Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

22 May


Originally posted by galaxion

Medic crates:

  • When deployed, heals nearby friendlies in a 2m radius from the crate.

Does this mean that they behave like older battlefield games, as in, you don't need to interact with them?

The interact functionality is still there as you know it today. You just get an aura healing bonus on top of it that will see tweaking in the future based on feedback, we want to see if this is an interesting change or not. I personally believe this is an interesting "addition" to the crates" :)


Originally posted by ANEPICLIE

Definitely distinguishes the medic crate better than before!

That was the main goal with this change, I think we will translate that into other places (probably ammo crates) but also bring more quality of life changes to those crates. There are a bunch of pieces missing to make this experience really solid in my books.


Originally posted by Graphic-J

"When players are directly looking at a visible enemy within 8m, the enemy name tag will be visible for that player only, similar to previous Battlefield titles."

This is good for people that wanted the 'visibility" fix, but I hope this ^ isn't as strong as it was in BF1 where you didn't even have to view the soldier and the name tag would still pop out.

I have done that change quite some time ago now and i wouldn't be able to tell what is the distance but it is lower than that of BF3/4 and BF1 :)


Originally posted by ya1966yo

Ammo crates could resupply ammo like the new medics crates just bullets tho

It's not out of question at all, I'm thinking about also bringing consistency in terms of aura behavior if the feature is well received :)


Originally posted by ClashBox

I was watching Westies video about todays patch notes and he mentioned that when players are in very close proximity to each other (less than 8m) the name will pop up. Apparently these are part of changes to the visbility system. My concern is that my in game name is very long and so if my name pops up I will be at a greater disadvantage to players who have shorter names. Longer name = more visible. Is this true?

That’s a great question. I’m not sure, to be honest. Don’t know if that was a concern when they worked on the changes.

But I will say, if your 8m away, shoot them.


Originally posted by ClashBox

My name is in game username is long. Will i be at a disadvantage when my name pops up to enemies close by?

Can you clarify a bit? Sorry, not sure I understand.


Originally posted by joebonekenobi

Well whos is it get them on here you coward. You the face of this community yet you hid behind who do make the decision you think blue flowers and 2 towers make firestorm playable? or are this features limited like DUOS etc?

Am sick this shit and that you work from LA and they in Sweden? that a whole working day difference. You think that a good thing? its f**king retarded.

Yes, I work in LA. It’s a gorgeous campus with awesome folks. There’s a great shopping center near the studio that has some awesome restaurants. I do love visiting Stockholm. The studio is amazing, and they have 3 of my favorite food spots near the studio- Berliner Kebab, Shanti Soft Corner (amazing Indian food), and Cusine (beautiful dishes and ambiance).

In 2019, with the proliferation of chat tools like Skype, Discord, Slack, and email (of course), working in different spots doesn’t really impact cooperation. And I get up around 5am (by choice) and start my day very early to ensure I get plenty of time to chat with my Stockholm colleagues. We also have u/PartWelsh who is in the UK, so he’s always present with the Devs in EU hours. And usually work well past my “scheduled” hours because I love my jo...

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Originally posted by Call_me_ET

(And it destroys soldiers).

With the introduction of AT Rifles, I'd thought about this part. Are you guys at DICE worried about 4 Recons setting up on a hill and shooting everything in sight with the BOYS? Or does the slow rate of fire and low mag size counteract that possibility?

It’s slow rate of fire, bolt action style, and I think it holds 6 shots in the magazine. And to ADS, you have to be prone or deploy the bipod. It’s restrictive, but worth it.


Originally posted by Call_me_ET

Any tips on how we should be using this gun against tanks? Is it a heavy hitter like the PIAT, or should we be going for critical hits like the Panzerfaust?

Per history, the PIAT replaced the Boys AT as the PIaT was more powerful.

That being said, look for critical hits. (And it destroys soldiers).


Originally posted by TheHolyMolar

So I’ll be able to purchase this with CC next week? Not sure I can bring myself to play firestorm to unlock this.

You should be able to.

And the only required Firestorm node is the first one, I believe.


Originally posted by KonamiRapedMetalGear

I’m always hoping when I see the “HUD/UI” section that they’ll have added more detailed HUD options.... not yet tho lol. If we’re never gonna get hardcore I’d love to at least make it look like it! I’ve gotten used to it but I’d love to play the game without so much clutter on the screen.

What options? List ‘em out for me. I’ll share that with the UI team.


Originally posted by StonyBolonyy

I will have to get back to you on that, so I can think about it critically and make a legitimate list. I am glad you seem to care though.

I absolutely do care. Hell, I’ve been a BF player since BF1942. I love this franchise and community so much I got a Battlefield tattoo (down the entire length of my forearm). I named my Harley “Black Bess” after the tank in BF1.

When you have something for me, tag me or hit me up on PM or via twitter.


Originally posted by Aweb20

Saw your edit, I think it's better to not have an aura on the ammo crate since it already has the benefit of resupplying gadgets over the pouches. It makes sense for meds to have an aura since the crate previously had no advantage at all over pouches.

I feel the same way.


Originally posted by AHughes1078

Sorry for the shit you get from people.

No worries! It’s part of the job.


Originally posted by StonyBolonyy

Hopefully you all hit it out of the park with these updates, I really do. This game has so much potential, but we dont all have $2,000 PCs to run a good game. Consoles need love too.

If you have a decent list - 5 or so things you think we should focus on specifically for consoles - please share it. I absolutely agree that parity should be achieved.

I play on all platforms - but haven’t been on my consoles in a bit.


Originally posted by joebonekenobi

So we all just going to forget about how the f**king us with the store and pit stop crew?

CM should be ashamed

Right, because it’s 100% my decision.

And I’ve already posted an update in the main thread that we’ll have some detail by end of day.

Take care, bud.


Originally posted by Mixzer13

Does it have a scope glint?

Idk. I know I was damaging tanks with it (when I tested it). And I hit a plane with it.


Originally posted by StonyBolonyy

Cant wait to see the new bugs and glitches from the new updates! Always one step forward and three steps back. I'll be happy when the game can run smoothly, and not need patches every quarter cause they released an unfinished game.

Well, you'll be able to check them all out tomorrow morning, 1AM PDT (PC). Looking forward to your constructive feedback once you've played some rounds.

Have a great one!


Originally posted by Berge_Flow

That scopes a nutta'

There's a 1.5x, 3x, and 6x scope.

You should see all the skins.
OH MAN. There's one I know I'll be sporting. I can't remember the name, but it's like dark grey with white highlights and a touch of chrome. LOOKS SO GOOD.


Originally posted by chris_ro

Moment, I thought the catch-up mechanic is for the 40 levels of TOW and not the weekly assignments? Or am I wrong?

You're correct.
It's for the Chapter Rank Rewards, not the Weekly Rewards. You can already purchase Weekly Rewards with CC on the Friday/Mon after the week has ended.