Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

18 Nov

17 Nov

Oooh that steed is looking extra spooky for the season now! <3 Thank you for sharing these lovely creations with us, and we can't wait to see what you come up with next!
Hiya friends and welcome to the forums OP! I think a few potential "counterarguments" to this could come from the dynamic nature of the node system, and how much effort it would be to coordinate exactly the same results on different servers. For example, if nodes were levelled up in even a slightly different order, the vassal levels would look different meaning significantly different content could be unlocked across a similar area. In addition, there's also the possibility for ... Read more
GG on the info catch, this is one I definitely remember folks asking in our Q&A threads before! The VOD is up now on YouTube, so perhaps if you remember about when it was we can find a handy timestamp:
And BIG GG to Ashes Pathfinders on their 100th episode!!!

In terms of the "dials available" to customize your Tulnar, from ... Read more
Hiya! In the original Dev Discussion thread, we certainly didn't mean to dump folks into one of two buckets - hence why we asked "what's your view", so you all could feel free to expand on it in whichever way you'd like! That being said, we definitely appreciate seeing some of the additional follow-up here on how to reframe possibilities for overgearing, which on its own likely has some immediate negative connotations for certain folks <3

16 Nov

Glorious Ashes Community!

Our next live stream will be Monday, November 30 at 11AM PST! (Click here to convert this to your local time.)

For this upcoming stream, we'd love to gather some questions from you to answer live! Please submit your question for our development team in the thread below, and we'll ... Read more

15 Nov

14 Nov

13 Nov

I'm a big fan of the cape/cloak life as well, especially since for the majority of the time you're likely staring at the back of your character! Here's a quick look at some of the capes/cloaks we've revealed so far, including those that players were able to unlock in Apocalypse:

And yes, there has only been one instance of "wings" so far that I'm aware of, and it's very specifically for that Angelic racial appearance that transforms your whole appearance and was included with the original Kickstarter tiers alongside the Demonic one.

Honestly, one thing that has bugged me greatly, to the point of annoyance is the animations in Ashes. I love the game and the concept. But during the castle sieges and stuff they've shown I could barely see the character Steven controlled. Never-mind the other players. Never-mind recognising a cast and have a chance to react accordingly.

Hiya friend! As we mentioned both before and after the segment that highlighted recent Castle Siege footage during our live stream, and we do our best to continue to reiterate in a variety of places, all of the animations and FX you've seen so far are works in progress/placeholder that will continue to be improved upon as we continue down the testing path! You may have even noticed some recent progress on that front in between videos as well :smiley:

We also still do plan to give you a variety of options for adjusting those on your end through the UI as well, so yo... Read more