Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

03 May


Originally posted by Yeboi696969nice

Currently, the sliding mechanics are perfect. But I can’t speak for everyone and I play on Xbox with a controller.

Alright good to hear, I think the key bindings might be more on a problem on pc but I'll gladly hear from other console players who think triggering sliding on a gamepad is problematic.


Originally posted by CharTheFatcat

I have some examples I can send you links to on different maps with different guns, if that will help. Net graph wasn't enabled sadly but I hope I can help in reproducing it. It'll be next week when I'm back at home.

Video links are always welcome, they will help QA pinpoint what's going on exactly.


Originally posted by needfx

Any idea who can say anything about this topic? We don't necessarily need an answer like "Yep, levels 150 are gonna be unlocked n the next update".

At this point, I think I'd be fine with any answer (this topic hasn't been officially dressed in 5 months except that wr'd get some news soon). Just tell us if the team is actually planning on increasing the levels, or not.

It's becoming a little bit frustrating, because we have absolutely no idea why BFV level cap is 50, while almost every previous BF game level cap was at least 100, and then got increased with DLC.

And most importantly, whatever your decision is, explain us why. It'll be much easier for us to accept your choices.

I understand your feelings, I have been lvl 50 since forever too. I can't tell you any more since I'm not working on these systems and it's not my role to share information about that topic.


Originally posted by Neeme

If it helps, I've had the same issue several times in situations it would be unreasonable for the gunner to crouch (for over 10s straight, in the back of the game). 3:47 to 4:02.

Awesome, I'll attach the video to the ticket.


Originally posted by Shaoltang

Could we get a monthly recap of the statistics plus a comparison to last month or at least highlight the shifts in general?

There's certainly some aspects of the data that I'd like to review and come back to you with, but to set a fair expectation, the vast majority of this will be utilized internally to help inform and reinforce the things we're doing.

Let me work on this with F8RGE next week and see what we can do.


Originally posted by DinoKebab

May want to find out why EA support are still telling UK players they are still able to play on UK servers then and that it's our PCs that are the problem...

Will do, thank you for flagging.


Originally posted by Moxxface

I'm honestly not sure, but I feel like it was easier in battlefield 1? It's all too mixed up for me.

It's also a struggle for us to find the best approach, since there are already so many button mappings. More key bindings means more freedom but also a more complex options screen and code. It will always be a trade off.


Originally posted by qlimaxmito


All of the issue I've detailed in the main post and the comment above this are still present in the game as of the latest update.

I've also noticed there is a bug with the Reinforcements Rose which causes the game to automatically call a V-1/JB-2 while still in the Reinforcements menu, before you pull out the binoculars, which for me often means calling it on my own position as I tend to open the menu before getting out of cover...

Here are some examples, note that in most (if not all) instances I did not press the "fire" button (LMB) while the menu was open: (2018/12/22) (2019/04/14) (2019/04/26)

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Cheers /u/qlimaxmito - I've been spotting this myself the last few days on PC (its like I have to click 10 pixels left/below where I'm intending) so I really appreciate you getting these videos up for us. I'm rank 50 on PS4 and closing in on 40 I think on Xbox so I know the double frustrations that crop up on Console

I've shared this with the gang and invited them to look into this some more.


Originally posted by johgru

/u/PartWelsh wanna shed some light on this issue?

I also find it annoying that the end of round screen shows the incorrect level and progress (the circle) for weapons. This has been the case since release.

Ello! It is annoying, sorry about that.

Yes, we've been tracking this since it re-reared it's ugly head. Working on giving it a good shushing



Originally posted by eutonachama

Hey /u/f8rge /u/partwelsh /u/braddock512 are there any plans in that direction? Or is unfeasible given the way elites are conceived? We were hoping they were essentially character models +headgear (because many have hair and it seems cumbersome to model the rest of the head for them all), whereas torso and legs are customizable. Thanks!

It's not in the present design of the elites. They're designed to specific body types and models, but we've been tracking a lot of this feedback all week and have shared it back with the team. Appreciate the tag and the opportunity to reply, thanks for that <3


Originally posted by InnocentToaster

I bought the game about 3 months ago and i like it a lot. But recently i cant unlock any guns anymore. For example I am assault rank 15 but dont get the stg rifle. the class progression screen is stuck at lvl 12.. I really want to unlock everything but nothing worked so far. need help.

