
Anthem Dev Tracker

21 Feb


Originally posted by denkigrve

I've got some bad news. Audio cut out again. I was doing freeplay. Fighting some outlaws, and then suddenly no audio. This is in the newly patched version. :(

Yeah. This sucks. Short story? We fixed the issue inside one system in the day 1 patch but there is still another (very elusive) case that we need to fix in the reverb system. Working on it!


Originally posted by twitchtvslashfnztv

actually when I entered one of the tombs the narrator told me I were in another one so that got me confused. Point being, I had already been where I was, but the narrator told me I was in the next one.

order: top left, middle left, bottom left then far right.

the bug happened the second time I went in the middle left tomb.

thanks anyway :)

Yeah the order of these (combined with all the tracking bugs) has got a lot of people really confused, and for good reason. Many folks have reported this and it's a tracked issue on the EA answers site. Thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by ShiinjiiFR

can you remove the flash on screen when you shoot with assault rifle please ??? That flash was amazing and burn my eyes after hour.... when i play with my pistol, i have no flash screen and that was enjoyable for my eyes.... when i play with riffle my eyes blooding a lot... Please play to your game for hour in dark area (in game) and tell me how your head was....

Also reported by other folks - VFX team is aware.


Originally posted by ShiinjiiFR

thanks for new bug... now after loading game, (i start quick play) i'm in game, i can move and shoot... but i can't see the game.... my screen was stuck on loading screen but i'm in game and i can play... without screen... if I was blind that would not be a problem ... I think...

And please fix this ultimate HUD ready, but was no't ready !

Yep, thanks. This is a known issue!


Originally posted by SuperSneaks

SUMMARY: Game will not connect to EA

BUG/ISSUE: If my game disconnects from EA while playing it will not reconnect. Quitting the game, rebooting the Xbox will not resolve the issue.

REPRODUCTION: Just play the game and see if it loses the connection to EA. Then see if it will reconnect.


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: After the game disconnects I've noticed that the intro/loading screens lose sound and the video seems to freeze or have stutters.

We just made some adjustments that should make connecting on Xbox One smoother. Can you try again to see if it works?


Somethings definitely not right here, let me talk to the team to see what's going on.


Just to help out you can dodge a little earlier than you do here in the video to “break” the seeking on the projectile. I’ll look into whether or not there is anything else going here.


Originally posted by Wh1teCr0w

Howdy! Do we know if there is going to be a hotfix for the previous patch regarding bugs and performance issues?

The team is investigating all of the issues that have been reported on this thread. I'll provide more updates when I have them.


Originally posted by yzerin

Does luck affect master work and legendary drops at all?



Originally posted by King_noa

Most of the major things are still not working, but the HP bug got mentioned so often here and I ask for a fix and u/biocamden said it will be fixed but it is definitely not fixed for me it got way worse.

If you are buged, the cooldown reduction from the components also stop working. I can spam ice shards forever because of the cdr component and then the components glitch out, my ice shards got cd and i get oneshot because the components are gone, it fixes itself when I get lead of the freeplay or rebuild the javelin part by part with start a freeplay after every part.

Got my storm back to a working shield and 8 boxes hp instead of 3, yes after patch it’s not visual.

Can /u/benirvo tell us something about this? I think he is the combat guy

Can you please send me some screenshots of the components you are using as well as your armor bars when they break and when they’re working?


Originally posted by VoxMendax

Heya BioCamden! Is there any word on when the Colossus' Fist of the Crucible will be fixed? The numbers are all 0 and there are no bonuses. I thought this would be fixed in today's patch, but I guess not. Is there another patch scheduled soon and will this bug be fixed in it? Thanks for your hard work btw! The game is fun af

I think RedFuryBounce is correct below in that the previous ones dropped before patch aren’t working. We are looking into. Not sure what, if anything, we might be able to do here.


Originally posted by sleazymole

SUMMARY: Level 30, only 3 Javelins unlocked.

BUG/ISSUE: Level 16 Javelin unlock never credited to account.

REPRODUCTION:Couldn't unlock Storm at 16.... Token was consumed but dont have access to storm Javelins


If you put in a ticket at we should be able to get this fixed for you.


Originally posted by Storm_Worm5364

Would you then be able to re-apply a freeze status effect while an enemy is frozen but not primed (as in- apply freeze prime to an enemy that was combo chained and thus has no "nameplate icon").

You can either keep applying ice effect to keep it frozen (won’t make it comboable) or wait to it to fall off and apply it again (comboable).


Originally posted by SivirLHD

So I have a follow up question now that the patch notes have been released. I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere, but are we going to get a fix for the "Ice bug" with this patch or is it still being looked into?

Still looking into this one.


Originally posted by Eogard

u/Darokaz Are the dev aware of this issues ? I have two MW grenade launcher and none of them have exploding grenades. They just lay here doing nothing.

This is a known issue, we're looking into this now.


Originally posted by Zakmonster

In another thread, u/BioCamden (I think) said that Stronghold bosses are supposed to drop guaranteed MW loot, but its not working correctly right now (because of course it isn't haha).

It's the thread with all the Day 1 patch notes.

Wasn’t me unfortunately, I’m not sure if that’s true or not.

20 Feb


Originally posted by BronzeKnight

Heh, for me I would like that bug!

That aside I think maybe just more “room noise” in the basement area would be good. (What do you even call that area? The Freelancer lounge?) but just some thing like cyphers mumbleling, lucky jack shuffling some papers just, something, more than what is there right now should help with the whole “are my speeders muted?” feel of that log in area.

Yeah 100% :)

It's a mix thing, and should be addressed in the day 1 patch! If not, let me know and we can continue to tweak :)


Originally posted by thalifm

Is it live for PS4 as well? I have pre ordered digital and installed it already, will it update before the 22nd?

I'll look into this. You will have to update in some way, not sure if it's automatic or not.


The patch for these updates is available NOW! If you are currently playing the game go ahead and close it to download the patch and restart to hop back in and play.