Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

30 Apr


Originally posted by ANEPICLIE

/u/Braddock512 nerfing AA? The stationary was already a Deathtrap, now might as well just hit redeploy when I get in one. The AA are laughably bad against planes


Originally posted by vtboyarc

Increasing xp rate doesn't help those of us who have been at level 50 for months and months now, hah.

No soldier visibility improvements.

No round balancing improvements , one sided games are just not fun

No improvements to make the UI more readable on bright backgrounds.

Still can't select new assignments in a match.

Same issues since release, starting to wonder if they will ever get fixed.

Still waiting on new maps, waiting for that WWII setting vibe.

But I'm glad to see all the combined arms fixes! /s

No soldier visibility improvements.

I'm working on a Community Broadcast (coming this Thursday, as noted in This Week in Battlefield V from yesterday) that discusses some of the steps we're taking in improving soldier visibility in the next update.

No round balancing improvements , one sided games are just not fun

I feel ya. And I've escalated this to the Dev team.

No improvements to make the UI more readable on bright backgrounds.

I haven't gotten any update on this, will re-ping the team.

Still can't select new assignments in a match.

Talked with a Producer on Friday. This is a big issue internally (as well as with the community) and the Devs definitely want to make it easier to change assignments. Unfortunately, as was told to me "it's incredibly difficult to get this right now" and they don't want to roll something...

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Originally posted by hawkseye17

Why is the AA being nerfed more? It was weak against anything but fighters and now it will just be useless


For those concerned about this:

Reduced AA damage to fighters by 20%.

We've clarified and updated that bullet point with the following:

  • We had a bunch of issues with damage vs fast moving vehicles that we fixed in this 3.2 update. One of the effects of fixing that was that damage against the fighters with AA guns skyrocketed because of the fix in damage calculation meant that fighters took consistent damage from AA. Prior to this patch fighters could easily out fly AA since flying away from or directly at the AA could escape the damage entirely, making them untouchable. We fixed the untouchable aspect and then adjusted the AA to an appropriate damage value for fighters. Fighters still take significantly more damage than bombers. Additionally the improvement to turret speeds for mobile AA guns meant they can track fighters better, and also boosted their effectiveness vs fighters (ground AA guns don't have turret rotation ...
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Originally posted by Hello-Doug

Are you guys aware of the bug when you get killed and you’re stuck on the ground but can’t be revived and can still fire any of your guns? I was stuck like that with 8 health and couldn’t blow myself up with the panzerfaust as I couldn’t take damage, so had to quit instead.


I haven't encountered it personally. If you happen to have it happen to you again, please do grab a video of it so I can share with the QA folks


Originally posted by LightKiosk

2 Company Coins

/u/TempRoyal is that you?!?!


Originally posted by DasBastian

Can you please give us an update on if we'll be able to give our characters hair? I feel stupid just asking but it genuinely bugs me having a bunch of baldies - especially when models in the store have hair.

Will ask.


Originally posted by radeonalex

That's frustrating. Is there no way to hotfix games like is done with most other software? Even if it were just PC?

I'm guessing it cannot be done due to console certification processes?

We're already patching every ~2 weeks which is pretty frequent, and yes console cert processes take time. Server patches can be deployed on request but sadly this is a client side issue.


Originally posted by cherif84

How is anything else than improve inventory and loot on Firestorm on your priority????????

It is a priority, and we have some changes coming to Firestorm that will continue to improve the looting systems.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Duos isn't only on the weekend. For Refund Options, check


Originally posted by Tommyfare

I updated but there is still no matchmaking für combined arms. I thought this update would include it?

Confirmed with the Dev team that matchmaking is rolling out for Combined Arms on Thursday, May 2nd, 2019.


Yeah this has been in for a while now, but maybe became less rare with this update.

The good news is that we fixed this issue already, it will probably be in the next update.

Since its release, the co-op experiences of Combined Arms have been a way for up to four players to tackle intense missions against enemy AI, as well as a way for them to improve skills before heading into multiplayer. With the lates...

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Originally posted by etelmo

Let's add a few more names to the pot...

/u/DRUNKKZ3 /u/lytlb1t /u/_jjju_

Cheers for the tags - shared with the gang.


Originally posted by ForcePlays

I f**king highlighted it 2 weeks ago.

Apologies for having it missed it at the time. Never be shy to /u/ tag us here or fire it at us on Twitter

/u/f8rge /u/braddock512 /u/PartWelsh


Originally posted by Jacareadam

How do I initiate matchmaking for combined arms? I can only start a new game myself.

Just got an update from the team regarding this. Matchmaking will go live on Thursday for Combined Arms.

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by SeeNights

I tried in multiplayer and it doesn't work, so it only works in training mode ! :)

Training for your death then :)


Originally posted by Crabman169

Thank you for acknowledging the issue.

Will players that bought it have their CC refunded or something? It's nothing to uninstall over more just the principal

I'll ask our Support Teams to look into it.