Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

playapex: ALGS Year 4 Split 1 Playoffs | Day 2 Group Stage | Groups A & C | Apex Legends — streaming for about 12 hours

06 Aug


Originally posted by Pleasant_Drive

Hey Team! Thanks for checking in.

Bangalore has been hit hard right now with the introduction of Seer. The utility of her smoke screen is canceled out by multiple legend abilities as well as the digi threat sight. Are there any plans to buff our girl Bangalore back into meta or do devs think she’s in a good place this season?

Yo, I am a Bangalore main and I feel for you! I have expressed the same feelings towards the legends balancing team and hopefully, we can see our girl get the buff she needs :)


Originally posted by Sargent379

Can you charge your Sentinel in Arenas without buying more Shield Cells?

For some reason every time I tried Sentinel without buying more shield cells, I haven't been able to actually charge it.

Gonna be shocked if its just a coincidence that those are the only rounds it doesn't work for me.

From what I can tell, it's a bit more involved than whether the free cells or purchased cells were used. I've seen some workarounds like dropping the Sentinel and picking it back up will let you charge it for example.


Originally posted by Odin043


Thoughts on an end game encyclopedia to keep track of the story? I follow things fairly closely and I just saw yesterday something about Gibby being married that I had no idea about.

Thoughts on an end game encyclopedia to keep track of the story? I follow things fairly closely and I just saw yesterday something about Gibby being married that I had no idea about.

This is definitely something we want as well. It's hard to track all our bits of lore, especially with a live service game that keeps going. All I can say is something is in the works...


Originally posted by autobong




I use a custom controller layout on XSX and i've mapped my Ping button to D-pad up. I am not able to ping the overhead map while using this configuration. While on the overhead map, it says to use RB for pinging however this does not work. I'm not able to ping the overhead map at all. Pinging while playing works fine but it's literally impossible to ping the map. This has been going on for a few seasons and even got acknowledged by Jason McCord on twitter but with no fix yet.

Thanks for bringing this up, I was not aware of it. I'll make sure this gets looked into if it's not already!


Originally posted by poofy_69

What was the goal behind the rempage lmg, did you want to change the meta with it or simply wanted extra options when it comes to long range

What was the goal behind the rempage lmg, did you want to change the meta with it or simply wanted extra options when it comes to long range

There was a few goals with the Rampage LMG. Adding a new gun always has the potential to shake up the meta and we hope when they released they become a viable option for players. The goals for it's design was to add a slow fire rate LMG that excels at mid range engagements, we also liked the sentinel charge mechanic so wanted to introduce this to the rampage to give it some versatility. When we were first developing we had tried a bunch of different outcomes from the charge mechanic (Fire rounds was one) but settled on fire rate cause it offered a great feeling boost that a slow gun needed.


Originally posted by Redfern23

I’m kinda mind blown and feel like an absolute idiot, I’m comparing with old footage now and shocker… it does look the same. It’s strange that a fair few people (even prior to my comment) thought the same thing.

Big apologies.

np at all, friend

honestly we are guilty of missing stuff in patch notes sometimes but we try to correct it when we mess up, so it wasn't a wild question


Originally posted by Redfern23

Edit: I might be completely mistaken about Valk’s passive being nerfed, apologies if so, doing a thorough test…

The team was so confused when we saw your comment lol, we don't think we nerfed it...


Originally posted by SzyjeCzapki

/u/RV-Eric /u/RSPN-Travis /u/RSPN_Jello

I REALLY dont intend to say this in a rude manner but I am genuinely curious what is the thought process leading to an ability which can:

  • give wallhacks for 8 seconds

  • reveal health info

  • IS NOT 1 person wide as DZK said

  • stun

  • flash your screen

  • slow

  • deal damage

  • cancel heals

  • cancel revives

  • and applies all of the above effects through walls, and has 75 meters range

Even on paper, how is this fair, fun, and balanced in any way?

Tough question, but I'll try to answer sincerely and in good faith since you aren't being rude! We have a strong culture of playtesting at Respawn and have multiple playtests per week where everyone on the team is welcome to join in, play the upcoming content and provide their feedback. We also will occasionally host playtests with pros and content creators to get their feedback on upcoming content. Despite all of that playtesting, nothing can match having content be released into the wild and played by the players to see how a piece of content actually ends up performing. Seer specifically went through multiple gameplay kits and iterations before shipping which was shaped directly by both internal and external feedback. With that being said as I mentioned in another comment we will be adjusting some of his power in an upcoming patch.


