Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

01 May


Originally posted by PartWelsh

I'd say thats a lot more than the flicker I was expecting from the title! Forwarded through, big thanks for the clip! It really helps to pinpoint this stuff <3

Just had a note through them actually /u/eutonachama - have you adjusted any of your UI settings in the game? Adjusted colors, played with the new screen shake sliders etc?


Originally posted by IlPresidente995

Is this an hint that the blue filter it's going to be removed/optional? /s

Patch 3.4 - It's changing to Orange. We'll keep rotating through the spectrum of colors every 3rd patch ;)


Originally posted by eutonachama

Xbox One X. Has happened many times since the latest update, but I haven't been able to replicate accurately. Paging /u/braddock512 /u/partwelsh /u/f8rge

I'd say thats a lot more than the flicker I was expecting from the title! Forwarded through, big thanks for the clip! It really helps to pinpoint this stuff <3


Originally posted by joebonekenobi

Another part time CM that is a BOT replying only to posts that make him look good.

Where the last survey discussion notes and results?

Also once again.

Also update on the deluxe edition buyers getting more bang for they buck still being talked about? I feel like DICE just trying to dodge this is being very dishonest to the player base which brought in this version of the game.

I have a general rule in life that encourages me to avoid having conversations with folks who aren't interested in having conversations, but instead arguments.

If you're looking for a response out of me specifically, all you need to do is direct a question at me in a civil manner and I'll do what I can to volunteer what information I have. I'm not ignorant of the frustration that fuels your tone, and it doesn't offend me directly, but there's little to no use me encouraging folks to attract my attention by behaving rudely.


Originally posted by BollREEE

an actual official statement would be nice.

We have posted about it here on Reddit. Is there something in particular you need us to clarify?


Originally posted by SecretPandaWhispers

Do we get to see the results from March?

I want to work with the team to at least come back to you with 'What you told us' and possibly even 'What we're doing' - gets a bit tricky when we steer into that territory but for sure we want to be as open as we can responsibly be,

It's a public holiday in Sweden today so mostly I'm just finishing up my Tides of War stuff today!


Secure the M91/28 Medic class Bolt-Action Carbine in a new Weekly Storyline that features Squad Conquest, Combined Arms, and Firestorm.

This week's Tides of War Chapter 3 Storyline focuses on Squad Conquest, Combined Arms, and Firestorm.

Complete this Week's Storyline and you'll be rewarded with the M91/28 Tromboncino, a Medic Class Bolt-Action Carbine with a grenade launcher.

M91/28 Tromboncino

Let’s look at the tasks. Remember that the exact mission requirements can be found in game in the Tides of War menu.

Teamwork - 4,500 Chapter XP
As a squad earn 12500 score in Multiplayer or Combined Arms.


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Originally posted by R181Ben

u/Braddock512 The weekly Trials By Fire reward for the week of May 16-23 is a single company coin. Is this a joke?

Nope. It’s a visual bug that will be resolved with a backend refresh.


Originally posted by loveandmonsters

The sky is largely Azure #252 but taking into account the latitude of Halfaya Pass, the air pollution circa 1940, and the angle of sun, I feel it should be Cyan #977. Literally unplayable DICE pls fix

You forgot to calculate with the Coriolis effect.


Originally posted by ze_mannbaerschwein

I wouldn't risk it. With BFVs wonky anti-cheat system you could risk a ban after all the fuss over the roblox-mode Nvidia exploit.

I am not risking anything. DICE stated long ago that ReShade is not a bannable offense. I've got over 3000 hours between BF3, BF4, BF1 and BFV all while using it.


Originally posted by Mac_McMillan

Why do you have to remind me that those exist?



I miss this meme. It only ever comes back out on special occasions.


Originally posted by mdiz1

Looks better on in my opinion, a day is never as clear as the second image

Do you live in Beijing?


All of these issues people are posting can be resolved today with ReShade. Been using it since BF3.


Originally posted by OhMyGd05

Really nice survey.

However this survey should follow anthem community survey questions. It should have more pertinent questions like the durability of bfv, etc...

I'll sit down with AJ and Jesse in the next few weeks and compare. Thanks for the nod!


Originally posted by UniQue1992

I know this is said before, but I also wanted to share why I don't like Grand Ops. I really thinkt he mode can be so much better. I'll write down what's on my heart about this mode.

It's because the game mode feels like it has no soul or heart. It misses that epic grand feeling. Where is the big intro that is supposed to come with this mode, when I heard about this mode me and my friends started speculating how much better it would be than BF1's already cool Operations mode? It should have an epic intro, you could even mix real footage and combine it with gameplay. Something CoD:WaW, for example, did with their intros of their single player. It doesn't need to be brutal footage, just show some real soldiers walking, talking, firing at something. You don't have to show bodies or people getting killed. This would help build that true feeling. Also, I think the mode should feel more like a real batt...

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That somethings already been said shouldn't stop you from volunteering your perspective on top of that. It always helps to see the same thing, but presented from a different perspective and it can be helpful in encouraging others to do the same as well


Originally posted by tonny3629

I think it would’ve been nice if you guys added questions asking what the player like or dislike about the maps/map design.

For example I hate maps where vehicles get an easy access to the high ground. Aerodrome is a prime example of this. The hills of Aerodrome don’t have any cover for infantry to move through. Therefore if a tank can get up there, the driver can easily take out incoming infantry while raining down fire on the players below the hills. Narvik to some extent is the same. Only map where verticality works well is Rotterdam in my opinion.

We could, but from what we do with other games we find that it significantly reduces the amount of people that see it through.

Best practice for us is to put it out there in this format, and then see how the data trends vs. our expectation. If we're seeing feedback that suggests things outside the expectation then it gives us the opportunity to either use platforms like this, twitter, or more surveys to understand why.


Originally posted by Sort_of_Irish

There wasn’t a text box to explain why I rated the Grand Ops so low, I’ll throw it in here: the story telling isn’t very good. BF1 made me feel like I was grinding out a multi-day campaign and that is missing from BFV. Some of that feeling has been captured in the Panzerstorm Op but it’s missing from the rest. I also don’t think CQ belongs in Grand Operations, it just doesn’t suit the attacking or defending nature of the mode.

It's good of you to come back to the comments here and share that. Thank you.


Originally posted by BFRecruit2020

Something was wrong , I could not give narvik and aerodrome a 0 or negative . 1 is way to high

1 Speaks volumes about how you feel about it as it is!

Just for my own curiosity, how did you enjoy the Grind variant of Narvik?