Colossus taunt toward reticle would be nice too. I've taunted open space so many times because I've run away a bit and not turned back around
Yeah I have definitely taunted walls of caves...
Colossus taunt toward reticle would be nice too. I've taunted open space so many times because I've run away a bit and not turned back around
Yeah I have definitely taunted walls of caves...
Would it also be possible to get an option to hold down the melee button to continue the melee chain until the button is released?
With having no cooldown on melee that's a hell of a lot of spamming the melee button
Sounds like a good idea. If we get enough feedback on this we’ll take a look!
Considering the assault systems is ranged focused and the strike system is melee focused, is it not strange that spark dash is in assault and plasma stars is in strike? I feel like it would make way more sense if these were swapped.
Then you can make searching glaive a detonator which would be nice since interceptor currently has the fewest detonators of all the javelins.
Sort of, but we also wanted you to be able to gap close into your melee gear pieces too.
The stack increase sounds very interesting. Could this make interceptor the best javelin in the game at applying debuffs to stubborn bosses, if you manage to hug them without dying?
I believe so yes, that the overall amount of primer applied would be higher than anything else if you stayed in range the entire time.
Read moreJust a bit more feedback if I may. I agree with the air melee as it makes things really frustrating when you activate your ultimate and are now relegated to only hitting enemies on the ground. Also the ability targeting direction is a bit annoying as some abilities target where your reticle is and others where you're facing so it's not consistent.
I feel that the javelin feels a bit clunky at times. Following a melee string specifically, theres a ton of waiting to activate abilities and if we could use abilities to cancel melee strings it would serve as a much needed momentum buff. Currently it feels as if the melee holds priority over everything and for a javelin with a very bursty in and out style, the clunky aspect of this is a bit frustrating when trying to do this with bigger groups of enemies. I really love the idea of the javelin but being stuck in an animation lock for extended periods of time before i can venom spray or cryo glaive for example feels like the abil...
Hey w1cze1923 thanks for writing this up. Yeah we could potentially take a look at the windows where you can exit out of animations to sharpen them up, but we don’t have plans to do this at the moment.
Actually, devoltar's idea is great. If your system recognizes that only a few enemies are left, have them run away and despawn out of player's sight. This avoids the "my enemies got stolen" effect and satisfy the player because they can either hunt down their last prey or get the feeling they are strong / enemies fear them.
That is literally how our system works. When we fire wrap up encounter the NPCs are supposed to flee and then after x time they just pop out of the world. The time from feel to pop out might need some adjustments.
Thank you very much This type of communication won the day 1 purchase from me!
Can't wait to see you in game! Glad you'll be joining us.
Just want to chime in the most frustrating “bug” from this demo was getting kicked to loading screen while mid-battle constantly. I’m definitely buying the game but if it’s like that for live itll ruin it :(
Yup, we are working very hard to make the game stable for everyone.
It does, much love, thank you for the detailed response. This really clears up basically any apprehensions I had and replaces it with H Y P E.
That also clears up why I could not ever get Shadow Claw to drop for me, since there was a chart listing it under that name. I thought it would be some super cool melee claw like Wolf's Side B in Smash, like a hefty melee version of Seeking Glaive or something...
I haven't been onboard for anything EA because of, and since, Dawngate, but I actually have faith in the team behind Anthem, enough to invest in a preorder. I'm very excited and I really look forward to being part of this experience, I can't wait to see what's coming. Cheers!
Hi, on the topic of the Interceptor, I was wondering if it would be possible to allow the spark dash to be used outside of combat to allow for more player choice in different aspects of the game? It would allow for more mobility, the core aspect of this javelin, and adds another layer to this ability that doesn't do much damage. This way, you could decide whether you want to use it for extra distance or combat and it would open up more ways to escape as well as grant the ability more value for its slot.
Is this not possible? Thank you.
Hey Gohan, unfortunately not because for it to work we have to use our melee targeting system. I wish!
Sorry to jump in with a sort of off-topic thing, but regarding PC controls, is there any possible chance of you guys ever tweaking recoil on PC à la Destiny 2? Feels more like it's designed for an analogue stick with the constant vertical climb, really tiresome to constantly fight with a mouse because it's so different to a controller. You can just tilt an analogue stick and recoil management is great, but with a mouse you have to constantly drag it and re-place it unless you play on a high sensitivity, which many of us don't.
It's hard to explain but it's kind of like control fatigue, sort of. Like it's more work and it's less smooth, y'know? I don't know if it already is different but it doesn't feel like it to me.
Hey Diribiri thanks for the feedback. Yeah this is something that we looked at quite a bit and may need to tune better with more feedback. I have noticed the same thing.
Yeah I love this. Plus then I can record my Javelin looking fly and have it immortalized in an in-game video.
These things are awesome! I couldn't find a mention of them in the Codex, but it's possible I didn't acquire the lore somehow.
/u/biocamden /u/benirvo /u/biowareben what are these things called and why are they better than Grabbits?
There are some points that really stand out, like this
The difference in quality of facial animations and acting is immediately noticeable. Is there anything of that level of quality even still in the game? Matthias was about halfway in between the two extremes shown in the video which was passable but it really looks like that trailer was overselling it
Yeah there are the complete performance capture scenes, which are pretty much on par with the demo, and then the semi procedurally animated scenes, which don't have the same fidelity as performance capture (or cost/time investment).
Again, unclear. Tested what? VoIP works in other Origin games like Battlefield 1.
Being able to select Inputs and Outputs in game would be a step towards troubleshooting..
Ok that actually helps. I need to check if origin saves that info per game or not. Will loop back!
cheers, thanks. :)
My pleasure.
It kind of trivializes events, ie the collect fragments on the platform for the things on the platform part of the tyrant stronghold. You don;t have to worry about any of the first two waves of enemies that spawn in because they all disappear as soon as you have all the fragments. If they stuck around it might make you want to deal with them before spawning in all the spiders. As is the most efficient thing to do is ignore them and keep collecting to simply despawn them all.
The problem in the Tyrant Mine is that we had auto-wrap tied to the finishing of the echo puzzle. I've already put a fix into the game for worldwide launch that requires you to clean up the encounter and the enemies no longer flee when you complete the puzzle.
wouldnt be so hard to find the ONE guy whos always hiding if the AI actually moved around
Ouch! We're gonna work on that too. :)
But not the one we deserve...
I don't think we can ever be the one you deserve, we'll never be that good.
Ok but the problem I kept having with quickplay is that I always kept getting loaded into the end of the mission. Maybe as a compromise enable to ability to do a private quickplay. Still hyped for the game just based on the limited gameplay time and the fact you you guys have done an amazing job at communicating with the fan.
I agree it's not ideal. And it's something we'll continue to look at in live. We understand that the desire for that is there. I hear you.