
Anthem Dev Tracker

06 Feb


Originally posted by budiu89

Extremely disappointed coming from an RPG lover. I understand your reasons and I don't fully agree with them.

You could have made the talent trees Javelin Specific.

You could have kept them regardless of it feeling a bit generic. I'd still have prefered this over having them on components. Now I'm gonna find that "item i been chasing" and then I will immediately be upset because it rolled "pick up radius" mod. A big let down in my opinion.

I think there may be some confusion about how exactly we incorporated these into the components. The tree wasn’t incorporated into components by adding those bonuses to the inscriptions (randomly rolled stats). Those always included things like luck or pickup radius and hasn’t changed. What changed is adding base benefits to components that specialize components like “gear does X% more damage but has Y% longer cooldowns”.

Sure there is the possibility that you won’t get the base stat component you want off the bat, but in practice as you level up you see a lot of not all of these pretty early. Then the supplemental crafting system allows you to invest how you want into those random inscriptions while keeping whatever base stat that changes your gameplay style.

Again we are looking at whether or not we can and want to bring something similar to a skill tree back, but having one that was full of stats or passives that didn’t marginally impact your gameplay felt empty....

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Originally posted by grebolexa

"Air-to-air melee attacks. This allows the Interceptor to more effectively and repeatedly hit enemies in air, especially in ultimate mode." Does that mean that the air-melee cancel speed jump is removed?

Not currently, but that is probably something that we’ll need to fix unfortunately. Reasoning being that there are certain vertical and horizontal streaming limits in place to improve performance. This is definitely going past our streaming metrics, as fun as it is.


The wub wub destroyed the world, and here we are picking up the pieces of the most epic stage performance mankind ever knew.

Ok I'm in...tell me more...


Originally posted by tiranu_abendwolf

Oh hey, i didnt even expect a dev response here!

For clarification - when talking about "gear" here, do you mean weapons only, or also unique audio/visual possibilities for abilities (e.g. Storm Focus Seals)?

Sorry yes gear meaning abilities! Some of them received minor screen effects, particle effects/emissives, or color changes, but we want to keep improving them long-term.


Originally posted by USplendid


Man, you guys should probably have a sit down with your player investment lead and revisit this. While, on paper, absorbing the pilot skill tree into the component system may seem like a lateral movement. From an “RPG” aspect, you guys are effectively “removing” an avenue for player customization, in a genre where people obsess over wrinkles and nuances. Simply on principle, players want a character skill tree. Even if it’s totally for show. There is a psychological component to “tailoring” your pilot and distributing skill points as you see fit.

So I kind of spoke to it here

But yes we totally understand, and we are already working on plans to revisit it and make it better. Not sure how far out we are from seeing it return (and in what form) but we do agree that a skill-tree type of system for customization and progression is important.


Originally posted by BuddyBlueBomber

The pilot level is so that you don't have to start all the way from scratch leveling up each javelin; you can pick up better loot for all your javelins, even if you're not currently playing them.

Unless you could respec your pilot skills differently for each javelin, you could get stuck with a bunch of increased melee damage on your Storm, which would be much less useful than increased ability damage. And if you could respec for each javelin, you might as well have ability trees for each javelin (which actually sounds cool imo).

Pilot skill trees would just pidgeonhole you into specific javelins instead of being able to change stuff on the fly. That's why it's good to have all of the actual stats on the javelins themselves.

Pretty much this. Because they were pilot skills they had to be agnostic of Javelin (pick-up range, health pack drop rate, ammo drop rate). And because they were javelin agnostic well... they just weren’t that interesting or impactful. They didn’t change the way you play the game or your builds because they couldn’t by nature.

So instead we created the Javelin specific and Universal components. With 10 Jav specific ones they are much more focused on specific play styles and build changes that allow you to better customize.


Originally posted by Buksey

Unlocks different things im guessing. Based on the demo, Pilot Level 2 unlocked a 2nd Javelin and level 4 (14?) unlocked 2nd Augment Slots. I want to say the 30 unlocked Grandmaster difficulty but I can't remember.

Yep all unlocks are gated by pilot level. In addition items scale based off level.


Originally posted by Kamoedesu

Is there any way we can possibly get some sort of ground-to-air ability to use as well? Possibly in the form of a Strike system that launches enemies and yourself into the air to set them up for an air-to-air then air-to-ground melee combo for a quick burst of single target CC damage.

Nothing planned for that currently, but that could be awesome. We’d have to see what work would be needed to support that type of system.


Originally posted by rdhight

Oof, gut punch right there.

Hope skills come back in an expansion or something.

So we love skills and talent trees, they just weren’t as impactful and engaging as we had hoped. So if/when we reboot it we’re wanting to make it a little more rewarding.


Originally posted by Manic_Depressing

but improving in-game communication to teammates (in whatever form that is) is something we want to do.

If that's truly the case then a reply is desperately needed in this thread as soon as possible. And preferably not one referencing CVAA.

Thank you, u/BioCamden, for your time and attention.

Hey Manic I appreciate the tag and the heads up. For overall direction on in-game text chat and communications I’m going to have to leave that one to the Community Managers and Leads. That one has escalated well past my sphere of influence.

I’m pretty limited in my interactions with those systems. My domain is primarily on combat, creatures, gameplay balance, loot, gear, weapons, etc. Me stepping any further into that topic just leaves the potential for me to under/over commit, misrepresent, or spread misinformation. That’s the last thing I want to do. It’s an extremely sensitive and important topic so I’ll leave that one to the folks who actually have the power to execute on a plan for something like that. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help there.


Originally posted by Biggy_DX

From the perspective of a console player, what do the left and right d-pad options do? I can't remember if they were used to access the other emotes, or served a different function. If they are used for emotes, maybe you could consolidate all emotes into the down d-pad button. Pressing on the d-pad uses the currently selected emote, while holding it down would bring up the emote wheel (until you hit down again) and let you change your emote. Assuming left and right were used for emoting (again, I'm not sure), that free's up those buttons for a ping-system.

Yes that’s actually something we’ve done since the demo, consolidate the emote button. I’m not sure if they were remapped. But this is certainly a good candidate.