Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

19 Sep


Originally posted by mellowdude1

Awesome! Any luck on a resolve for the healthbar nerfing his ult…?

It's logged, but no timeline atm.

18 Sep


The Battle Pass can no longer be gifted. Purchasing the BP with AC just came back, so the language may still need to be updated.


Originally posted by SimonApexPlayer

Lmao third time's the charm. Not a single response from a dev to any of these no-reg posts.

FWIW I've been flagging clips as I've seen them, but repro has been intermittent.


We're always watching. As another called out, there were some adjustments that went live yesterday, but I'd love to get some clips or details to the team if nothing has changed for you.


Known issue with the summary and crashing, both being investigated. Cheers for the flags.


Originally posted by solidwolf

PS5 had more crashes last night than I have the past 4 seasons.

Crashing on PlayStation in general is currently being investigated and worked on with their team and ours.


Originally posted by Miss-Spirit

is it only me? i cant see other people's legend selection animations or quotes.


If you're on PlayStation, know issue that's being worked on with that team. If not, shoot me a chat with some more details and I can flag.


I know it's a bit of running joke at this point, but the team did make adjustments with yesterday's launch. If you're encountering a negative experience after that, please drop me some clips. Would love to give the team more details and clips to help them pinpoint this and get it solved once and for all.


It's feedback we continue to see and pass along, and I'll do so with this post as well.


Flagged with the team.


This has been flagged with the team.


Originally posted by Pure-Personality-492

Same for me! What my question is what's next? Do I have to abandon Linux for apex? I feel that the game runs better there

There's still some investigation happening, but I've been advised that Linux should be safe to play in the interim. Lmk if you experience otherwise.