Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

playapex: ALGS Year 4 Split 1 Playoffs | Day 2 Group Stage | Groups A & C | Apex Legends — streaming for about 11 hours

09 Sep


Originally posted by MegaLCRO



Thank you! It always makes me so happy and proud when someone is hyped for my contribution. Even if I did have to scroll an awfully long way to find it, I am honored to have delivered something that you would "YESSSSSSSS" to!

Take this Nessy (aka Snek) as gratitude.


Originally posted by RobotHavGunz

Any interest in doing one on commission?

I've got a 50% scale version with the Dragon Chaser skin on order! Can't wait to decorate my office with it.


I bet she likes songs from the little mermaid :)

08 Sep


Any interest in doing one on commission?

03 Sep


Originally posted by dimi3ja

Do you also do the rigging and texturing? Or is rigging and texturing different departments? I assume the rig is the same for every Valk skin, but this one has a helmet :)

rigging is another department, but i did the texturing myself


Try here, it's where I started: https://www.respawn.com/careers


Hey thanks mate, appreciate the appreciation, but its not a one man show, lots of credit goes to Cristina Laviña for the killer concept, and Moy Parra for the kick ass custom animation. Im just the guy that made the 3D model <3

02 Sep


Originally posted by MyWifeGotDemDDs

I'd be pretty annoyed if when ever I played some random just told me what they didn't like about the game. I'm sure he just wants to play and not host a feedback panel.

Maaaan I’m just happy when the first words out of a teammate’s mouth aren’t, “yo can I get an heirloom?”

That’s easily the number one thing people say when they recognize I’m a dev. Gg chopsticks


Originally posted by howiedontdelete

Used to be either a dev or someone on your friends list that had played Apex before. Now it is just Dev boxes

What they said. Just Devs now.

01 Sep


Here I go crying for the fifth time today. The community response to this is so heartening to see. Thank you for sharing with us, OP.


Originally posted by lettuce_field_theory

Yeah, that's BiGRiG

that's MR BigRiG to you! :D

31 Aug


Originally posted by _7empe_

It looks like it has been recently (since a few days) fixed. I got heavy microstutter starting with 191 fps on 200 Hz monitor. Since a few days it is butter smooth and I play on locked 197 fps. Don't know how it looks like on 240 Hz though. u/ricklesauceur can you please confirm that this problem was addressed?


25 Aug


Originally posted by In_2_Deep_5_U

Another question- considering that the game is cross platform, why cant xbox/ps4 players plug and play MnK similar to fortnite and warzone? As long as it identifies them as MnK on xbone/ps4 and puts them in cross platform lobbies i feel that is fair? However, i know this can be hard to implement potentially, i was more specifically curious if there has been any talk about this in the future?

Edit: also if it was MnK compatible then potentially that could open the door for console (extra) binds

I actually have no idea what this would take. I've not heard anything about this internally, but it may have been tackled and put to rest before I started - I've been on the team about a year. I don't think there's a big demand here, so maybe it's just a case of being super niche. I do know that it doesn't "just work" but I have no idea how hard it would be.


Originally posted by Carlboison

Core interactions in terms of controller functionality are not something we take lightly, so we tread very, very carefully, since a lot of players have muscle memory built up over thousands of hours that we don't want to mess up.

Why not just let them keybind controllers the same way we can remap them on PC?

So knowing that "it's complicated" responses are generally sh*tty, I'll nevertheless respond with, "it's complicated." Fundamentally, there's a very different core UX expectation with a controller. First off, you're limited to 16 buttons. And the core expectation around how those buttons work is quite different from MKB. With a mouse, there's an expectation that "clicking on a thing" will do something. Controller logic in this regard is quite different; we try to avoid having players hover-over-a-thing-and-press-a-button. Now, sometimes, that's unavoidable (e.g. deathbox looting), but it's generally not great. In most places, we try to make it so that you see that a button - e.g. X - is bound to some action, and when you press X - anywhere - something happens. Now, this leads to some weird behaviors too because of core aspects of our UI framework (and trying to support both controller and MKB simultaneously and fairly seamlessly) where hovering over a "bu...

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Not my area of the game, but I agree with this and have flagged it internally to try to get some eyes on it from the Legends team. The limitations around controller buttons is definitely frustrating, and there's never a perfect way to map 16 buttons (IIRC) to the nearly infinite options offered by MKB. We try not to have options for everything, because that introduces UX issues of its own, but in some cases where it's clearly interfering with utility, I think it's warranted. I'm a console player myself, and I can say we're definitely aware of many of the common controller buttons frustrations ("I wanted to res my teammate, but instead I opened the door." and "I wanted to reload but instead I went to res my teammate" etc) and it's a constant debate between interfering with learned behavior and working to tune usability.

Core interactions in terms of controller functionality are not something we take lightly, so we tread very, very carefully, since a lot of...

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24 Aug


That's soooo cool. I would wear that everywhere! The people on the bus would be mad :)

21 Aug

20 Aug


Hate to break it to you, that's a bug sitting in the backlog for a few months...


Ah yes. This is how I found out about the harvester beam too. It was a ranked game too.