
Anthem Dev Tracker

17 Feb


Originally posted by stoyo889

Simple solution is available:

-Add in a re-roll function but dont make it too cheap, dont make it too expensive. It could maybe use 1000 coins, and some materials that you farm from freeplay.

DO NOT do what Destiny did, removing random rolls completely is also another way to kill the game. Backfired badly on Destiny 2.

Good to know, thanks!


Originally posted by labatomi

Drop the day one patch today!

I would if I could :)


Originally posted by MrDysprosium

It sounds like you're aware that you released a game that isn't feature complete. You seem to be willingly admitting that you got Anthem's core down, but left additional content to DLC...

"We wanted to make a good core, and sell the rest of it to you later as DLC"

That's rather brave of you to admit.

Every live service game has to make that call I think, what you can finish and release polished within your schedule and what you can't.


Originally posted by Nullifics

What info and how you like this additional info? Reply here, direct message or an email?

Screenshots would be awesome, would love to know if you are seeing exact duplicates of inscriptions on the items. Have you gotten any new Masterworks or Legendary items since? Feel free to DM me.


Just wanted to pop in and say we hear you, and we're looking at some solutions


Originally posted by RascalJack

Any time! It's easy for us as consumers to forget that this is a project the devs have put years into and care about very much.



Originally posted by Kryptosis

Btw I think you guys are really nailing the community interaction too. On the front lines facing the (often unfair) criticisms in stride.

As someone in the industry myself I know how hard it can be to not allow the sometimes wholly misplaced unbridaled hate of anonymous users to get to you. So I just wanted to say keep it up! You guys have made something really incredible here imo. I'm 15 hours in and I hope to stay engaged for a long time.

Thank you! People are allowed to be pissed - if a response is totally toxic we won't engage, but if they are good folks who are just angry because of [x], then I feel like we should try to engage and at least explain why it's happening, even if we can't fix it right away.


Originally posted by CKazz

Part of the trouble here is you have QoL meeting real 'field builds' type stuff.

The issue got even more troublesome taking away pilot skills and throwing them on loot.

IMO needing Harvest, Pickup, Flight Time doesn't work well as you should still be able to design a great synergistic build delivering the pain and hurt. Since who wouldn't want more Harvest, Pickup, Flight Time these types of things were Javelin agnostic and a perfect thing for Pilot skills... which you removed...

Good feedback - we have it tracked and a lot of folks agree with you.


Originally posted by Greenmoon234

This is great to here. Thanks for being so communicative. I feel like I see a dev comment every other post. Keep it up!



Originally posted by yakri

Well to be fair, half the reason why there might only be 10% horseshit going around is the incredibly aggressive post deletion here by the mod team.

But yeah, I get your point!


Originally posted by yakri

Well to be fair, half the reason why there might only be 10% horseshit going around is the incredibly aggressive post deletion here by the mod team.

They can't delete stuff in my inbox :)


Originally posted by echof0xtrot

if so, what was the thinking behind the relatively same-y nature of the objectives in quests?

  • kill all enemies in an area

  • gather echoes

  • defend a point from more enemies

  • gather relics

  • a handful of puzzles

  • boss fights

will future live content take this repetition into account when developing new objectives? I know people always shit on escort missions, but hell, even adding a few of those would spice things up.

was it a monetary concern? a worry that it would take too much time designing varied quests objectives? just because everything embraces its own grindy nature doesn't mean there should only be a handful of different things to do.

Well I think most games built for replayability are made up of the above list (or another subset) - I think it's always a time issue, not monetary. We needed good building blocks to create repeatable content - I would assume (again I am not a designer) that things will become much more varied over the course of live service. That's usually the case, especially when we have fans guiding us with feedback!


Originally posted by yakri

Please give serious consideration to releasing notes on what each bonus actually does in particular.

Right now it's extremely frustrating because there's no way to know if some drop is better than some other drop because you don't actually know what either of them even do in some cases.

