Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

03 May


Ouch, it hurts watching this. I'll see if this issue is tracked already and see what I can do about it.


Originally posted by johgru

Not even /u/lytlb1t ??

Sorry, I don't work on this stuff so can't say anything useful about it really.


Originally posted by freshleebaked

finally lol wonder what it looks like in game

I’m gonna work on getting an actual video of it. Stay tuned!


Originally posted by UnsaltedAlias

I was playing Fjell today as German faction and I was already able to see some changes to visibility when I was able to see a green tinge silhouette on the allied soldiers. In addition to this threads visibility update, was there some changes made in the latest patch?

I don’t think so, but I’ll check in the morning. (10pm PDT right now).


Originally posted by LutzEgner

You just made me rent the Big Lebowski and watch it for the thousandth time. Hope you are happy! :D

The Dude abides.


Originally posted by JarlOfRivia

With hdr is already very visible. This will ruin it even more. If this drops am quiting the game. This makes no sense. Dark areas r supposed to be dark. Hdr already helps even. You guys only listen to stupid youtubers

251 upvotes and tons of comments show that it’s actually something a lot of the community is interested/excited in.


Originally posted by LOLRememberarbitur

Thanks Braddock. I appreciate you relaying the info to the team. Didn't know you have astigmatism. Is there a cure?

And sorry for coming off as aggressive before.

It’s all good, buddy!

It’s just an imperfection in the eye’s curvature that makes some things blurry. It can be corrected with contacts, glasses, or LASIK. I wear contacts, but riding my motorcycle at night is hard because headlights flare out (I have to use yellow goggles to reduce the flare).


Originally posted by CommanderInQueefs

Why wouldn't you guys post a quick video of gameplay instead of a screenshot?

I'm looking to get a video from the team. They're currently in the progress of locking down the next update (when this will come out), so gimme a couple days to see what I can find.

02 May


Originally posted by dinodefender93

Lol. This is stupid; just look at it. Your character is lighting up from nothing.

This is the same level of silly as recovering from a 30ft fall in 1.5 seconds from the new 'Combat Roll' update. Bit by bit, this game gets babied right up.

Reddit is a professional game developer according to DICE now. At least have the balls to stick to your original SOMEWHAT realistic design choices.

But hey that's just my opinion.

As I've mentioned elsewhere, perhaps the screenshots don't give it justice. How about we hold off on final judgment until it's actually implemented into the game and you can test it out? If it's great, great. If it needs work, share your constructive feedback once you've actually played with it enabled. As mentioned in the post, we're going to continue working to improve the game - based on feedback from the community (which includes a heck of a lot more than just reddit.)


Originally posted by Waffle-or-death

I wasn’t talking about the reference. The way you’ve made the guy react made it appear as if you had neglected to so much as acknowledge his question.

Okay, so you're being a big vague on who you're referring to. For the OP of this comment thread, I actually responded to him originally.

For the reference to the white bloom comment (which was posted an hour after I made the Lebowski quote joke) , you literally took the quote of my post as an assumption that I was telling him to calm d...

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Originally posted by LOLRememberarbitur

Why am I being down voted? It's a legitimate problem you dumbasses!

I gave it an upvote because I agree it is an issue.


Originally posted by MaliciousMender

Do you think we can see customisation cosmetics for the elite characters? u/Braddock512

Honestly? Doubtful. But one never knows what may change in the future (this isn't saying it will change in the future).


Originally posted by LOLRememberarbitur

I'm gonna have to repeat it again cause I got downvoted by assholes

Can you fix the white bloom visual effect that happens when staring out a window? Cant see put windows cause of it when scoping. It's stupid.

I don't have any details on that at this time, but will definitely share that with our designers. (I feel your pain myself. I have astigmatism in both eyes, so when there's lens flare/excessive bloom, it makes it harder for my eyes to focus.)


Originally posted by Waffle-or-death

This guy is correct man. The only reason he is using profanity is because he is being frustrated as the masses drown out his opinion and voice. He’s not angry at you specifically.

No no no no.
I was just quoting The Big Lebowski back to the bot.

"Obviously, you're not a golfer" is from the scene when the two guys break into The Dude's house, pull out his bowling ball, and ask him "what is this?" He replies, after pulling his sunglasses out of the toilet (where they had just shoved his face), "Obviously, you are a not a golfer."
My reply was from the scene when The Dude tells Walter Kochek to calm down after Walter pulled his gun out at the bowling alley on Smokey. Walter repeatedly says "Calmer than you are, dude. Calmer than you are."

I wasn't referring to the post from the guy who was upset.


Originally posted by Wargreymon559

Awesome can't wait to try it.

Any chance for future references when it comes to these QOL articles you guys can add some videos so we can see is about being done in real time?.

Definitely something I’d like to see myself!


Originally posted by scotch1701

  • Do Elites work in other game modes such as Firestorm and Combined Arms?
  • Y es, you can also bring your Elites to Combined Arms and Firestorm.

You might want to fix this...I thought Elites did *not* work in Firestorm?

Elites DO work in Firestorm. Their VO does not. (I actually loaded into Firestorm yesterday with Seamus.)


Originally posted by breyzipp

Yep, you fixed it!!! Predator sight now unlocked so my predator set is finally fixed for it.

Ace support Jeff, many thanks!!

My pleasure! Good night!


Originally posted by breyzipp

Ok, many thanks ahead if you guys can fix it manually!

Ill log off now though, bedtime in Europe. :) but I’ll check it out tomorrow.

Can you please check it now? Sorry. Not sure if I granted the right one.


Originally posted by Q2CTF3

Thank you very much, I'm just so frustrated over this :(

I understand and I apologize if I missed the previous tag. There’s a ton of tags and I do my best to get to every one, but some times I do miss some. Thank you for retagging me so I can have someone look I to this.