Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

30 Apr


Next time chain it with a ledge grab for extra points


Originally posted by Mauno_Mato

Wtf, 300 HP for a downed dude, you are focusing on the wrong things, like way off.

Fix the inventory/looting and give us attachments so we can choose what weapons we want to use instead of giving 4-5 players overpowered shit while others have to do the end game with iron sights... Boom, you've fixed your game.

Most of these changes make no sense at all considering what other issues there are, have you ever played the game, how are these things even in a priority list.

Seriously, go play some other succesful BRs before making changes, not saying that you have to copy them but at least get some good ideas from them.

Oh and on this bullshit fix note, how about not drowning when downed if your toes even touches the water.

I can appreciate the frustration behind your post. To be very clear about how we approach updates of this nature, multiple people with different specializations work on updating or adding new content to the mode.

There isn't one singular person sat in the corner working through a list of what's easiest or fastest (and so delaying the more complicated things).

Changes are coming, and they're being done right.


Originally posted by Professional-lounger

Don’t reply to this comment if there’s a strong possibility of a battlefield Vietnam game coming out next ;-)



Originally posted by xensu

I call bullshit - I’ve seen you play on Twitch.

I haven’t streamed in forever.

And playing daily doesn’t mean I’m good. Lmao


It's an action-packed, busy week - so let's do this!

Photo Credit to FirgunOfficial

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29 Apr


Originally posted by Corchaump1010

Since Criterion moved on. Are we ever going to get kill boxes and Firestorm. I'm pretty sure the community agrees the Looting still needs work

We agree with the community. Looting does need work. And we're working on a lot of things for Firestorm, including the looting mechanic. I don't have anything I can share right now, but I know it's a big issue with the community and with the internal teams.


Originally posted by TheCDawgy

He gets paid a fortune and has to put up with some mean words on a screen.

Boohoo. 🎻

I do? Wow. That's.. interesting. Can you tell me where this fortune is? I'd like to start using it. I have some credit cards and a motorcycle I'd like to pay off.


Originally posted by SetzarothTV

He puts up with it because he can't censor shit here. On the Battlefield forums threads get locked if they're about stuff they don't like.

I actually don't "put up" with anything.
If someone's being a total jerk, I don't reply, I don't engage, I move on.
If someone wants to actually have a conversation, report an issue, share a complaint, and do it like a human being trying to converse with another human being, then it's all good.


Originally posted by Drunkin_Dino

Also he has to put up with random pings in the battlefield discord from people whining to add things.

Dude. That stuff.. lol I had to turn Discord notifications off permanently. LOL


Originally posted by Q2CTF3

I don't know how he does it, really..

Open up laptop.
Deep breath.
"Let's have some fun talking about games."

That's it, really. I mean, it's not like brain surgery, or rocket science. It's video games. No one is going to die over this stuff. That being said, I do always try to empathize with each person's situation/frustration/complaint.


Originally posted by SFSeventh

Jeff is a really cool boi, he definitely has nerves of steel to deal with this subreddit's bs all day every day.

Whiskey and tequila when I'm not working.
And motorcycles and my wife and pup.

Makes the world go round.


Originally posted by AverageJoeWinkWink

Wouldnt that piercing make u cross eyed?

Hahah. I've been asked that for the last 11 years.
At first, yeah, it was pretty noticeable to me.
I was bartending at the time I got it - had just broken my hand in a skateboarding accident - and when I'd talk to folks, sometimes my eyes would focus on the shiny spikes. They'd laugh, I'd laugh, it was fun.
The first week sucked because I forgot about it and it would snag on t-shirts, sheets, pillow cases.

Now, I don't even see it. I forget it's there most of the time.


Originally posted by uglygaming

How often do you play bfv?

I try to play daily.
In fact, I just finished 2 rounds of Conquest on PC.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TheClosetIndian

He probably wrote this since he left battlefront due to the pineapple pizza controversy.

There is no controversy, pineapple on pizza is good.


Originally posted by -Bing-Bada-Boom-

Was there any fix where dead player's loot would glitch into the ground during Firestorm?

Yeah, that was fixed last update. Loot clipping issues were resolved, and they increased the spread to help reduce loot stacking.


Originally posted by F8RGE

This better be printed off and hung in your office...
