negative/has a fall off?

Not that I’m aware of.


Originally posted by LawbringerX

Glad you’re looking into it. While we’re at, a quick discussion on how to speed up server-side hit detection to make it more realistic and accurate would be something you’ll want to have with whoever is in charge. This is affecting not only projectiles like fireballs and fire waves, but also shots players make on enemies. I’ll headshot, then a split second later the “X” will show up and I’ll hear the noise. But it’s nowhere near instant/spontaneous, as it should be.

Take for example APEX LEGENDS and how they register shots the very instant it lands on an enemy. You hear the audio immediately, there’s no delay in any aspect of it. Anthem needs to emulate this to nth degree, because right now the server-side hit detection is super slow (high latency?) by comparison. Please and thank you!

Yes we also want to look into this.


Originally posted by ScruYouBenny

Can we agree that whatever is going on here, it appears broken? This happens constantly. Same with spider web attacks. You clearly dodge a projectile, then a second later when nothing is around you, it hits.

We’ll look into it.


Originally posted by Sinistrad

I've tried dodging early and it doesn't always break the seeking of the projectile. And doing so can mean you don't have a 2nd dodge ready in time if the seeking doesn't break. This attack feels very buggy even if it's not technically a bug and I hope you all will tweak the attack to make it a bit more readable regardless. <3

We are looking into if there is anything else going on here.


Originally posted by iamgroot91

Is the Scar sniper locking supposed to track me even if I dodge?

The tracking laser should yes. You have to time the dodge when the projectile is in the air.


Hey Mind-game thanks for the heads up here. We’re aware of the Avenging Herald bonus when not equipped, but I appreciate the report about Gunslinger’s Mark in combination.


Originally posted by Darokaz

I'm still talking with the team on what exactly is going on, didn't want to leave you all in the dark. I do still want to say that the original post isn't what is meant to be happening, that much I do know :)

Ok, team is working on a fix, what you see in game isn't correct. Once the fix is ready I'll let the community know.

21 Feb


Originally posted by Darokaz

Somethings definitely not right here, let me talk to the team to see what's going on.

I'm still talking with the team on what exactly is going on, didn't want to leave you all in the dark. I do still want to say that the original post isn't what is meant to be happening, that much I do know :)


Originally posted by ShiinjiiFR

someone can help me please, I have a question for the ranger. Before this day one patch i have more than 15 bars of armor (green hp), but after this one i have only 5....

It's a new bug or it's a fix for something ?

My friend play interceptor and have win more bars of armor after this patch...

Thanks in advance

PS : question for dev, how i can unbind switch weapon on scrolling mouse ? on config file (i can't ingame setting)

someone can help me please, I have a question for the ranger. Before this day one patch i have more than 15 bars of armor (green hp), but after this one i have only 5....

It's a new bug or it's a fix for something ?

My friend play interceptor and have win more bars of armor after this patch...

Thanks in advance

Please file it at the EA help site -

I will post to our internal messaging as well.


Originally posted by Geilokowski

Okay, thanks. I appreciate all the hard work you guys put into the game. I was able to fix it by simply going into another tomb and was then able to completle the tomb of Yevenia there. This fixed it for me but i think it's not intended to be that way so you might want to still look into it :)

Glad to hear you solved this, and yeah it's being looked at!


Originally posted by Geilokowski

So, what if i did 3 of the 4 tombs but can't activate the last one? I am standing close to the tomb but there is no Pop-UP telling me to press a specific button. Nothing happens. I cant do anything without opening the tomb so this is kinda gamebreaking for me... I can go inside Yvenias tomb but i am unable to activate the tomb and complete the quest I tried restarting the game and all that stuff. Nothing helps.

They are tracking instances of this per user on the help site - please go file it.

It's actively being worked on!


Originally posted by denkigrve

Fixing bugs is super hard. Sometimes you fix one, but there are 2-4 others that behave the same. I get it and feel sympathetic with the work you guy have ahead of you. It's super frustrating when your project has issues for users. Just keep up the hard work. This game has potential to really shine, and I think you guys have the passion behind it to make it happen.

Thank you! That is precisely the plan, to adapt and overcome!


Originally posted by letsyeetoutofhere

The people who designed this game did a ton of research and are avid Diablo/Destiny/Division players

Then how exactly did you make the same mistakes as those games when they launched?

I wont lie, i have a feeling EA is going to bring the hammer down on you guys. This game's launch is not going well and enough people are sick of the "just wait itll get better" approach to games as a service.

I can't speak to that - I'm only responsible for the audio experience (which has it's own issues we are trying to solve). The only thing I can say is that sometimes things seem very clear once players really start playing...serious end game, serious amounts of hours being put in - it's not always 'easy' to replicate that internally, especially at scale.

We are committed to responding to the community and EA is too. They have invested a LOT of time and money into this project and want it to grow and be successful over time just like the dev team.


Originally posted by hapearson

I had an issue today in freeplay where I ran out of space in my bag. Couldn't pick up a masterwork that dropped after the fact and thought it would be waiting for me in my vault. What happened was I lost it. Is this intended? If so it might want to be communicated as many people believe any loot not picked up, regardless of a full bag or not, will still be collected for you above a certain rarity.

Hmm...yeah that is a good point. Will make sure I communicate it out to the systems team!


Originally posted by Marcavelip

Thank you for all the hard work, and getting this day 1 patch out a day early. However I just updated, and was sad to not see this mentioned anywhere in the patch notes. After logging in and trying to interact with my Javelin in Fort Tarsis, nothing happens at all. I then went into the Social Hub, and also cant interact with the launch expedition area here either. It seems this was in fact not fixed in the day 1 patch???

Doesn't look like it fixed it for everyone - they are still looking at it, as it's being tracked by the design team. Sorry for the hassle!


Originally posted by Xathras1

Thank you for your response, this had exactly the effect I was hoping for. Like mentioned by others it's mostly noticed when doing 'nothing' and exploring and the likes. I'd also like to highlight loading screens as well, as I often find myself staring at a black loading screen with no music while waiting. Personally I got Anthem on a M2 NVME disc, so I can imagine people playing on HDDs has it amplified even more.

Either way thank you for you diligent work, looking forward to see how the game evolves with time.

Thank you! We will continue to listen and improve - we really do value your feedback (and patience!).