Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

02 May


Originally posted by Q2CTF3

I know this isn't the appropriate thread to post this in, but I can't seem to get an official response to this gamebreaking issue:

Which I've also posted about on the official feedback forums:

Which received no response.

I even found another related bug report (that is clearly the same issue) and assisted by posting my video and example of what is happening. There was an official response this time, but it was the usual boilerplate "did you try turning it off and back on again?". But no off...

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I’ve escalated it right now to our QA team to investigate. They have all the links you’ve provided, including the video link in your previous post.


Originally posted by breyzipp

I’m on Xbox, my gamer tag is breyzipp.

Thanks for the swift answer!

Gimme 10 minutes then check your Company in-game.


Originally posted by breyzipp

Hello sir, i checked this after the recent update but it’s still bugged. Can you forward it to the team again? Thanks in advance!

What platform are you on and what is your Gamertag?


Originally posted by moneybagz123

Welcome to this sub, unfortunately. Mostly complaints with a few videos and "call me crazy but i love this game" posts sprinkled in. Frankly I am more of a fan of the update than not because the problem needs to be addressed, but we'll see if they went too far soon enough!


"Think before you downvote and take a moment to ensure you're downvoting someone because they are not contributing to the community dialogue or discussion. If you simply take a moment to stop, think and examine your reasons for downvoting, rather than doing so out of an emotional reaction, you will ensure that your downvotes are given for good reasons."

*"*Consider posting constructive criticism / an explanation when you downvote something, and do so carefully and tactfully. "

I get downvoted all the time for answering questions - because sometimes people don’t like the answer, despite it being THE answer. Ah well.


Originally posted by ExpensiveArmadillo

At least we get better visibility than GoT, right? ;-)

I see what you did there. ;)


Originally posted by Amraz

"You want to ensure the camouflage you use matches the environment"

Sure... That's why you can save your set for every map :)

What ? no ? you can't ? Too bad, i will be gray everywhere because i take way too much time to switch.

It’s actually something we’ve been talking about. Having presets/loadouts that can be switched to on the fly or, perhaps, linked to the various biomes. There’s more work to be done, of course.


Originally posted by scotch1701

Will this involve ray-tracing, or will any video card be able to do it?

And, it is optional, right?

It’s going to be for everyone. If it was just for RTX tech, those that don’t have video cards that can support it would be at a disadvantage.

As far as I know, it won’t be optional. I’ll get a confirmation on that for ya.


Originally posted by ImGoinPostal

Yeah exactly. And if someone has found a little spot or some clever cover then fair play. But it shouldn't be as easy as "lay down on the ground, turn invisible"



Originally posted by Radious87

Everyone will now shine like with a candle in their ass. This is WW2 game and using camo and being hidden is part of it. I dont want to spot enemies in every corner and shadow 100 metres away....

It specifically calls out that using appropriate camo will still be integral to being less seen.


Originally posted by [deleted]


How about this:
When it rolls out, test it out. Then provide feedback on how you find it.

I'm not discounting your opinion, but give it a try when it comes out first.

Is that fair?


Originally posted by [deleted]


No, that's not what it says. It shows that improved character lighting will improve visibility in the game, something the community has been consistently providing feedback about.


Originally posted by BigLebowskiBot

Obviously, you're not a golfer.

Calmer than you are, Dude.


The dynamic settings in Battlefield V range from mountainous desert ranges to snow-capped peaks, destroyed city centers, and more.

With various weather systems and times of day, coupled with these different biomes, visibility is key to a successful engagement on the battlefield.


From launch we’ve been reading, and watching  many of the discussions that the community have had. One topic that we know the community is quite vocal and very passionate about, is player visibility.

Being able to see the enemy in dimly lit rooms, transitioning from indoors to outdoors without losing sight of the enemy due to change in environment,...

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Originally posted by stack-0-pancake

So i was also having this problem but turns out the xp seemed to be getting added after I finished an additional match. basically: I would play my first match and complete a weekly LS/26 challenge for ToW ch xp, but see no change, then play another round and all missing xp seemed to be added at the end. This would repeat if i quit and restarted the game.

Sounds like there’s a delay in the XP granting. Thanks for the info.


Originally posted by jaokait

Here is a clip of it happening. Does not happen everytime. But all of my squad members had it a few times last night. (Not at the same time)

Awesome thanks a lot, that will help