
Anthem Dev Tracker

19 Feb


Originally posted by TheEthicalPixel

I did. Forwarded - it's been a while (I took a day off the interwebs) - have you been able to get in since this?


Originally posted by Psychatix

This game will not survive if you take the next YEAR to fix these problems. They need to be fixed ASAP, forego content patches and the dlcs in favor of fixing the major problems that turn people off from the game in general. Don't end up like Fallout 76, crappy at launch, finally fixing their crap but already too late to resuscitate that corpse.

We hear that, for sure. The plan is to do both, as far as I know!


Originally posted by UtterNaded

What about the shield penetration that was stated for Pulse Blast?

Yep that’s in for Friday.


Originally posted by Tyrosus

I've been trying all day today and yesterday to get into that mission. Leaving, rejoining queue, spending minutes at a time in loading screens. This is incredibly frustrating. Is there no other way to fix this?

Sorry - I posted the information from the design team, and I think those steps are it. It's been a while since this message so let me know if it's worked for you please!


Originally posted by Kipiftw

Any chance there are some other changes unlisted here? Im plagued by that awful input lag bug and its unbearable.

Yeah I don’t believe this is the entire patch notes list. Believe there will be more when we post them officially.


Originally posted by twitchtvslashfnztv

I have the same issue. Origin ID: lord_zanfury

Did you get it working by trying the steps in this thread? Let me know!


Originally posted by Scruffybaby

I can't seem to see the challenges even thou i have founds the tombs? What to do?

Have you tried all the steps outlined in this thread? If so and it's still not working please send me your Origin ID and I will forward it on to people who can have a look!


Originally posted by culture_crab

Got the same issue with my bluetooth headset. Turning it off and on helps but would like to get to the bottom of it, will be happy to provide anything if needed.

Can you confirm that all of your audio devices and outputs in windows are set to the same sample rate and bitdepth? Also can you try wired mode?


Originally posted by TwevOWNED

If you're still answering questions could I ask about the apparent rumor that the Interceptor is losing the ability to revive during it's ultimate? I've seen that circulated as truth around the subreddit but haven't been able to find any official statement regarding it.

Not that I’m aware of, no.


Originally posted by lord2800

For whatever reason, that mission takes forever to actually complete once you hit that point. If you're patient, though, it does actually complete. Maybe /u/BioCamden can say whether or not this is fixed in the day 1 patch or if it's still on their to-fix list?

Not sure about this one, sorry Lord.


Originally posted by ShingetsuMoon

Lots of good suggestions here. I'm all for using up the available space but PLEASE do not make icons and images smaller. Players like me have enough trouble seeing game information at times as is. There's plenty of usable space to rearrange things though.



Originally posted by CKazz

Thanks. I tried before release, had a thread on it, mostly got beat down.

Hope you guys turn it around, lots to do but you have a fun game.

My 10hr X1 trial went so bad (crashes, screen tears, reboot with plug pull, out of time now with troubleshooting) I'll have to wait on diving in unforunately :(

Original X1, haven't had troubles like this with any game across my library including alpha / beta / pre-release / emulated, if you need someone to work that I'd consider re-entering that pain, gamertag there is CKazz.


I am hoping almost all of those issues are related to stability and performance, which have improved substantially since the demo weekends, especially after the day 1 patch. Maybe try again and let me know (if you're willing of course!)?


Originally posted by Tris375

/u/BioWareJer pinging you as I've seen you responding to feedback in other posts. This is interesting feedback for the team for what people are currently doing in the higher levels for "chasing loot".

Yeah we are seeing that for sure. Noted!


Originally posted by Jordan_rockk

I firstly want to thank both you and the BioWare team for being so engaged with communication. I'm loving the combat system and gameplay so far, but I'm worried about the lack of repetitive/lack of content in the game for the average gamer. I understand that this game is a live service, but are you not worried that things may be added in the game too late to keep a lasting audience interested?

We are 3 days into the advanced launch, and people are already becoming uninterested and bored with the content and loot system. The combat system is fantastic IMO, but it doesn't seem like a big enough draw to keep people engaged with how monotonous the game becomes over a short duration. I was just wondering what you guys are doing to address these criticisms?

Thanks again for being so active in the community, I want/hope this game becomes everything the community wants (needs) and more!

Well, I'm not 100% sure what the whole plan is, and I don't think we as a team are either. There is a lot of content planned for live service, but we also had to leave some room in the planning for responding to how players play the game and what we need to fix that we didn't know we needed to fix. Again this is a much larger question than just 'audio' can answer, but I'm sure there will be a lot of content coming over the live service, and whole lot of feedback being addressed from players as well. Hope that kinda answers your question!


Originally posted by zenabiz

Can I also suggest that if you do change the rolls to be more item specific you change the weapons/items that have already dropped to avoid a lot of saltiness from people that already grinded. Thanks for being so active and the great responses.



Originally posted by ShiinjiiFR

can you please add keybind for remove switch weapons on scroll mouse wheel please !!! All thie ime i try to use my shield i scroll and my char stoping itself for switch weapon ! I WANT TO REMOVE THIS BIND "scroll wheel"

It's been noted - not sure if/when it will be addressed but it's something we are looking at.


Originally posted by VanillaTortilla

As one of the few people (apparently) who loved DA2, I say keep up the good work.

Haha! Thanks!


Originally posted by verymoist42

if people start to flame about random rolls its certain that the discussion will at some point lead to the idea of removing random rolls and introducing static crap like in destiny, ultimately killing the whole purpose of these kinda games.

please do not make it too easy to get that perfect piece of gear



Originally posted by amieshahmi

the tomb quest still bug out for me

Have you tried all the steps to fix? If so and it's still not working can you send me your Origin ID? I will have someone take a look at your account!


Originally posted by Vindicer

The Tier II and Tier III challenges for the 'Bombadier Grenade Launcher' appear to be missing entirely. They're not in the challenges list, and cannot be completed even when their objectives are met.

I can't say yet if that extends to other Grenade Launchers as I haven't cleared those yet.

I've been clearing weapon challenges all day, and the others seem to all be working perfectly.

Edit 1: The Tier II and Tier III '<weapon> Master' challenges also appear to be missing? That's a question, because the Tier I versions are all named '<weapon Master I>' implying there are other tiers, but I can't see them referenced in any of the 'meta' challenges.

Edit 2: Confirming that the Tier II and III challenges for the 'Aftershock' Grenade Launcher are also not present.

Thanks for the info - I will pass it on!