
Anthem Dev Tracker

20 Feb


Originally posted by AgentStrix

That’s what I figured, but just wanted to make sure. I can deal with the audio cutting out and having to restart. I can’t deal with not being able to even play the game.

Yep I was referring to the audio bug - the other bug is definitely being looked at right now, but I don't know what the outcome will be as of yet!


Originally posted by [deleted]


That is totally out of my wheelhouse but I will pass on the concern!

19 Feb


Originally posted by BTSiGMA

might be worth taking a look into. i have joined a quickplay and killed only the boss, and at the end only recieved one item multiple times. so is that one item only from the boss? one item only from the completion? either way seems like very little loot for both

We'll take a look - sounds a bit fishy. 😊


Originally posted by disco__potato

Is this already implemented? I've heard from some that boss loot drops were already live last night.

I don't believe the patch is live yet, no... 😊


Originally posted by Hateborn

It's more music, we already get the best soundtrack ever...


Autocannons are so lovely to use...

Not a bad! EPIC!


Originally posted by red_iron

hope so, annoying when on mission or stronghold, suddenly sound missing

We agree - didn't make the notes but almost eliminated in the day 1 patch!


Originally posted by Taargkrizzt

Still not fixing the disspearing sound bug?

Still not fixing the bug where players cant interact/launch missions with their javelin in the fort or hub after completing the story?

Yep - didn't make the notes apparently - we have addressed the most common occurrence of this happening and will continue looking at ways to bulletproof it!


Originally posted by Tyrosus

Like I had posted before - I've been trying since you suggested that and I haven't been able to get it in quickplay. Mostly bugged missions, or the wrong ones, plus the absurd load screens for whatever reason.

Just spoke to the designer working on this, they are trying to reproduce it - I may reach out again to get more info. Thanks again for your help!


Originally posted by Vindicer

Hopefully you don't mind this somewhat unorthodox means of reporting bugs. It's nice to know they're not being forgotten, even if they won't be fixed anytime soon. :)

Picking up ammo off the ground reloads all equipped weapons, but does not trigger effects that are triggered by reloading. I believe this is a bug (perhaps an unintentional one), as picking up ammo off the ground should never be detrimental to gameplay.

For a specific example, the 'Papa Pump' shotgun increases damage on a reload and requires you to be close to the enemy (it's a shotgun). If you kill any enemy who drops an ammo pickup, you won't be able to reload Papa Pump after the kill, and don't get the damage boost from its Masterwork effect.

Hmmm...interesting. Please report it through

And I will post to our internal slack channel.


Originally posted by sirbertt

I have no sound at all period...any way to solve that currently?

What is your hardware configuration? Can you double check that all your audio devices/outputs are set to the same sample rate @48k?


Originally posted by Tyrosus

Like I had posted before - I've been trying since you suggested that and I haven't been able to get it in quickplay. Mostly bugged missions, or the wrong ones, plus the absurd load screens for whatever reason.

k. Going to ping again with your user ID and see what's up. I'll report back.


Originally posted by TheEthicalPixel

Still not getting any prompts or response from final tomb. It almost appears like doing the tombs in a certain order may have triggered this bug but im not sure. There just isnt anything for me to do otherwise because currently a good amount of stuff is locked behind completion of these tombs so im Just going to move on, hopefully it gets worked out for the new wave of players coming on the 22nd will perhaps check back in at a later date. Have a good one and thanks

Sorry to hear that! I hope so too.


Originally posted by amieshahmi

i have try for the 3rd time, and it ok now



Originally posted by reiphil

Great, thank you! Can I also ask, is it known whether end mission completion loot has higher chances for masterwork/legendary gear over the chests?

I ask because of the current plague of people leaving after the 1st or 2nd chest in a stronghold because they feel the "boss is not worth it." If the boss/end mission loot had slightly better chances of better gear, it would entice people to stay instead of just run the strongholds for the chests.

I have yet to complete the strongholds on GM1 because of leavers.

I can't remember offhand but the end bosses will drop guaranteed rarities and types based off of difficulty, whereas chests do not...

I think Chris mentioned the specifics elsewhere.

It should be better to kill the boss than to just farm the chests - or at least that's the intent 😊.


Originally posted by reiphil

Can you explain the change a little bit?

Final boss of strongholds now drop loot instead of only being shown on the end of expedition screen

This makes it seem like bosses have always dropped loot that show up only on the end expedition screen. Is that currently the case?

Or are bosses currently NOT dropping loot and we will get loot from the boss once the patch goes live?

You get rewards (loot) for completing the mission... But its been a little unclear because it just gets dumped in with the rest of your loot at the end.

We moved those off of the mission and the bosses drop it instead, so it's more clear and celebratory 😊.


Originally posted by verymoist42

keep at it, i really like where this is heading and remember to shoot everyone suggesting to remove random rolls

I'll stunlock em :)


Originally posted by latot

Excellent! Thanks for letting me know :D - and great job being so responsive!



Originally posted by amadoose

Np bro, won't bother you any further but know the game, the world and everything is amazing and in excited for what is to come for the game.



Originally posted by amadoose

Yeah. Just dont lose morale. It also seems the criticism is fake, there might be a campaign against this game for some reason and all of the criticism here is Influenced by YouTubers.



Originally posted by Flostation

Going back to what others have said, diablo had some randomness in enemy design also. They had some elites with different abilities that were randomly assigned to make for unique challenges. Consider adding something like that to your game, at least in the GM difficulties to add for greater challenge. A bump in difficulty should NOT just be more enemy HP and damage. New fight components, more adds, more elites, more challenging strategy, but do NOT go the division route of more HP bullet sponges.

Also, as you consider endgame and the loot reward cycle, allow some reward for all endgame activity. Maybe you unlock elite missions by returning items earned for daily faction missions. everything in diablo gets you something in endgame. No time is wasted. No content is wasted. The have bounties, they have boss runs... lots of content to maintain the loot reward cycle. What I hear is that after you complete the main campaign you can't go back and do it again on a higher difficul...

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Thanks for the feedback!