Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

13 Jul


To add additional context for this question; Inventory for A2 will exist in two categories, spatial and non-spatial. The spatial inventory system will only exist for materials and gatherables. The non-spatial system will be the normal single slot inventory that is used for all completed items IE gear, consumables etc.. The spatial system is intended to provide limitation and progression when everything in the open world is gatherable, requiring players to strategize which things they choose to gather or not. These spatial inventories will be shaped in various ways that make the bag types more d conducive for certain types of gatherables allowing players to specialize their capacity. Auto sort is a feature

12 Jul

11 Jul


There is a legend among the Vaelune people of a lovely young fallaḥa, or “female commoner,” who went by the name of Samia. According to tradition, Samia fell deeply in love with the devilishly handsome and impossibly ancient djinn spirit Nuahaibu, whom she called “Aibu.”

With no wealth to speak of, and little else of value to proffer as an offering, Samia went off in search of a treasure of great value that might make her more appealing as a potential mate. The search took her all across Verra, until eventually, by sword, by guile, and by good fortune, she found just the gift. Samia discovered five rings of gold, so dazzling to behold that the djinn recognized their great value and unequaled beauty the moment he set eyes upon them, and knew that they must be his. Thus, the djinn and the fallaha haggled back and for... Read more

10 Jul

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm a medium guild-size enjoyer personally! I like something in which there are always people online, but not so many that you start to feel like you don't know anyone ^_^
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Presumably there will be a communal plot inside a node's settlement? Or maybe you'll get some planting-tubs in your apartment that you can put your seeds in. ;)

09 Jul

08 Jul

07 Jul

06 Jul

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Unfortunately, there are many ways people will use and abuse systems for RMT. We don't want to discuss how we plan to combat this, for the sake of security - but we take this issue very seriously ^_^

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It has been made very clear that freeholds and nodes are designed to be temporary so anyone getting into them should be prepared for that and accept that.

The rise-and-fall nature of nodes, and the sieges players can hold on freeholds will see to this ^_^
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In theory, there won't be a need for a specific server with a different set of standards. Our goal is to combat all of your concerns on all servers.

It's also worth noting that the monthly subscription fee won't be the only source of revenue for the game. ... Read more
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
It's interesting seeing which MMOs people recommend... But also a bit sad to see the lack of confidence in most of them :( As Liniker said, it's perhaps a not-awesome time for MMOs with good PvP features :(

I've enjoyed reading through this thread, though!
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Just to make sure I understand, OP - Your concern is that other players may rush through the leveling experience during testing?