Please get in touch with the folks at as soon as possible.


Originally posted by gamesdead

Are you going to consider adding advance search for firestorm on pc? I really want to play but often can't find a game in oce

Advanced Search for a Royale is tricky. If we enable that option then folks can agree to join the same Solo's/Duos game (as opposed to blind/random assignment) and start breaking the rules of Royale.

Completely hear the base problem here though. I don't have any firm updates to share but we are exploring ways of ensuring that folks across the region have better access.


Originally posted by A_Nice_Meat_Sauce

/u/PartWelsh - I didn't see a text box asking what you were doing well. I'd like to throw out there that I'm enjoying the weekly game mode rotations. I don't necessarily enjoy that I'm sometimes required to play them for ToW, but it keeps things a little more fresh without spreading the player base out across a dozen different modes.

One other thing along those same lines, would be nice if when a game mode came back it had a new map. Shouldn't be super hard to do since many of them are smallish modes and use subsections of existing maps.


Kind of you to come back and say so. For the most part, we can see the things that we are doing well in the data and we play the game a lot ourselves so it's nice that we get a lot of that direct feedback in the game when we're online. Thank you all the same for the suggestion, we'll consider it for the future, but for now we know our focus needs to be on improving what people don't like rather than enhancing the great things people do. Soon as we've balanced this scale out, and we're committed to getting there, we will likely make this change.

Regarding returning modes - I do agree with you and we have this coming up for Squad Conquest.

Originally we were going to wait until those reconfigured maps were ready to go before bringing Squad Conquest back in it's present and previous form, but we recognized that some folks would just prefer to jump right back into it so expect us to follow up on that.


Originally posted by itsthechizyeah

You guys mentioned with the operation sunrise thing that there will be dev talks, what's going on with that. Is it happening or no.

The division 2 does a state of the game every week with devs. And when they make changes and introduce new things, they explain the thinking behind it and it has been very well received by that community. What do you think?

It's happening. We've been redesigning them somewhat and you're going to hopefully learn more about that starting next week. But they are coming back.


Originally posted by rdstr

/u/f8rge /u/Braddock512 /u/PartWelsh

Please change the assignments.

Cheers for the tag /u/rdstr - We've had this feedback earlier in the chapter and we've already took this into consideration and changed up the design of TOW challenges. Previously in the chapter, you've had weeks where you absolutely had to do 'X' in order to get the weekly reward, and we're satisfied that we've fairly addressed that in our current design.

The team have designed Week 9's challenges to ensure that if you don't like Firestorm, you don't have to jump into Firestorm to unlock the Weapon. There's 12 challenges on the table, only 4 of which must be completed in Firestorm, and there's a super simple path to take that week that completely avoids playing Firestorm, and still unlocks the weapon for you.

There's a total of 118,500 Chapter XP on offer in that week, and 84,000 of...

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Originally posted by 8rummi3

linking them to the post is the best thing we can do

It is - and thankyou for doing so. I'm either sorting by New or by Hot and so sometimes these things fall into that middle ground depending on what time I wake up/Jeff goes to bed (on our opposite sides of the planet). Please always do tag us.

In relation to this - yeah we've seen this happen broadly across all platforms. Not intended and the team are looking into it.

Thank you for also flagging the problem that this causes. Initially it does feel welcome by folks who haven't used the regular Commando Carbine much but it does carry this problem for folks who've worked through the ranks already.

I don't have anything further just yet but I'll make a point of coming back and helping to share where we are with this soon as possible.


Originally posted by Moxxface

I wish it was easier to trigger, the keybinding is hard to do while running and shooting and all the other things.

Alright, so what do you propose, different keys or easier to trigger (like simply holding crouch instead of double tap)


Originally posted by Na0Cl

I think it's okay this way. Would be cool if it could give some benefits like moving faster or something when sliding down hills (yes I played too much apex)

We'd like to make sliding speed/length variable based on terrain angle, hopefully we can take a look at it soon.


Originally posted by Hobo_Healy

Is this the bug where the guy is "crouched" in the tank but he's shown as standing to other people?

Might be, but not sure about it. Our QA needs to try to reproduce it before we can fix it.


Amazing action! About the sliding, do you like the way it works right now? I got some feedback that it's hard to trigger or doesn't do so 100%.