Originally posted by suhsquad

Any rough timeline on Cross Progression? Or maybe share some light on what the issue is that has prevented it for so long now?

Next year.

Cross progression is gnarly as hell in terms of being a problem to solve. It's not only that you have to solve the technical challenge of merging existing accounts, but there are also legal and contractual issues to navigate with purchasing on other platforms. Different regions have different laws. It's a mess. But we're working on it, and we're committed to delivering it.


Originally posted by digdigking

Are your plans when it comes to storytelling this season and in the future as you've stated you are going to take a break from comics does that mean we will be getting back playables

Playable quests are really hard to do each season without burning out the team. It's an enormous amount of work to make quests every three months. We're definitely not stepping away from lore in our game though--we have some ideas, including some future seasonal work, that will potentially bring even more lore than what the in-game comics offered.


Originally posted by Skojebus

What storytelling plans do you guys have now that comics are gone?

Can't say specifics yet, but we're currently looking at other ways to tell story in the game, as well as continuing to drop lore on social from time to time.


Originally posted by azj4t

Are you planning to buff wattson in the future?

Are you planning to buff wattson in the future?

We are looking into some improvements to Wattson but not sure when those changes will be coming


Originally posted by GamingDragon1204

Does Seer give any of you devs a Wakanda/ Black Panther vibe?

We didn't really take inspiration from Black Panther, but we are definitely flattered that those comparisons are being made!


Originally posted by Mashu851

When server contact ends, is there any plans to upgrade to higher tick servers? Or expand into the less well covered areas?

There's been a bunch of misinformation out there about "server contracts ending," and it actually isn't true. Just misinformation.

We also had an engineer go in-depth on the tickrate question in this blog. We think there's a bunch of high-impact work we can do to improve server performance, and hopefully you've noticed some improvements with this latest season launch.

In terms of expanding into less well-covered regions, nothing to announce here. Which regions do you think need better coverage?


Originally posted by HeilJada

Will probably get lost, But heres to hoping I get an answer

What all Legend data do you guys track? I think I remember seeing someone post that yall can track Legend v Legend fights and some other pretty detailed stats. Just curious as to I know you guys use more than pick rate and win rates to balance legends when needed. If this gets a response I thank you in advance! Cheers and have a good day!

Yes there is more then just pick rates and win rates that we look at. We do have really detailed stats like Legend vs Legend, encounter win rates and how long certain characters are surviving. All these stats, community feedback and playtesting help us drive our tuning decisions.


Originally posted by prettypeepers

When do you think the lore this season is going to happen? I'm super excited for it, and can't wait to see how you guys do it!

Lore will be released throughout the season in the game and on social with a bit more heavy weighting in the latter half...

What kind of stuff are you excited to see?


Originally posted by basedcharger

Any ETA on the next gen update for apex?

Oh man, I WISH I had an update to share but we can't say anything definitive at the moment—so can't spoil anything here. Trust us tho, it's in the works and we're excited about it too


Originally posted by TheAsianBois

How do y’all feel about how seer has launched and should we be expecting any balancing on him soon?

Seer has launched strong, which was the hope. He's also brought a lot of new gameplay elements to the game (HP bars, interrupt) which has driven a lot of discussion with players, which is great to see. With that being said is probably a bit too strong at the moment and will receiving some balance updates in an upcoming patch.


Originally posted by I-AmRavenous

Sometimes in Arenas i cant charge my Sentinel or Rampage, sometimes it gets fixed by the next round: sometimes not. Are there any fixes in the works?

It's definitely on my radar. It doesn't repro in dev like it does on live, which has made it a little hard to track down. I'm hoping to get a fix out as soon as I can.


Originally posted by SoSneakyHaha

Do you have any plans for changing Fragment East and Fragment West. Its on of my biggest complaints about Worlds Edge right now

As of right now, we have no plans on changing up Fragment East or West, but I won't rule out anything for the future. We are aware of some of the communities feedback about the POI and are paying attention.