ARK Survival Evolved

ARK Survival Evolved Dev Tracker

17 Dec


Originally posted by ThePastyWhite

Are you saying theres mini troodons???????? Can it ride on my shoulder?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!

Why would you want that?! D:
No, Raptor Claus had to take them in because they didn't pass focus testing. I'm sorry.


Originally posted by BOOM2ndPOWER

how tf do chibis work lol

Well, we sprinkled some elf dust on them, shrunk them down with magic, contorted their bones in horrible ways, and then trapped them in items.
Raptor Claus' little helper troodons had some concerns about the process, but we think it turned out well.

16 Dec


Originally posted by Majin_Romulus

So is that a no? The raptor pounce bug isn't gonna be fixed?

I don't have an answer currently. I don't have visibility on every issue (This one included), and right now we are trying to fry some pretty big fish. My recommendation is to look at the feedback/suggestion board Cedric had set up on the STA main site and see if it's already listed there somewhere. If it's not there, see if you can add it.


Originally posted by TheSammyKnight

You have any news on the raptor bug with them being able to pounce you off of any creature like being pounced off a wyvern is pretty silly. Thanks for the reply! :)

Yes, that it's like watching a very angry fish take out a hawk in mid-flight.

Nature is crazy, and I'm not sure that what we can simulate in a video game will ever match the level of hardcore nature can throw at us.

That's sort of news, right?


Indeed this issue is known. We caught it in time to prevent catastrophic damage on dedicated servers, but for SP and non-dedicated it still exists for the moment, we recommend putting your rexes somewhere safe until we can get the fix out to clients.


This isn't technically a bug, but it is a side-effect that wasn't necessarily part of the original objective. The drag weight change is being re-evaluated for alternative solutions to handle the intended objective without the unintended side-effects.

15 Dec


Originally posted by HammerTrollerHD

Nope, not from my experience

Yes, that was an unintended side-effect. Alternative solutions are being evaluated.


Originally posted by kazumablackwing

No mod is gonna be perfect in its first iteration though. But you mentioning WC co-opting it...that scares me. I wouldn't put it past them to pull a Bethesda, stealing a modder's concept and making their own bastardization of it... If you think false positives from rocks are bad...wait til you get nailed with a false positive on login because your character has half lagged into the floor

Wall`O`Text incoming. I got going and couldn't stop.

Most of this is based on my personal experience from when I was modding and shouldn't be taken as an official company stance.

We didn't say it couldn't be done, and we didn't say the plugin would have those problems. Cedric was giving fair warning that it could have problems like that. Trying to communicate these things in a tweet though is difficult because a larger conversation has to come in tiny pieces over a long thread which can be missed or we have to try and be reductive with what we are saying while also trying to get the core point across, we don't always succeed in the latter.

A few notes here though on some of these discussion points so far, and some things that haven't been as well:

  1. You can't copyright a concept (thankfully, or else anytime somebody tried to make a new version of something they would get slapped with legal threats, mods would ba...
Read more

27 Nov


Originally posted by achterin

with all that said, thanks for doing your job the best way possible. i hope someone higher up realized that there is need for some changes so you dont get shit from us all the time ;)



Originally posted by achterin

then you guys need better communication inside the company. patch notes have always been a huge problem and the last update, that broke the game entirely, is an insult to us players. since the update, no updates, not tweets, nothing. just roll everything back and do your qa next time. thanks

I don't disagree :)


Me doing my job well depends on the information I get and the time I get it. If I don't get that information, whether it be when servers are going down or when updates happen, it limits my ability to communicate these things.

20 Nov


Originally posted by ashrid5150

And we're hiring (in case anyone was wondering)

The important question is, are you just hiring 1st line bodies or are you looking for someone to actually look at your support structure and make the neccessary process and cultural changes (and have the backing from above to make those changes)?

On top of that you probably can't afford me ;-)

We're hiring for senior positions, so people who will lead and push processes forward - not just a set of hands.

17 Nov


Originally posted by SlayeDraye

Dollie, I believe the obvious cause for suspicion was the fact that he was in TPG company. Had he been found by himself without a company tag, I doubt the uproar over this would have been as serious.

I do understand. He joined the Company so they could communicate exactly where they go to get the crash at their base. QA are focused on finding issues and bugs and getting a repro for them asap, not so much the community side and "what might other players think?". I also understand it would have been very disruptive if his body had been contesting or used ny players in an exploitative way.

I had a chat with him about being careful but I'm not mad, he caught a serious crash and we all make mistakes at times. Thankfully this didn't directly disrupt the game.


The account was one of our QA members repro'ing an Xbox One/Xbox One S memory crash that occurs in specific areas and causes the player to be unable to log back in afterwards. This base spot was one of those locations.

Generally our QA go into spectate before they log but the fact he successfully repro'd the crash so we can work on fixing it meant his body was left there.

14 Nov


Originally posted by iTackleFatChick5

At this point it seems like the devs are on autopilot and just doing the minimum to keep up appearances. My alliance has submitted at least 30 tickets for meshing the last 2 months, most with video evidence, and all tickets are closed after a few days-2 weeks without follow up.

Ironically, a few of us have learned that if you fill your inventory with baby gigas in cryo then mana glitch out of the map and insta die, a dev will respond to that ticket and come insta raise and imprint as many gigas as you lost. There’s about 10 of us been doing this every two weeks for almost a year and they just keep making gm appointments and we get 100% imprinted gigas.

Makes no sense

It really isn't about doing the minimum or appearances. It's more about the size of the game and the community has outgrown the team and resources we have. We have a hard time keeping up with tickets but we've made staffing changes and we're gaining traction :). And we're hiring (in case anyone was wondering)


This latest enforcement wave wasn't based on anybody's words or what's being talked about in Discord. It was based on data because that can't be refuted. If someone didn't get wiped they didn't meet the requirements we were looking for (that time)

12 Nov


This is a known issue that happens with BattleEye sometimes. It just requires a server restart. This should be fixed now!

06 Nov


Originally posted by Darkchyylde

Major updates always break mods until the modder can update it. Shit happens. It's the mod that needs to be updated and fixed, not Ark

Unfortunately it also sometimes requires an update to the devkit in order for mod authors to be able to adjust to the new changes, which is something I am investigating to see if we need to do now.

24 Oct


It's a bug. There should be a patch that goes live at some point tomorrow to address it.