
Anthem Dev Tracker

19 Feb


Originally posted by udderjudder

u/BioCamden Please also allow us to bind Left-Alt in game. The only way to do it now is by editing the config file.


As a temp solution to anyone having issues rebinding scroll wheel: If your scroll wheel still swaps weapon even after binding it to something else, it's because the config file somehow has more than 2 entries for that particular action. Rebinding in-game will only overwrite the last two entries in the file, keeping the default.

To fix this you need to exit the game, then edit your config file which is named: ProfileOptions_profile and is located here: %userprofile%\Documents\BioWare\AnthemDemo\settings. Make a backup of the file so you can revert the changes if needed.

To find your weapon swap, search the file for the string ConceptSwitchWeapons. Each key-bind has 6 lines associated with it and your file will most likely have 18 lines containing that string. Replace all...

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Yeah binding to Alt is a bug we have currently. We’re working on it. Thank you for detailed walkthrough to help other folks.


Originally posted by Everec

Could it be a possibility for primed enemies to have a different status color than those with only the status effects? Such as primed being red with a white symbol and status being blue with white or another color arrangement.

Primed targets should have the red icon above them, status effected enemies will not have the red indicator but will still have VFX on them of the associated effect.


Thanks to your feedback we have identified several issues causing problems for players in the “Finding Old Friends” and “Tombs of the Legionnaires” missions.

We have made some changes that allows progress to start being tracked earlier.

  • This means that you’ll earn progress towards the challenges starting at level 3 now.

Here are some workarounds as we address some other issues with the Tombs:

  • If you gained access to one of the Legionnaires Tombs but there is no interaction on the Tomb, please restart freeplay and make your way back to the Tomb.
  • If your journal is telling you that the challenges are complete but the Tomb door doesn't open as it should, please go to the Challenges section of your journal and check that the challenge criteria is completed. In some cases we have seen the journal display misleading information at this step. Completing the challenges as the...
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18 Feb


Originally posted by TheFlubbernaught

Sadly ranger doesn't have the head. I just wanna be a sentinel

Sorry - this was an odd one, because the helmet on the Sentinels is actually the same as the default Ranger helmet, which is why it doesn't come with that suit. But that set IS the Sentinel set if you play with the colors a bit.


Well I can’t unsee that now.


Originally posted by Mimterest

You can't prime with aura? what's the point of frost aura then?

It will apply the status effect (freeze them) it just isn’t something you can combo off of (priming). To improve aura effectiveness we’re adding stronger ticking damage of the element type you currently have aura’ed.


Originally posted by A_Agno

It's better than nothing, but it's still missing a list of primers and detonators, anything about melee. I still am not sure if normal melee from Interceptor is really a detonator or not.

Every third hit in the melee attack string will detonate primed targets.


This is a known* problem and we’re working on a fix. This one is super annoying.


This is definitely not intended. We’ll take a look. Thanks chaimer123!


Originally posted by SivirLHD

On the topic of ice, whenever I become frozen and I hit jump to break free, my character takes a few seconds to break loose and then repeatedly jumps in one spot continuously being re-frozen until the ice wears off. Is this a bug or intended? Or maybe it's because I mash jump instead of one press?

That is indeed a bug and is super annoying (personal experience). I believe (memory escapes at the moment) that this is one we’ve already been looking into.


Originally posted by hiya89

FYI I assume you've already heard this but these inscriptions are currently not working at all.

I've tested this with about 60% speed on an E ability with a 10 second cooldown and saw exactly 10 seconds cooldown with and without the + speed items.

I also tested "Support % speed", which doesn't change the support cooldown at all either. I'm not sure if this stat is meant to do that though since the word support is used in inscriptions to refer to other things like luck.

Yes this is an issue we’re looking into for stats that are globally applied (javelin icon) from items. Fix has been identified. Thanks for the detailed report hiya89!


Originally posted by hiya89

Just so you know, I've tested 50%+ speed on my E ability with a 10 second cooldown and saw zero difference (accurate to hitting a stopwatch time, not a frame by frame time though) with and without the +speed bonus.

This was also tested on support speed with a 100% bonus and no effect was measurable there, but I'm not sure that "Support Speed" is cooldown for your support skill since "Support luck" exists.

If this was meant to affect ability cooldown, it currently is not.

Boo, thanks for the information - we'll take a look and see what is going on. What gear piece are you using?


Haha! This is great!


Originally posted by twolf201

I'm thinking they will get it to a good state relatively quickly. Just look at how many things they addressed since the VIP demo. How much they fix on the 22nd with the day 1 patch will be very telling.

As one of the people working on the patch notes, I can say there are a LOT of fixes and improvements. The team is hard at work making improvements, listening to player feedback and creating some pretty awesome stuff that we talked about in the This is Anthem Part 2 gameplay video.


Originally posted by clevesaur

That's cool, shame I wasn't able to see mine with the storm, would have liked to have seen the expressions happening during Owens oh so predictable betrayal

To see your players face in some cutscenes you'll need to make sure it isn't the Legion of Dawn appearance as that one doesn't open.


I've been reading through a lot of these bugs, errors and issues and wanted to let everyone know that quite a few of these will be fixed/improved in the patch this week such as the audio issues, loading times, crashes and many more. I'll create a post for the patch notes in the coming days once they're ready to go.


Originally posted by c0howda

If Path of Exile was on that list, I would feel more comfortable. They are the best in the business in creating fun short-term content that blends in with the core game to add to the repetitive gameplay loop. One of their founders is giving a talk at GDC about how they designed Path of Exile to be played forever. Hopefully some BW devs can take notes.

I really enjoy the moment to moment gameplay of Anthem, but time spent in Tarsis feels bad. Slow movement and the amount of npc interaction feels overwhelming. Also, I feel like the feedback the player receives when taking damage is lacking. So often I find myself missing health with no feedback as to how

That's good feedback - I have not played PoE personally, so I didn't mention it. Again, I am really only speaking for myself and trying to respond for other folks who aren't on here, and am definitely not the right person to speak for the entire design of the game :)


Ok - this is the latest from our design team. These steps are not fully confirmed to fix the issue yet - they are working on that and coordinating with and will update everything once it's confirmed.

Thanks to your feedback. We have identified several issues causing problems for players in the Finding Old Friends and Tombs of the Legionnaires missions. Fixes are currently in progress but there are workarounds for each issue.

If you have encountered an issue after Finding Old Friends where the Challenges required to complete the mission are not unlocked, a server side fix should unlock the...

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Originally posted by marximumcarnage

The team should have delayed 6- 8 months and launch in fall. No Destiny expansion and no division in site. Would have gotten the time the game actually needs to flesh out bugs and end game content. It’s unfortunate that after so many games as services that have launched some with sequels that these problems for anthem seem like Destiny 1 and Destiny 2 year one issues. Which shouldn’t have happened given the public Out cry yet here we are again.

If I had the POWWAAAA - then yeah I agree. I think most devs want more time, tbh.


Originally posted by BioWareJer

I think we feel like that on every game we make.

For clarity - wishing we had an extra 6 months.