Just a small amount of work here would make a huge difference to us.

Yeah, that has been consistent feedback. People need info and STATS!


Originally posted by Halefire

Ever since the gear reveal stream we have been trying to tell you guys that the affixes, especially with no reroll system, was going to be a disaster in endgame.

Why did we have to learn this lesson the hard way? The Division has been out for years. Destiny has been out for years. Diablo 3 has been out for nearly a decade. And yet here we are, making the exact same mistake all those games made. WHY??

In fact, it ended up being even worse than we feared. Why is +pistol damage rolling on an LMG?? Did we seriously just create an enormous pool of affixes with no restrictions on where they can roll? This is straight up amateurish guys, come on now. I can't believe this is coming out of one of the most famous studios in history; these mistakes have been made by multiple games in this genre in the past.

I'm not a designer, but I'm pretty sure they have made some significant changes to this in the day 1 patch in response. I'll see if I can get more info!


Originally posted by BashfulTurtle

we are committed to this.

Love to hear it. You guys absolutely nailed the gameplay so far, I believe the content can be filled in. Thank you for the prompt reply, continue to be fascinated by the quality of the community engagement. This is a golden standard.

While I have your ear - I would like to suggest more ways to get coins once Challenges and more coin sinks.

One way to boost the vanity shop offerings could be player housing if done well. ESO sells quite a bit of RMTs through that mode.

Thanks again and I hope you get some time to yourself this Sunday!

The game handles like a dream.

Sweet! Thanks :)


Originally posted by ArchbishopTurpin

The comparison to the diablo 3 launch is I think one to note. Random affixes and % are great, but the delta has to be relatively controlled for each piece of gear.

Diablo helped this problem with the 'minor' and 'major' affixes, so you we're never trading a damage increase for pickup range by way of example.

Not sure if that exact system would be right for Anthem, but maybe just a little determination in the loot roll would be enough. So if a roll comes for say, LMGs, all further weapon related rolls will be locked to that. Or if the algorithm settles on a "qol" stat like harvest or pickup range, the other stats are guaranteed to be in crunchy categories (damage, recharge, etc)

My 2 cents into the pile. (I spend wayyy too much time playing designer while afk) such thing as TOO MUCH :)

Thanks for the suggestion - will post in the pile.


Originally posted by legion_shaka

I can't finish the Tomb Challenge because all my tomb feat progress keeps getting erased after leaving Freeplay or stronghold. Even when I finished all the feats the tombs still didn't work. Will there be a patch for this sometime soon?

This issue is fixed in the day 1 patch - it likely won't back fix specific users, which is what we are looking at now. Can you send me pics of your challenges/journal and Origin ID?

Also file the issue here:

That will maximize coverage.


Originally posted by RascalJack

I have to say, the positivity of the Bioware on this subreddit is honestly infectious. Thank you for being active with your community!

Woot woot! Honestly people have been great too - there are issues, and people are pissed when they hit them - but there has been a pretty amazing recognition that we are also just people (and are also pissed when things break), who are trying to fix everything as fast as possible. Thanks for the kind words!


Originally posted by cannotcontainexcite

/u/biowarejer . Just tagging to get a dev here. Not sure if you guys want to be made aware of suggestion threads, but OP put some work into this :)

Yeah thank you - we are tracking ALL suggestions internally - I expect about 30 to 40% of our schedule over the next year to be dedicated to responding to the community. Keep em coming!


Originally posted by BashfulTurtle

Avid division players should be cognizant of the content void at the end of the game. Is anything being done to address this?

Thanks for your extreme work ethic, it’s highly appreciated!

Of course! We have literally hundreds of people building content as we speak (well maybe not today as it's Sunday so it's mostly live ops folks in). We are committed to this.

It was really important for us to polish the core gameplay loop and make sure the game was FUN - we know we can continue to build on something that is great to begin with. It may take some time to flesh out, but it will an evolving and compelling live service, I promise you that!