ARK Survival Evolved

ARK Survival Evolved Dev Tracker

11 Oct


We have a team looking into this!

10 Oct


Originally posted by sporadicjesus

My greatest suggestion to you ced. Add in something where people can pay per month to call a dev for help.

You need more enforcement and people who are willing to spend thousands of hours into this game will spend a couple bucks a month for the option of calling a dev in the case

  1. of getting meshed
  2. Enemy using mesh bite or mesh velono
  3. Verify enemy isnt using aim bot.

In a normal case it could be a waste of your time. But if we are willing to pay per month to cover the salary of these people we would.

Hell some of the megatribes would probably pay to have a dev sit under their base 24/7.

You have a product more addictive than diablo 2 for christ sake. Find a way to pay per month, and make it worth it for the consumer. Police the official servers properly.

Tribe duping constantly? Put it in the policy they must invite you to their discord to scan it. If they want to play they will agree to the conditions....

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Solid suggestion.

09 Oct

08 Oct


There may be more going on with this. It might be worth cruising through the STA forums. :)

06 Oct


That's not flying.
That's falling... with style.

05 Oct


We put in a possible fix for this crash in a patch earlier today. It would be good to know if you're still experiencing it on the latest version (currently .4, but the fix would have been live from .3)

04 Oct


Originally posted by bsabiston

What do you mean "Unreal doesn't really support that"? Is there somewhere they say NOT to do that? Just because sublevels do not stream in automatically doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't stream in sub-levels...?

The benefit is that different parts of a level can be checked out and worked on by different people simultaneously. Sure, down the line there might be some problem. But I've read that that's how other people do it.

Talking about sub-levels that are themselves persistent levels with their own sub-levels... so a multiple persistent sub-level hierarchy.

Here is the official response to your idea above which is that it is not supported without code changes:

So while your workaround may be working, it is not how the engine is designed out of the box so all I am saying is that you seem to be doing something that could have corners and edge cases that are undocumented and not well explored by others.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I don't have any recollection of this claim, but all of that was before I joined the team.
If it was said, I would have to imagine it was in relation to Xbox/Win10 versions, there might be some aids to facilitate crossplay in that regard.


All of them

EDIT: ah load times, the stable decor is one of my favorites. Primordial Decor has some great variety and cool structures.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Not really just in our court, but...Hello!

Disclaimer: I am speaking as a mod author myself to talk about this, and not in representation of the opinion of Studio Wildcard.

Regarding Crossplay:

Saying they support crossplay is cool, it may not necessarily be that easy though. Different consoles may have minor code and integration differences that can be large issues for consistency. The consoles might also have different rules that could make it difficult to appease all parties. There could be potentially any number of technical reasons preventing it as well, for any game. It's basically never just "A flip of the switch", and for some games, it may not even be possible at all.

Regarding mods:

They both allow mods in some capacity, this is true, but not the same capacity. For instance, Sony may have rules against running third-party scripts/code, which would completely prevent ARK mods fr...

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Originally posted by bsabiston

Yeah I have to unload the sub-sub levels the same way I load them - manually just before I stream unload the sub level.

But then there is no real benefit to them being sub-sub-levels, is there? Unreal doesn’t really support that so you might be working around a problem that works in editor but will come back to bite you later, like after cooking your game or something. Or creates weird logic bugs that might not be obvious.


Side note: POM is extremely expensive. Judging by your screenshots you could achieve this effect with actual (normal mapped) geometry representing most of the carved wood details and a simple bump offset if necessary. It will be much more efficient, as well as integrating better with lighting and post-process effects. POM is an expensive hack best reserved for things that can not be represented well using reasonable triangle counts such as highly detailed terrain (and even then only as an “ultra” quality graphics option).

27 Sep


Originally posted by Bboytweed

Aah but there used to be a mode called extinction?? Ah man I’m so out of the loop

The previous "Extinction" mode is now called ARKpocalypse. It's the same 30 day wipe routine as when it was called Extinction. As others stated, Extinction is now the name of one of our Expansions hence the name change

26 Sep


Originally posted by MoarTeaPls

wait, we can DM you for the QoL list?

Also, your Suggestions forum needs a dedicated subsearch function so we don't duplicate suggestions and can vote for the existing one instead. Also sorting suggs by date first is better for us, people are replying to 6-month-old posts because they're presented right after a 6-hour-old post.

I'd agree but I'd also argue the system is better than what we had in place which was just a standard forum. I hope we can add to the system when time allows. And sure, you can DM me but u/air401 will let you know that DM has been sitting for a while. And that DM pointed me to posts that I may have missed. There is no rule saying you can't DM me :)


Originally posted by achterin

wrong, there is a code of conduct for PvE. for example, it is considered illegal to spam small dinos like dodos/dilos. you can also get wiped for claiming too much land (e.g. excessive pillering). they do enforce these rules pretty frequently. on 2 of my servers some tribes got wiped for pillering, our tribe got wiped on another server for spamming dodos some time ago.

these are the current rules:

> Game Blocking - you are not allowed to block other tribes from playing the game on PvE servers. This can include but is not limited to:

  • Building at their base
  • Blocking in other tribes dinos
  • Blocking access in/out of a tribes base
  • Obstructing pathways or waterways for the purpose of denying another tribe access
  • Blocking access to important resources (ie. charge nodes, gas nodes, Extinction City Terminals, etc)
  • Intentionally filling the server tame limit via spamming tames (such as Dodo, Jerboa, or eas...
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Correct, there is a COC for PvE. While it may not seem like it is always enforced to the fullest, I wouldn't want to be caught on the wrong side of the fence. I recommend to play clean and continue to report those who aren't.

25 Sep


Originally posted by air401

Please check your dm's from me. Quick 5 minute read.

:) Seen. I'll make sure these get added and I'll try to do a better job at reading my DM's sooner.


Originally posted by jahudisec

I'll keep bugging!


Originally posted by ThatFredditor

While hes probably the best CM wildcard has ever had, I have to agree with this to some extent.

The fact that the QoL list exists is fantastic, but 80% of it was copied and pasted from the responses to one Twitter post, which provides no means of judging whether or not the changes are desired by the Ark community.

Yet very few of the QoL entries came from the Game Suggestions page that has a voting system and was made for this exact purpose.

This makes it hard to trust them when they say using the "proper channels" for both Game Suggestions and Enforcement Issues will lead to faster responses on their end. In fact, this is one of the reasons some YouTubers and streamers leak bugs, meshing, etc, they know that publicity will get the problems fixed faster than using the "proper channels", which forces wildcard to drop what they're doing and fix it immediately, leading to poor project management and therefore less time to fix problems preemptively.


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I used the forums as well. Some of the suggestions that are on the forums are on twitter as well because a lot of people use more than one platform. I appreciate the honest feedback. I won't argue that most of my commentary is on Twitter. Twitter is a platform in where if people want to ask you a question, they tag you. Reddit and the forums are not always that way. Reddit and forums tend to have active conversations that may or may not benefit from dev interaction. The same is not true for twitter where if someone @'s me, I know its something directed at me. But the feedback is warranted and valid. I need to spread the love :)