Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

30 Apr


It might be that the servers take longer to fill back up as it's Patch day. Folks are still patching up so should fill out back to normal in the next few hours.


Originally posted by powidltascherl

Maybe the reward could be 1 Boin?

That would drive me crazy. It makes my eye twitch whenever I get Xbox Achievements worth 2 or 3 GS.


Can you do the same in multiplayer? I suspect that this could be an issue specific to combined arms and the practice range.


My advice would be to avoid trying this in a live Multiplayer game - it won't have the same effect! 😂

This was in the Practice Range I'm guessing?


Unintended - looking into it. Thanks for flagging /u/Crabman169


It's sadly just a display bug (it'll get updated next week).

Solid meme all the same though!


Originally posted by Dapper004

This person recently posted this, it's PC footage Edit: no netgraph enabled, don't think, just proof of the bug existing.

Thanks! I've seen some other footage with netgraph enabled and it seems like the amount of bullets to kill is correct but the damage displayed is wrong. We're looking at it.


Thanks for reporting this, it looks like the amount of bullets to kill displayed is accurate but the damage shown by the score log isn't.


Thanks for reporting this! Could you record a video with the netgraph enabled (Advanced Gameplay Options) where this is visible?


Originally posted by Crabman169

Is there a reason as to why? Whilst the first in best dress approach ties in with every else in this game is this going to be a thing with future elite sets down the road? Will the launch of every new elite set be discounted or is it only these two right now?

Bit more transparency on the matter would be beneficial for everyone

For now, it's these two. In future, we'll see.


Store refresh happens only after we have all 3 platforms updated. Xbox is receiving it's update in the next ten minutes. I can appreciate the frustration but for future reference, store refresh happens at 11am British time on Patch days.


Originally posted by Qwikskoupa69

Lmao, its a placeholder you idiots

Would love to pretend that it is, sadly just a display bug. It'll get updated and refreshed next week.

Gonna make a pretty solid meme in the mean time!


Correct. Usual price will be 1500 Boins - the team let me know that for the first couple weeks we'll have these fellas available for cheaper (before reverting to 1500)


Originally posted by 1hit_Muscle

Can you please look at the desertion bug? For some reason the map sometimes puts a desertion area in the "safe" circle, and it can even happen at the end of the game. My squad went from a sure win (just called in a JB rocket on the last two guys) to a loss when we didn't realize there was a desertion area in the safe circle. The text came in the same time as the firestorm movement text, and in the "heat" of the moment we didn't even notice the turn back notification, and the server killed all three of us to give the other squad an easy win. Here is the video:

Oh wow, haven't seen that before. We'll follow up on that, thanks for sharing.


Originally posted by Bf-109-Messerschmitt

Is there a possibility that we could see weapon skins in FS in the future
