Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

15 Feb


It includes you and your squad

14 Feb


Hey @xNitroHazardx 


You can use the same EA account to play on your PC and Xbox (by connecting it to your Microsoft account), but I'm afraid you won't be able to share the progression between those 2 platforms Embarrassed




We have a fix for this but it hasn't gone live yet. We're working hard to get it, and other fixes live as soon as possible, but I can't provide any more detail than that.


Originally posted by pinedsman

Thanks for posting this. I've reported the bug so we'll get it patched as soon as we can.

If you can give more information as to what was happening before this, that would also be helpful


Thanks for posting this. I've reported the bug so we'll get it patched as soon as we can.


This should be fixed on PC and PS4 as of 1110pm PST


Caustic and Mirage should be fixed on PS4 now

Sorry! ❤️


Looking into the characters that are locked trying to resolve the issue across all platforms.

If you have caustic or mirage preselected before loading in they’ll still be selectable


The bug just started showing up on PC and PS4 but we figured out why and now we are resolving the problem on X1, PS4 and PC


Originally posted by ralopd

You are still able to play them by pre-selecting them in the lobby menu. Just don't pick any other Legend in the selection screen.

Edit: The issue also seems to be present on PC & PS4.

11:10 pm PST:

Should be fixed on PC & PS4. Thanks /u/lowkeydbjosh

Thanks for updating with the troubleshoot! Glad there's a work around but we're still working on it.


Ah dammit you guys found the next map.

Seriously though thanks for reporting this and capturing! It's been passed along to the team.

Will update this post as we get more info. Wanted to let everyone know that we are aware of this and investigating.

5:05pm PST UDPATE: Fix has been pushed live to Xbox One that addresses this issue. Those of you that had unlocked Mirage and Caustic should be able to select them now in matchmaking. Thanks for your patience!

External link →

Hey guys we're aware and looking into it. Sorry for the issue.


Originally posted by Unratedex

Please give me back my Mirage and Cuastic please. I gave you $20 because I believe in this game and now they’re locked again.

Sorry about that! Please let the customer service folks here know about it: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/bd-p/apex-legends-technical-issues-en - they can assist with getting them back for you.

What platform are you playing on?


Yeah you did! Great work :)